Chapter 43: Welcome to Parenthood

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Four months later:

Rory and Finn are eating breakfast while Noah is swinging away. He is growing up so fast and starting to look just like his daddy.

Noah is five months old now, and life was hard when he was a newborn. The sleepless nights and Finn and I were on totally different schedules. We were rotating turns when he would wake up at night. 

Noah finally got to a good schedule he goes to sleep at ten and wakes up at six. Finn and I had one date night a week, so we could at least see each other. It felt like we were like two ships in passing. 

Finn returned to work, and he and Julian are rotating travel schedules. So when he travels Noah and I travel with him. 

We spent three weeks in Australia with Finn's family, and I loved it. Mom and Luke come over twice a week to spend time with Noah. 

Tristan and Sarah come over once a week for dinner. As of yet, we haven't been able to go through with their whole swinging idea.  

Robert, Colin, Juliet, and Rosemary also come over once a week for dinner and to spend time together. 

We spent dinner two nights alone and the other night with Paris and Jess. They love Noah, and for some crazy reason, he loves Aunt Paris.

So our life has been really busy, but as far as Finn and I, we are still really strong. Just not enough hours together awake. 

The first night we slept together after Noah was born, I was scared it would hurt or not feel the same. I was so wrong it felt even more amazing. 

Finn and I ensure we make love at least four times a week even if it is just in the shower and we always have our morning coffee together.

I enjoyed our time together when he wasn't traveling, and we could just stay home on the couch, eat junk food, and binge-watch movies. We haven't had a Gilmore movie night since right after Noah was born maybe two weeks after we had him.

He is so stinking cute. I can see more and more of Finn in him. He flirts with the female servers when we go out to dinner. Smiling at them while they coo at him. 

He is perfect. We made a beautiful son. We have had discussions on more kids. We are also planning the wedding of the century as my grandma calls it.

We are getting married again in seven weeks. I finally lost all the baby weight and ordered my dress last week from Miss Celine. 

Finn, Julain, Robert, Colin, Tristan, Jess, and Logan have all been fitted for their tuxes. Yes, Logan is a groomsman since Finn was one for him he felt it only right to ask and Logan agreed. 

Lane, Rosemary, Juliet, Sarah, Paris, and Katrina are my bridesmaids. We also ordered their dresses last week. 

Dad is walking me down the aisle, and we got his tux as well. We are getting married at Finn's hotel and having the reception in the ballroom. 

We have ordered flowers, invitations went out weeks ago, we have hired a DJ, we have ordered the food, and we have hired a photographer and videographer.

So, we pretty much have our entire wedding planned. We are going to Paris, Amsterdam, and Germany for four weeks. We have hired a nanny to go with us. She gets an all-expense paid trip, and we can spend a little time alone.

I can't wait to just have Finn for four whole weeks to myself. He has been so wonderful with the whole parenthood thing. He has helped me with Noah, and when I got sick, he completely took care of Noah.

He is such a great daddy, and he loves Noah so much. Every day he makes sure he spends time with Noah. They have daddy and Noah days. 

I am so lucky to have Finn in my life, and that is why after that night we never discussed swinging with Tristan and Sarah again. I couldn't live with myself if we did it and it ruined us. 

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