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Louis' POV

Flashback - 11th April 2010
"Louis, stop jumping around!" His mother sighed for the fourth time. But he couldn't. He was too nervous, too ready. He just couldn't sit still even if he wanted to
"But I can't mom!" He exclaimed and loosened his tie again.
"You know what? Take a walk to the toilets. Take a deep breath, adjust your tie and when you come back, you'll be ready. Ok love?" She looked at him with her calming smile and Louis nodded.
"Fine" Maybe a little walk wouldn't be bad after all. He wouldn't be up for at least another hour.

Making his way through the halls towards the toilets he watched the other contestants, their families and friends. A lot of talking, laughing and celebrating. Some were leaving already, some of them crying. If he didn't make it, Louis wouldn't cry. That was something he promised himself. No tears, no crying. Just go and find your way.
He hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. Another girl bursted out in tears and he quickly walked to the door. He hated crying. He couldn't see other people cry, it made him sick, made his heart ache.

He opened the door and went inside. There was no one around but a boy at the urinals. He had brown curly hair and seemed nervous. Louis couldn't help but think that he was cute with his grey cardigan and the scarf around his neck.
Maybe talking would be great for both of them. He walked up to him and stood next to him, waiting.
The boy noticed him and flinched in suprise, looking at him with his big green eyes and slipped - pee landing on Louis' shoe.

"Hi" Louis smiled at him and shook his head, not wanting him to be ashamed. "It's fine, don't worry. Shouldn't have come at you like that"
He cleaned his shoe with a paper towel.
"I'm sorry" The curlyhead exclaimed and Louis looked at him. His green eyes seemed worried but Louis didn't want him to be worried. He didn't care. And it was his own fault after all.
"Hi sorry. I'm Louis" He grinned and the boy chuckled. Louis could've slapped himself right after that joke. Why was he like that?

"That was lame, I know, I know" He quickly added and scratched his neck.
"No it wasn't-" The boy started but had to grin. "It was terrible"
They both laughed and looked at each other for a moment. His green eyes were beautiful. Louis noticed that he was shaking nervously and wanted to comfort him. It was a tense situation after all.

"You didn't say your name, curlyhead" Louis smiled and tried to distract him. The boy blushed before he answered. "Harry. Harry Styles"
"Well nice to meet you, Harry Styles. I'm Louis." - "Louis Tomlinson" He added in a mocking way and Harry grinned.

"So you're auditioning too?" The curlyhead asked as he washed his hands and Louis nodded, trying to adjust the tie around his neck. "Yeah"
"Let me help you"
Before Louis could say something, Harry stepped forward and adjusted Louis' tie for him. For a second his hand touched Louis' neck and he bit his bottom lip. Something about him was different from all the other boys. But he didn't know what. He just knew that he liked Harry immediately.

"Thanks, Haz" He grinned.
"Haz?" Harry laughed over the new nickname and Louis shrugged, hoping that he wouldn't get mad. Haz seemed fitting for him, it was a cute name.
"There's no short version of Harry. So I decided to call you Haz" Louis explainedand Harry shook his head in amusement.
"Well ok then, Lou"

Suddenly he wanted to know more about the green-eyed boy. "What is Harry the short version for? Henry, like Prince Harry? Or Harold? Harrison? Harvey?"
"My name is Harry. Just Harry" Harry stated and Louis smiled even more.
"No way. There has to be a longer version"
"I won't tell you that." Harry giggled and shook his head. Louis sighed.

Louis wanted to know more. He wanted to get to know him. He had always been a curious boy. But something about the curlyhead made him want to get to know him even more. He wanted to know where he was from, how old he was. Did he have a girlfriend? What was his favourite song? There was nothing that said as much about someone as his favourite song or book did, Louis thought.

But before he could ask one of those questions, Harry stepped back.
"I should go back, I don't know when it's my turn.."
"Was nice to meet you, Haz. Maybe we'll meet again. I hope for it" He admitted with a smile.
"Me too" Harry smiled too and walked over towards the door.

Now or never, Tomlinson., he thought.
"Oi, Harry? So you have your phone number?"
Harry turned around, his cheeks turning a light pink shade. "Well, I have one. But I don't know it. I just know my mom's" He admitted blushingly and Louis laughed.

"I'll give you mine then. Wait a second"
Remembering the pen in his pocket, he grabbed it and looked for something to write on. Toilet paper was the first thing he saw, so he took a piece and started writing his number on it.
Louis gave it to him and Harry smiled. "In case we don't see each other again. Would be a shame, wouldn't it?" Louis grinned and Harry nodded.
"See you, Lou" Harry exclaimed before exciting the toilets. Louis blushed over the nickname. Quickly, before the boy was out of sight he shouted "Good luck Haz!".

The boy turned around as he walked with a bright smile on his face.
"Good luck to you too, Lou!"
Lou. Louis liked it. And he hoped that they would meet again. He watched the boy as he walked away and around a corner, then turned around to see himself in the mirror.
"Hi sorry, I'm Louis." What the hell was that?
He shook his head, hoping that Harry liked him as well. Even if they had only talked for five minutes, Louis was sure that he wanted to meet him again.
End of Flashback

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