I sighed, thank god I wouldn't have to waste another 5 minutes earning these weird stares.

Jihyo : " Yeah, I know her chamber's location by heart. How many times have I arrived here? 4 times? 8 times? don't worry Seol Hyun I'll be okay "

After chatting a bit we ended the call. I quickly made my way to the chamber of the only doctor who knew my condition and could help me right now.

upon reaching the door and knocking a muffled voice asked me to come in. I did as I was told, shut the door behind me and glanced around to make sure no one was here so I can take my mask of.

Everything was the same in this place as the last time I came in, the same baby blue and pink colored walls, sweet smelling flowers neatly decorated in a vase, the walls covered with many types of painting but mostly of cute little babies smiling. I looked towards the owner of the room and saw her smiling at me from her desk which was covered with loads of papers.

Dr. Oh : " Good evening, Jihyo. Please have a seat, what would you like to drink? "

The smiling lady in front of me was very beautiful, somewhere around her late fourties maybe but she didn't look any older than 35, even her body was well maintained. Some of her hairs were turning grey and her aura held something calm and peaceful. Such that it will make it easy for you to open up to her well, maybe a bit too well.

She was a great doctor, listener and even a good advicer as a friend.

I returned her motherly smile and plopped down on one of the chairs opposing her, she walked up to her coffee machine and made me some too. Even if I didn't tell her, she perfectly knew what I needed.

Damn, maybe she should have been one of those doctors who reads people's mind. Or maybe she already studied that hence she knew what I wanted.

Her white coat was swaying as she made both of us a coffee. Soon she returned with a cup of divine smelling object. Before I could place a hand on it and take a sip she slammed my hand away.

Dr. Oh : " Test number one failed "

She said in a stern voice and I pouted

Jihyo : " Oh come on Dr. Oh its not fair, you can't keep a cup of this heavenly drink in front of me and expect me not to take even a sip "

I whined and she just raised an eyebrow in amusement and try to be intimidating.

Dr. Oh : " You should know better that coffee is not good for your health in this state Jihyo "

She said and I sulked even more

Jihyo : " One cup won't harm me Dr. Oh, I promise I won't drink any in the night, hu hu, one cup please? "

No matter how much I begged her with my puppy face she didn't even budge. Sighing she set her cup aside and put on a face that said 'lets get back to business'

the one which I hate the most.

Dr. Oh : " So, how have you been these days? any changes in health? "

I sighed and got mentally ready for this interrogation session

Jihyo : " No Doctor Oh, nothing seems to have changed but yeah I feel happy now-a-days "

I said grinning at the memory of my yesterday's date with Daniel. Dr Oh raised an eyebrow in question but decided to ignore it.

Dr. Oh : " and may I ask what makes you think that you are more happy these days? "

Huh? I shot her a confused expression, how am I supposed to answer that?

Jihyo : " Um... well, if I am happy I can feel it right? so maybe that's why. "

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