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Louis' POV

"Daddy? When are we going to see Harry again?"
The question Freddie had asked the last 24 hours over and over again. Normally, Freddie was very open-minded towards people he didn't know but he'd never let them carry him or would sit on their lap. But with Harry everything was different. As always. Louis didn't know what Harry did to children but they loved him. He made them smile. But Freddie loved him even more than those children. He adored Harry.

On their way home, when Freddie had been told by Lottie that Harry was a singer as well - that he even had been in One Direction with his father - he had freaked out. He made Lottie search up his music and the whole ride home they spend listening to his music.
Freddie had even forgotten about his tiredness and after listening to it for two times, he had started singing along to 'Watermelon Sugar'.

"Soon, love. But mommy will come and get you tomorrow because daddy will go on tour"
"With Harry?"
"Yes, with Harry and the other boys"
"Want to go with you"
"You'll join us as soon as we're in the US, darling. But for now we will be in Europe and Australia."
"After Christmas. We spend Christmas day together and then we'll go on the road"
"Want now"
"But your friends would miss you, wouldn't they?"
"Harry is my friend.."
"He'll call you, ok?"
"Promise?" He grinned as Louis nodded.
But this promise meant talking to Harry and that was something Louis wanted to avoid.
When Brianna picked Freddie up the next day, the first thing he told her about was the last evening with Harry. Gladly, she didn't know about the former relationship Louis had had with Harry so she just smiled and was happy that Freddie came along that well with Louis' friends. She had been worried when Louis told her about his plans of taking his son with him on tour. But now as Freddie fancied of the boys, she was happy.

When Louis got on the tour bus the next morning, everyone was already waiting for him. He placed his suitcase next to the others' and sat down on the couch next to Zayn.
"Morning lads"
As soon as he sat down, Harry stood up and left. He went to the back of the bus and closed the curtains behind. Louis bit his lip and looked at the TV.
"Woah, someone's in a bad mood" Niall claimed.
"Maybe he just needs his privacy, leave him alone Nialler" Liam said and gave a gamecontroller to Louis.
Zayn's phone rang and he left, following Harry to his own bed.
"Probably Gigi" Niall grinned.
"Oh probably" Louis grinned back at him, moving his eyebrows.
"Stop that! You both are only jealous that neither El nor Amelia have called!"
"Oh, Payno. You know that's because we have grown-ups as girlfriends and not little girls who're on their phone the whole time. Texting and calling. Our girlfriends are actually busy" Louis grinned even more and Liam hit him on the arm while Niall laughed. Maya and Liam were nonstop texting since they got on the bus.

"Boys, we'll be there any minute"
They turned off the PlayStation and stood up. "We'll spend the night on the bus, right?"
Zayn asked and Liam nodded.
"Yes. After the show in Manchester we'll get on the bus and we'll drive to Cardiff. It's not a long ride but we almost spend every first night on here, remember?" Louis nodded. The nights of the tour had always been special to him. Harry had always slept in his  bunk with him.

Flashback - first night on the bus, TMH tour

Louis couldn't sleep. He looked at the ceiling and breathed heavily. He could hear Niall's snorring and Liam's silent sleep-talk. Zayn had his earphones in.
Louis thought of risking looking at Harry's bunk. He couldn't sleep so after some rollovers, he moved the curtain of his bunk and looked at the curtain opposite of his.
"Haz?" He whispered, waiting for an answer from his boyfriend. His boyfriend. Louis grinned. To call this handsome man his boyfriend was still unreal to him.
"Hazza, boo?" He repeated his whisper.
"Yes, Lou?" Harry's raspy whispering triggered a shiver going through Louis' body as the curlyhead opened up his curtain.
"I can't sleep.. Cuddle?" He bit his lip waiting for an answer. As nothing happened for a few seconds, Louis thought Harry didn't want. He could hear his bedsheet moving and suddenly, the green-eyed boy made his way to Louis' bunk silently. He laid down next to him.

"Sorry, had to put my pants on.." He closed the curtains behind him and pulled Louis in his arms.
"You could've let them off" Louis smirked.
"Oh, that would've made you happy, wouldn't it?" Louis could hear Harry laughing silently. He nodded and placed his head on Harry's bare chest. His arms around his waist, Louis closed his eyes and listened to the sounds he could hear. He focused on Harry's heartbeat and his breathing sounds. He could feel Harry stroking his back and kissing his head.
"I love you, Lou"
It was a short simple sentences but to Louis it meant the world. He kissed Harry's chest. "I love you too, Haz"

End of Flashback

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