Chapter 63: Kids say the darndest things

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So, Rory and I had a great vacation. We have been back for almost three months. We are preparing for Noah's second birthday party. Noah has stopped asking when his dad is coming over.

Finn has decided to step back for a few more months and start coming around as Uncle Finn. Noah seems to be adapting to the change very well. Willow is three and a half months old. 

She is growing up so quickly. Our wedding is in ten weeks. We have most of the planning completed Lorelai has been a huge help. She got Sookie to do the catering and cake. She hired a DJ and got the flowers. We sent off invitations two weeks ago. We have received most of the RSVP cards back. 

We had a max limit of one hundred people. Rory invited most of her quirky neighbors from her town, we are having the ceremony at her mom's Inn, and she has already picked out her dress. The guys have gotten their suits, and I picked mine up yesterday.

So, now it's just waiting time for the day. We are going on a two-week honeymoon to Hawaii. Lorelai and Chris are going to keep the kids. Grace and Noah have agreed to attend the wedding.

They video call twice a week and visit with the kids. Grace told Rory on her last call that she was really happy that Rory was happy. She could see the happiness in her eyes. 

Finn hasn't sent his RSVP cards for Noah's birthday or the wedding, and neither has Logan. He is still pretty upset about our relationship. Those are his issues I mean he and Rory haven't been exclusive since she graduated and turned down his proposal. 

If Finn can deal with it and he was married to her and they have two kids together. Then Logan needs to grow up and deal with it. We are in love, we are happy, and we have a great relationship.

I mean we have our little arguments which normally end up with us laughing at what we were fighting over. Rory has been really stressed since I returned to the office full-time dealing with both Noah and Willow is hard.

Normally when I come home, I change out of my suit and then send her off to relax. I take over the kids, she normally goes to the library for a couple of hours and then upstairs for a nice relaxing soak. 

Then we chill out watching tv after the kids are put to bed. We do our best to ensure we have some alone time for ourselves. Rory has really been stressing over her book release which is scheduled for five months from now. 

She will be doing an East Coast book tour from the first week of November until the middle of December.

After the New Year, she will be doing a Southern Book Tour from the Middle of January until the first week of February. She has to be back for Willow's first birthday.

Then she will be doing a Northern book tour from the end of February until the middle of April. 

She will be home for two weeks then her final leg of the tour. Her West Coast tour is from the first of May until the week before Noah's birthday. 

So she will be touring for seven months with a few weeks home between each tour. I had to agree to bring the kids every week for a couple of days to visit her. 

I am super proud of Rory. She has been finished with her book for over a year but has refused to publish it until she could clear her schedule. I practically had to force her to accept this schedule. They agreed to ensure she would be home for important dates. 

I forced her by threatening to withhold sex and surprisingly it worked which really shocked me. I figured she would be like okay I can take care of those needs myself. Honestly, that's what I would have done. 

Two Weeks Later:

Today is Noah's birthday party. I practically had to force Finn to come, but he reluctantly accepted. He has been pretty standoffish and stayed away from Noah. 

A true love Finn's storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora