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Harry's POV

The next few weeks passed without any rehearsals. It was only one month until the tour would start. The news was out for two weeks now and the tour had been sold out within a few minutes what was simply amazing.
Harry was glad for not having to spend any more time near Louis. Even though he tried to forget the kiss, he couldn't.
His therapist had told him to speak to Louis. But Harry wasn't able to. He knew that he would say too much. He knew that Louis was in a relationship. And he couldn't forgive him that. That's why he couldn't accept Eleanor's invitation for dinner. He couldn't hate her, she was a dearly kind person and she probably didn't even know what she did to him. What pain she caused him.

At the next rehearsal, Harry got his new outfits and he completely loved the colours. He had tried to go with Simon's wish and not wear feminine stuff. But after all, he still had his style and he hadn't changed that. Simon would have to live with a little pink.
He thanked Tiffany, the stylist, for buying the things and secretly gave her £500.

It was at the rehearsal three weeks before the tour would start. They set up the setlist and talked about the songs they would sing on their own. They would switch between 3 to 4 solo songs. Just as they had set up the list of suprise-songs for each show, Niall bursted out "We should have dinner again, with our families! My mum wants to see all of you again!"
Harry had to smile over his wish.
"Great idea, Nialler!" Liam smiled.
"My mum would love that too, I think. And y'all have to meet Bear!"
"Oh and I never met Freddie!" Niall exclaimed.
Louis smiled too what made Harry's heart beat a little faster.
"Yeah we should definitely do that" Zayn agreed. "Gigi would love to meet y'all"
"Then let's do it. When?"
"What about the day after the first show? Before we drive off? Then they'll can stay in London for the show?"
"Great idea, Li!"
"And where?"
"We could eat at mine again - I mean only if it's ok with you. My mom would love to cook, I think"

Harry knew his mother would kill him if he didn't offer that. She loved the boys and their families and she loved to cook as much as he did. But most of all he knew she missed being surrounded by many people since his stepfather had died.
And Harry had to admit that he loved these meetings too. He still didn't know if he was wanted in this by the boys but he didn't dare to ask so he had to put up with it.

"Really? That's a lot of work.. Harry you don't have to do that"
Liam looked at him concerned.
"No seriously, my mom would kill me if I didn't invite you over. It's fine"
"Ohhh I can taste your pasta and your mom's salads already. I definitely won in life" Niall grinned and clapped and they all started laughing.
So they agreed on meeting at Harry's again. His anxiety made him want to cancel everything not even an hour later - but he couldn't.

Louis' POV

The time flew and Louis didn't even notice with all the rehearsals, fittings and other meetings. What Louis noticed was Harry's change. In comparison to the years before, he excluded himself. He didn't talk more than he should when they all were together.
Louis could see him talking and laughing with Niall and Liam sometimes but he distanced himself from Zayn and him.

Liam did notice that too. At one of the last rehearsals, when Harry was busy with singing, he sat down next to Louis and looked at him.
"What has happened with the two of you five years ago?"
"Nothing, why do you ask?"
"C'mon Lou. I may be dumb but I'm not blind. You two barely talk. You look at each other sometimes but you never talk. You don't make jokes together that aren't funny and you don't run around like children anymore"
"Maybe we grew up, dad" Louis snapped and stood up.
"Whatever happened, you two should move on and be friends again. You friendship was incomparable"
Louis ignored the comment, went outside and lit up a cigarette. The last few weeks his use of the deadly sticks had increased. Thanks to you, he thought, thinking about the boys inside. When he had finished the cigarette, he walked back inside and didn't even look at Liam.

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