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Harry's POV

"Harry, would you stop daydreaming? They really need your opinion. Which shoes do you want with the outfit?" Jeff snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face.
"Sorry, yeah. I think the white ones are perfect with the white silk" He looked down at his shoes and nodded.
"Good choice. So that's it?"
"That's it" He grinned, perfectly happy with his new choice of outfit. He loved it. Every single facet of it.

"We'll prepare everything and make sure that the outfit will be there, Mr. Styles. Thank you so much" The blonde woman looked at him and smiled widely.
"I have to thank you, Caroline. You've outdone yourself in this short amount of time. Thank you so much. It's perfect"
She just smiled even wider and helped him to get out of the jumpsuit. As soon as he was out of it, he put his other clothes back on and joined Jeff outside the fitting room.
"So we're done for today?"
"Yes. Training and fitting - check. Let's go eat something. It's on me today" His manager grinned and Harry chuckled.
"Well... Basically it's on me then too. I pay you" He grinned back and Jeff exhaled.
"Sometimes you're annoying, you know that?"
"Nooo" Harry just grinned as they made their way to the car. As soon as they stepped outside, lights flashed and people shouted at him. He blinked and followed Jeff to the car but turned around before getting in and waved at the fans. They screamed even louder and he smiled before finally getting in. He would've loved to take some pictures and most of all to talk to them but with all those lights and cameras it wasn't possible.

Harry exhaled as he leaned back in his seat, Jeff next to him.
"So, there's news"
Harry looked at him and frowned. "News? What news?"
"We've been trying to find out who leaked the... confidential information" He started and paused, waiting for Harry's reaction. Confidential information. That's one way to put the fact that everyone knew that he had tried to kill himself. Harry frowned.
"And? What's the news?"
"Police is still investigating. They arrested someone but I don't have any information about him yet except that his name is Matthew and he's 19."
"I want to talk to him" He didn't even know what he wanted to tell that boy. He just needed to talk to him, needed to know what kind of person would do that to someone.
"Harry are you sure? I don't think that's a good-" One glare and Jeff nodded. "Alright, I'll try to arrange that. But it could take some time"
Harry nodded and leaned his head against the window. He watched the houses pass by and thought about everything. One misery happened after another and that wouldn't end until they figured out a way to get rid of Simon - in the most legal way.

Harry looked over at his manager who was typing on his phone. Could he trust him that much? He trusted Jeff with everything. But it didn't end well once his last manager had found out about them. But Jeff was different. He had to be.
"I've got a hypothetical question"
"Hypothetical?" Jeff looked over at him and raised a brow as Harry nodded. "Well, ask"
"Hypothetically.. If I was in a relationship-" Jeff didn't let him finish. "Are you?"
Harry glared at him and Jeff looked at him in apology before he continued.
"If I was in a relationship with a man.." He paused a second and watched Jeff's face. He couldn't read it. And he was scared to read it. "But this man's manger would threaten him if we ever came out.. What could we do against it? Hypothetically, of course"

For a moment Jeff didn't say anything. He looked at Harry and Harry could see that he was thinking about it.
"Well, hypothetically, first I would congratulate you" A little grin appeared on his face. "Then I would have to ask more about the kind of management"
"How does that matter?- How would that matter?" He corrected himself quickly and saw Jeff grinning even more.
"Well if he was in a management contract like you are.. You could fire me at any point. But if he's in a contract with a management like for example you were with Simon Cowell with One Direction - that's another story"
Harry didn't say anything he just bit his lip. And Jeff understood.
"Well I suppose it's the second one then?"
Harry simply nodded and looked back out of the window.

"Harry, look at me" And he did. Jeff patted his arm. "You can trust me. Have I ever done something that makes you believe otherwise?"
Harry shook his head.
"I know you. I support you. I always do. And I know how hard it was to gain that trust after that shitty management with Cowell. You can talk to me, Harry. I'm on your side"
He looked at him and nodded before speaking. And when he spoke, he told him everything. The secret he had hidden behind so many locks over years. But now he was desperate. He wanted Louis to be free like he had always wished for.
And Jeff listened. He looked shocked at several points but didn't interrupt him once. He just listened and when Harry had finished, he remained silent for a few minutes.

"I can't tell you what to do, Harry. At this point I need to see Louis' contracts. And I would need to talk to him. If you are comfortable with both. I can try to figure things out without that but it would be a lot easier if I talked to Louis. But if I overstep a line with that, I won't. You are the boss. If you want to, you can talk to Louis first and ask him if he's alright with it. Most important is that you are comfortable and content with everything I do"
That was the thing Harry loved about Jeff. He did his job as a manager and protected the singer Harry Styles. Simon had done that as well. But when it came to the person Harry Styles, Jeff actually cared about his well-being while Simon had done nothing for him. Harry knew that Jeff would never do something if he knew Harry wasn't comfortable with that. He had his back in times when Simon had let him down again and again.
"Of course. Everything that helps. I'm just- desperate. We both are"
Jeff nodded. "I'll talk to him tomorrow morning if he's available? During your final rehearsal?"
"I'll ask him and text you right afterwards. Thank you Jeff"
"No, thank you Harry for trusting me"
Harry smiled and felt like a small burden was taken off him.
"And Harry?"
"Congratulations" Jeff grinned widely and Harry chuckled while he blushed. This coming out had been a lot easier than what he had imagined it to be.

"Gemma?" He carefully entered her room and closed the door behind. Their mother was downstairs and Harry had no intention of her hearing this yet.
"What do you want Harry?" His sister was laying on her bed and looked up from her book.
"Can I ask you something?" He bit his bottom lip and Gemma frowned.
"When you...were with Liam. How did that feel?" He carefully asked and she looked at him in irritation.
"With Liam? Like- what do you want to know exactly? Is this about girls?" She grinned a little.
"Yes...well, no. I kissed a girl before it didn't feel like this time- it's different, Gem" He sat down on her bed beside her and looked at her.
"You kissed someone else? Who? Tell me, Harry!" She nudged him and he leaned against her.
"No- someone kissed me" He tried to explain but stopped. What would she say? He was anxious about her reaction and bit his bottom lip.
"Come on, tell me. The first time you kissed someone you couldn't wait to tell me about it. What's different? Did a fan kiss you? Without you wanting it?-"
"No, no, no. It's not that" He quickly said and looked at her. "It's- it's a boy" He mumbled and looked away. He couldn't see her face.
"A boy? Louis?"
He turned around. "How did you know?!"
"So it's Louis" Gemma grinned and Harry nodded slightly. "I hoped for that"
Harry couldn't help himself but smile as he blushed. "Gem? I think- I think I'm in love with him"
Now the grin on his sister's face got even wider. "Oh Harry!"
"Shht, will you be quiet!"
Before he could say anything, Gemma pulled him into a hug and didn't let go of him for what felt like minutes.
"I didn't want to ask you before. But I just knew when you both were here. The two of you- that's different. There's something in the air when you look at each other. And you can't get away from each other"
End of Flashback

Hi guys!
Just a quick heads-up that this book is slowly (VERY VERY VERY SLOWLY, don't worry there are LOTS of chapters left) coming to its end. I want to give you guys something back for your support here sooo I will (try to) update every two to three days at around 7PM London time (BST). If I can't update because I misjudged my writing abilities, I'll post a note on my account here.

Thank you for your support. I can't say that enough. I hope you're a little excited for what's coming!
Will Larry have an happy end? We'll never know. All I'll say is that there will in fact be some minor drama ;)
Have a great time. See you in Chapter 79!

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