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Harry's POV

He looked at the floor and finished talking about their breakup.
"He left you for Eleanor?! Without telling you?! You got to know it through Twitter?!"
Harry nodded and played with the rings on his fingers.
"Woah, that's a dick-move. Wouldn't have expected him to be like that.."
He didn't say anything.
"What happened? You didn't forgive him, did you? I will slap him no matter what"
"No, you won't Gem. I didn't forgive him, I just pretend to be indifferent about him. It's just- I just have to admit..I miss being on stage with them. I miss One Direction. And when Simon called" - Gemma gave him a disgusted look when he mentioned the name - "I know.. But.. You know that there are still payments to Modest! I have to pay. And he promised I wouldn't have to anymore if I would go on tour for these six months. It means freedom for me, Gem.. I couldn't turn it down.. After these years and what they did to me- I just don't want to be part of this anymore.."
"I understand that, Harry.. I just- don't feel forced into this. Don't feel or be oppressed.. I love you and I can't see you suffer again and Mom won't either"
"I won't suffer.. Well I won't feel great probably but I owe this to my younger self. I just need to do this to be free and freedom is all I ever wanted.."
"I know. And you know we're proud of you"
"I know. Thank you Gem.."
She placed a kiss on his head, stroked through his curls and Harry felt save. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

Louis' POV

Louis sat on his balcony and smoked a cigarette. His drink stood on the table in front of him and he was in his thoughts.
"Lou! I know what we'll do!"
Eleanor came outside, joining him on the balcony.
"There's nothing we can do, El. It's over. Did you see his look? There was no love, not even jealousy. Just disgust."
"He loves you Louis. That didn't change. It clearly didn't change"
"How do you know?! Eleanor, wake up. He fucking hates me and that's it."
"Have you ever listened to his music? You didn't. If you knew about your relationship, you would know that nearly every song is about you!"
"Tell me one song that's clearly about me! Bet you can't"
"Sweet Creature. Falling. Adore you. I can go on all day. He loves you. He just needs to know the truth!"
"We can't fucking tell him! I'm not allowed to speak about it. And even if I did..He wouldn't listen and he wouldn't believe."
"We'll invite him over for dinner. I will ask him and I won't allow a 'No'. And I won't show up. You'll be on your own and you can tell him"
"It won't work, El.."
"Louis Tomlinson you fucking idiot! Stop giving up. I won't stop so you better try to get him back and fight for him. For over 5 years I listened to your crying and I was there for you. At least you can get your fucking ass up and at least fucking try to get that man back. You two are fucking made for each other!"
"That's the most times I ever heard you saying fuck"
"Yes because I'm tired of this shit!"
"Calm down, I'm in. It won't work but at least I can try.."
"It will work!"

When Eleanor went back inside - after she hugged him and assured him that it would work at least a thousand times - Louis took his phone, plugged in his earphones and clicked on Harry's Spotify content. He was too curious to not listen to the songs El just talked about even though only seeing his picture there made him feel a pain in his heart.
He clicked on 'Sweet Creature' and listened to the song. He swallowed and listened to Harry's voice.
And oh we started - two hearts in one home
They had lived together in an apartment for over two years. They both had moved out of their parents' houses and moved in together. Until today, Louis still missed Harry around. He missed his singing whenever he took a shower or cooked something. He even missed his snorring. The sound of him cleaning - singing aloud and dancing around.
Living with Eleanor was quite the opposite. She was quiet, cleaned after herself and him without being asked to. She didn't like to cook so they did it together most time - one day he cooked something, the other she did and on the third day they ordered something to eat. When Freddie was over they always cooked together. Louis was sure that Harry and Freddie would love each other. Freddie would adore him.

Thinking about his son, he remembered that he wouldn't see him this month. He missed him so much but knew it was the right thing. There was nothing he could offer to him. Brianna could give him a loving relationship, a home and safety. He couldn't. There was no real relationship and it wouldn't be fair to Eleanor if he was living with them. She didn't want to have kids and that was fine. She wouldn't have to look after Freddie even though she always said she loved him.
He didn't even could provide safety for Freddie. There were always rumours and the most annoying thing were paperazzi following around. They still asked whether Freddie was his son. He didn't want him to hear that but he couldn't do something about it. He had accepted that he wasn't a good father for Freddie.
The next few hours he spend on the balcony, smoking and listening to Harry's songs. Listening to the songs calmed him down but it made him feel pain at the same time. Now and then a few tears ran down his cheeks but he let them. He wasn't strong enough to hold them back when no one was watching.

At the next rehearsal, Louis couldn't wait until it was over. He was sure that Harry wouldn't say yes to the invitation but he desperately wanted him to. Today was more of a fitting than an actual rehearsal. He was completely fine with his outfits for the tour and felt comfortable in every single one.
Liam had problems with the size of his shirts. His muscles made his upper body bigger than the team had expected.
Niall was totally fine too, especially his purple trousers made him very happy. Also the shirts they'd chosen seemed to please him. He nearly didn't stop talking.
Zayn didn't say much but he didn't complain, Louis thought he was fine with everything but couldn't stop from teasing him.
"Don't say too much, Zaynii" For which he earned the black haired's middle finger.

The only one that wasn't happy was Harry. Louis looked at him as he talked to one of the stylists. The clothes he wore fitted but they weren't what he normally wore over the last few years. They were his old self. Louis had to admit that he looked gorgeous. He looked hot. He looked like the symbol of sex and womanizer he once was. But it wasn't him anymore.

"What is this? I can't wear that. It's nothing I would wear!"
"I'm sorry Harry. That's just what they told me to get for you.. You don't like it? You look great"
The stylist was young. She looked insecure and was hurt by Harry not liking the clothes.
"Look" He spoke calmly. "The clothes are fine. They're cool. But they're not what I would wear. They're not....me"
"I understand that.. Well, I can change that. If you just tell me what you want, I'll get that for you. I think the management will be fine with it as long as you feel comfortable"
Oh honey, you don't know shit, Louis thought. Management didn't care about one feeling comfortable - at least not regarding Louis.
"That would be great, thank you"
Harry smiled at her and Louis looked away. His smile made him weak.

When they left, Louis made sure to leave some time after Harry. Eleanor would be waiting in the parking lot. As he walked out of the building, he saw them standing near her car. He couldn't hear their conversation so he walked towards them.
"....please Harry. We would love to"
"I'm sorry Eleanor, I can't. I'm...so busy the next few weeks- I just can't"
"Please Harry. Only one evening"
Eleanor looked at him the way a puppy would look.
"Eleanor- I can't. I just can't. I- don't have the time. Thank you for inviting me but- you should ask Niall"
"But you are his best friend, Harry"
"I was once but not anymore"
He turned to go to his car but she took his arm.
"Harold Styles, I'm not accepting No as an answer!"
The way he looked at her made Louis' heart ache. It was a sad but determined look. There was something in his eyes, Louis couldn't recognise. Maybe he was standing too far away, maybe he just didn't know it.
"You have to. There's no other answer I can give you"
"I just can't, Eleanor"
With those words he left her standing next to her car. She was speechless. She looked at Louis, apology was written all over her face.

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