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Harry's POV

Harry sat on the couch, Phoebe and Daisy next to him. Both of them were resting their heads on his shoulders. It was getting uncomfortable but Harry wouldn't say or do anything. As long as they were comfortable he could stand it.
He was looking at the television and chuckled as Gemma giggled over a joke. Harry loved the atmosphere, being surrounded by people he loved was the most wonderful thing in his eyes. He enjoyed laughingly with them over silly jokes and sighed when something terrible romantic happened on screen. He nearly forgot about Louis. Nearly. But it was like a unspoken truth that was flying over his head like a cloud. He wouldn't get used to the thought that the man who was supposed to be his soulmate just wasn't anymore.

"Do you believe in soulmates, Lou?" He looked up at the man who was gently stroking through his hair.
"Soulmates? Like that thing where people are destined to be together and stuff?"
Harry nodded and felt his cheeks heating up as he blushed. Was it too cheesy to ask that?
"I don't know. I believe that some people just match. Like we do. Like a puzzle. We just work out, ya know? I don't know if someone else is as perfect for somebody else out there like you are for me"
A grin made its way on Harry's face. "So you're perfect for me?"
"Don't expect any more romantic shit from me. You know I don't do that. I just love you"
"I know, baby. I know" Harry sighed in amusement and reached up to kiss his boyfriend. Their lips met and the well-known warmth filled his chest immediately.
He felt Louis hand on his cheek and just gave himself to the kiss.

When they let go of each other, Louis grinned.
"Nothing, love. Nothing"
Not believing him, Harry frowned but Louis just kissed his forehead. "I was just thinking about how people think you're actually dating some blondie at the moment. But you're here with me. And no one knows" This time he kissed Harry's nose and he giggled.
"Fans are speculating" He added but Louis just shrugged.
"I don't care if they find out. Because we're soulmates, you know. They can't separate us. We're destined to be together" He wiggled his eyebrows and Harry could help himself but laugh.
"You're such an idiot"
"But you love me"
"Depends" He grinned at him as Louis looked back at him in shock.
"On what?"
"Whether you kiss me or you don't" Harry giggled again and Louis rolled his eyes, a smile finding its way back on the man's face. "Did you actually think I could decide if I love you or not? As if that's up to me at this point. I'm stuck with you now"
"I hope so. Because if you ever stopped loving me I would have to kidnap you. Would have its advantages though. I could kiss you all day and there was nothing you could do about it"
"You can do that now as well. I wouldn't complain, darling" Harry laughed and Louis smiled as he placed his lips on Harry's for a second time.
End of Flashback

"I'm sorry guys, I'm heading to bed now. I'm so tired.." Louis had stood up and looked at them.
"Louis are you ok, honey? You slept so much already" Anne looked at him in concern. If he wanted to or not, Harry was concerned as well. Was Louis feeling alright? Was there something about his behaviour he should've changed? Maybe he shouldn't have been as harsh as he had been.
"No, no, Anne. I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep on tour, that's all. You guys have fun. Night!"
"Good night, darling" Suprised by his own words, Harry quickly looked back at the screen. He could hear Daisy chuckling.
"See you later" Louis answered and Harry thought he could hear a smile.
"Good night, Louis. If there's something you need-" - "I'll let you know. Thanks Anne"
He left and made his way upstairs and  Harry tried to focus back on the movie. Should he follow him? Maybe talk to him? No. It was over. He had made his decision and he wouldn't back down just because his anxiety was kicking in.

"I'm going to look after him and head to bed as well" Lottie stood up and gave them a smile. "Sleep well, everyone. Love y'all"
"Love you too. Sleep well" Harry watched the blonde woman leaving, heard her walking up the stairs and knocking at a door. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked back at the screen. Everything would be fine. Louis would be fine. But that didn't need to bother him, did it?

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