Snow Mishaps [SKZmas Day 6]

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Han had his legs tucked up and the lousy string that is supposed to help steer in both his hands as the two flew down the hill.
Jisung could barely keep his eyes open at the way the snow was flying into his face, hitting his eyes.

"Look out!" Minho shouted as they came hurtling towards a group of people.

Minho reached over Jisung's shoulder and grabbed his hand pulling it hard to the left making them steer out of the way in the nick of time.

As they turned so harshly the sledge tipped making the pair fall out onto the snow. Jisung in turn let out a scream as he went flying face first into the snow, before giving a grunt as Minho collapsed practically on top of him, they were still on an incline and the pair ended up rolling down entangled with each other.

You okay there?" Changbin asked as he was waiting down at the bottom of the slope, watching how the two finally stopped sliding down.

"Ow..." Jisung lifted his head, his hat askew.

Minho pulled himself off the younger and sat beside him, fixing his coat, "Never let Jisung steer Changbin" Minho sighed as he turned to look at the driver.

"I blame the snow" Jisung raised his hands in defense. Minho rolled his eyes as fixed Jisung's hat so the boy could actually see again.Jisung's face turned almost as red as his red nose that was cold from the wind.

"You can't blame the snow" Changbin laughed as he picked up the sledge the boys had been using when it finally reached the bottom after slowly sliding down upside down.

"Watch me" Jisung stuck out his tongue.

Felix sat at the top of the hill waiting for the perfect timing to go, he wanted to make sure no one was in the way, he had a clear view of where he was going, and making sure he wouldn't fall off the sledge.

"Lix you're taking so long" Seungmin whined as he was waiting his turn.

" One sec I need to get my bearings, and I gotta make sure no one is in the way" Felix nattered.

Seungmin glanced at Jeongin who had his arms crossed in boredom. The maknae rolled his eyes and walked behind Felix before pushing him.

"Yah! Yang Jeongin!" Felix screeched as started to go down the hill, trying to steer in and out of the strangers' ways.

Felix couldn't spare any time even thinking about what he was doing, he was leaning left and right trying to not hit anyone.

"Hyunjin Move!" Felix shouted as he saw the dancer standing halfway up the hill trying to take a photo.

Hyunjin heard his name being called and looked away from his phone to see Felix speeding right towards him, he had no chance to move before the sledge was taking him out, he landed right on top of Felix as they continued going down the hill, a much slower pace due to the added weight.

Felix groaned as his back got thrown back onto the sledge, feeling every bump they went over.
Hyunjin clutched onto Felix trying to not get thrown off the board.

"I will kill yang Jeongin" Felix muttered as they two came to a stop.

"I was about to take a great picture" Hyunjin whined as he looked at the now blurry mess of a live photo as he got taken out by Felix.

Changbin and Chan sat at the top of the hill, Minho standing a couple steps down, hand ready to raise.

"Okay, first one to the bottom doesn't have to pay for the hot chocolate on the way back" Minho explained, "also you can bump into each other but if you push each other off on purpose then you get disqualified and the other wins automatically"

Chan and Changbin glanced at each other before nodding.

"Ready.." Minho started, he quickly lifted his hand, "Go!"

Without waiting another second the boys were off. Chan had managed to push himself off harder than Changbin so he was leading, it was still fairly busy and so the two had to steer around others to make sure they didn't crash.
Seungmin was snapping photos of them as they raced from the bottom of the hill along with Hyunjin who was going to judge the winner.
Chan managed to steer away from nearly hitting a group of kids which slowed him down, similarly Changbin had to break with his foot a tiny amount before a kid who was walking across the hill got taken out.

"Who's going to win?" Felix asked as he stood huddled with Jeongin besides Seungmin, the pair were freezing cold, fingertips frozen from the snowball fight they had started among themselves a few minutes before the race had started.

"I don't care, I just want my hot chocolate," Jeongin said through chattering teeth.

Moments later both Chan and Changbin were at the home stretch, it was neck and neck, Changbin elbowed Chan hard to make him lose balance but the leader didn't falter.

"Yah!" Changbin shouted as Chan also nudged him, this time harder than the latter had to him. Changbin tilted to the right, nearly falling, he grabbed onto Chan's shirt as he felt himself drift off course, doing so made Chan also twist the wrong way. The downward force and the twisted Sledges caused Chan to fall into Changbin making them crash down at the finish line.

"Did you see who won?" Felix asked Seungmin.

"No idea but I did get some great photos" He laughed and showed Innie and Felix.

Hyunjin helped the two get up and brush the snow off them.

"Come on Hannie, we need to go down" Minho said as he motioned towards the single person sledge he was currently sitting on.

"I'll walk down it's fine hyung" Jisung shrugged as he went to turn away.

Minho was quick to grab his wrist and pulled him down onto his lap, "We all know this way is faster, besides I know you'd end up slipping and hurting yourself" Minho smirked as he gripped Jisung's waist pulling him flush to his chest.

"H-hyung, I can walk" Jisung stuttered as he felt himself warm up, regardless of the cold weather.

"Too late" Minho chuckled as he pushed himself off the edge, Jisung clutched onto Minho, arms around his shoulders, hiding his face in his hyung's chest. He did not need snow flying in his face again.

The two made it down safely, the other 6 members patiently waiting at the bottom.

"Hurry up i'm cold" Jeongin whined.

"And you were the one mocking me earlier" Changbin scoffed as he unwrapped his scarf and tied it round the maknae's neck, even though he still had Chan's one on.

"Leave me alone" Jeongin pouted," I don't wanna walk"

"What you going to do? Sledge back?" Hyunjin laughed.

"Yep" Jeongin smiled and plopped himself down on the red sledge.

"No one is going to pull you Innie" Han chuckled as he was brushing off the snow that had gotten on his coat from sledging down.

"Let's go and get you hot chocolate then" Chan motioned for the group to follow him, they all bundled together to warm themselves up, despite getting warmth after sledging, the cold was still quick to attack them.

"Yah! What about me!" Jeongin shouted as the group stranded him on the sledge.

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