(Harry Potter) Ginny Weasley x Fem! Hufflepuff: Request

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Requested by NoelMarootian

Y/N = Your Name
Italics = Flashback

Ginny Weasley and Y/N have been dating for 1 month.

Ginny's POV

I was not one to back down from dares from my friends.

The most recent one was to sneak Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans into Ron's food. I did that and he was gagging so much. It was hilarious to watch. I loved that one.

One that made me feel a little weird inside has to be the one to ask out Y/N. Yeah :/ I still have yet to tell her it was all for a dare.

Here's how I asked her out -

Y/N is sitting in the courtyard talking with Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones.
I walk up and say hi to them all.
We stand talking for a few minutes before I ask "Hi, may I borrow Y/N for a minute?"
They all nod.

Y/N follows me off to the side.
I exclaim "I know this is weird, would you like to go on a date with me?"
Y/N replies "Yes I would like to go on a date with you. We can even go to Hogsmeade next week."
I reply "Perfect! I'm not really a fan of Madam Puddifoot's I have to admit."
She replies "That's fine. I prefer The Three Broomsticks anyways."

I need to find Y/N. She has to know I do like her. What if the truth comes out that it was a dare? I do care for her and my friends knew that going into asking me to ask her out. Ugh I just don't know how to tell Y/N or when to tell her. I just think she'll be mad at me.


Laying out in the sun while butterflies flutter by is amazing. This is the life. I feel great. The only thing that would make it better is being with Ginny. I still can't believe she asked me out. She is my dream girl. It was amazing.

I hear someone uneasily say "Y/N?"
I look up to see Ginny who seems nervous.
Well speak of the devil! Except, she's not the devil. Not at all!
I sit up and say "Hi Ginny. Wow I didn't expect to see you today. It's a great surprise."
She ask "May I join you?"
I nod.
She thanks me and sits down.

I go to hug her and she lightly pushes me away.
I ask "What's wrong?"
She answers "I have something to tell you."
I reply "Okay go ahead. I'm listening."
She says "I was dared to ask you out. My friends knew I liked you a lot. They thought I should be open to dating people and specifically I should be with you. I promise you that I care about you and it's not for show. I just had to have you know."
I reply "Well thanks, but I kind of already knew about it."
She asks "How?"
I answer "Lavender Brown told me. She found out and told me. She said that you were dared. I didn't know that you actually liked me before though. That makes me feel special."
She smiles and says "Aw yes you are special."
Lavender honestly seemed mad that I was going out with Ginny. Her exact quote was "Why would Ginny ever choose you? You!! You small little Hufflepuff! You little lost soul! She would never."
Yeah that was weird for me.

Ginny laughs and exclaims "Wow this went way better than I thought it would."
I ask "Why? You thought I would hate you?"
She answers "Yeah I did. I thought you would think it was all for show and that I hated you or something. I wanted you to know it was real."
I reply "I knew it was real. You don't let just anyone read your dream journal and cuddle."
She laughs and replies "Yeah no I do not."



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