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Harry's POV

The show was amazing. The fans were incredibly loud and sometimes they were even louder than the speakers.
Harry had so much fun jumping around with the other boys. He had missed being on stage with them. I'm general, he loved entertaining on his own but doing it with those lads was where he had started years ago. Just five boys. Being on stage together again was like coming home after a very long time. It was where he belonged for the moment. He just chose to enjoy every second as long as it lasted.

The time passed at suddenly the beat of 'Midnight Memories' was played. Harry looked at Niall who already grinned at him. They had worked out a plan before the show.
He started singing his part and they both walked to the edge of the stage. When he was nearly finished Niall gave him the sign that Paul was standing besides the stage and didn't pay attention.
So as soon as he finished his part and Louis started singing, they jumped of the stage together and ran as fast as they could before Paul could even react. The fans screamed and tried to touch them as they ran through rows and up the stairs. They quickly made selfies and hugged fans but when they saw that Paul came behind, they ran up the stairs.

While running they sang along with the other boys. Niall nearly couldn't sing because he was busy with laughing. Harry looked at him - red as a tomato and started laughing. They ran the stairs as high up as possible and stood in between fans. Harry hugged fans and made another set of pictures while Niall sang his solo. Fans hugged and touched his arms as he started to sing his solo. He nearly had no air to sing but he forgot about it. It was the most fun he had had in years. He sang his solo and let out his scream at the end. The fans went crazy everywhere around him and Niall and him sang the chorus together with the fans around them again.
On the screen they could see the other boys laughing until Paul was shown right behind them. They both nearly cried tears of laughter. Without saying a word, their head of security pointed at the stage, showing them their way back.

They made their way back on stage while singing the end of the songs, fans still touching them, making videos and pictures with them. Harry could hear Paul saying something like "And they wonder why they're not my favourites..." and grinned.

As they climbed the stage again, all of the other boys grinned back at them proudly and welcomed them with hugs and handshakes. As Louis hugged Harry and clapped on his back, he felt dizzy. He saw Zayn shortly looking at him with a strange look on his face but he fastly looked away. The show continued and they loved every second of it.

Louis' POV

At the end of the night, Louis had to admit that he felt happy. He had enjoyed being on stage with the other boys so much. Even Harry had acted normally in front of the fans. The tall one even had hugged him and it was one of the best feelings Louis had felt in a long time. But now Harry had returned back in his ignoring-Louis-as-far-as-possible-mode.
As they walked backstage, he heard him talking to Liam. They both were excited as they talked about the fans. Zayn and Niall were talking about the food they would eat now and Louis just smiled happily. For a moment everything was like it had been years ago.

Louis' smile got wiped away as soon as they entered their room backstage. Simon was standing right in front of them. He tried to look happy but Louis knew that he was angry. He knew that look.
"Hi Si!" Niall grinned. He wanted to shake hands with the man but he refused.
"Great show. But what the hell were you thinking?!" He looked at Niall and Harry, furious. "Running off stage like that! As if you were brainless!"
"Simon, calm down. The fans loved it-"
"I do not fucking care what the fans loved, Harold! That could've ended terribly!"
"Ok, Simon. They got it" Liam tried to calm the man down.
"No they didn't! They still find it hilarious. Forcing Paul to run after you like that!"

"Mr. Cowell, it's totally fine. That's my job. The boys didn't mean to harm anyone. It's ok"
"It's not ok, Paul! But as far as I can imagine this was Mr.Styles idea, wasn't it?"
"No, we both-"
"Shut it, Niall" Simon interrupted him and looked at Harry. Louis wanted to stand in front of him and protect him at all costs. But he couldn't.
"Yes, it was my idea. Niall had nothing to do with it"
Louis could tell that he lied through the look on his face. He had been a bad liar always. Harry protected Niall. The Irishman wanted to say something but wasn't able to because Simon started talking again.
"Harry, follow me. I want to talk to you alone."
With those words, Simon left and Harry left with him. He smiled at them as he walked out of the room. Louis wanted to hold him back. He didn't know what Simon was about to do but he wanted to protect Harry from him. He knew what Simon Cowell was able to do and he didn't want him to do anymore to Harry. If it was up to him, Simon shouldn't even look at him.

Thank you so much for your support! I'm beyond happy that you guys love and read this story. THANK YOU for all your votes. But mostly thank you for all the comments. I really enjoy reading your reactions!

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