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Louis' POV

What the hell was Zayn thinking? Everything had been fine. Simon had finally achieved what he wanted. Now everything was an even bigger mess than before.
They sat in their dressing room after meeting some of the fans. The girls had already left for the hotel.
As Louis had expected, the door opened and got closed again loudly. Simon stepped in, his face red from anger.
"What the fuck was that Malik?!"
Zayn looked up from his phone, unimpressed. "What do you mean?"
His voice was calm and certain. Louis wanted to tell him how much he had fucked up but he just sat there in silence, not daring to move. He just hoped it wouldn't change Simon's mind about his sisters, El or Harry. He had done everything the man had wanted him to.

"You know damn well what I mean! What is wrong with you? Changing the lyrics like that!"
"It's called equality, Simon"
All of the others were looking at the two men. Simon's face had now turned into a even darker red but Zayn was as calm as ever.

"Don't! you! dare!"
"No Simon, I didn't dare anything. I just sang about two people loving each other, not caring about their gender. It's 2020, grow the fuck up. You can't decide what we should do and what we shouldn't do. You can't decide whom we love"
"I don't know if you realised Malik. But this band is only working because of me. I own you. So stop that shit. Do your shows and in three months this shit is over! I'm so sick and tired of all your shit, honestly. This nonsense on stage, I won't tolerate it anymore!"

Surprisingly, it was Liam who spoke up next. He looked at Simon and Louis knew the look on his face.
"I think you got something wrong, Simon. It's not actually you owning us. You own the name One Direction but nothing more. So what we do on stage is basically our decision"
"Maybe I don't own the four of you anymore. But I damn well own him" His eyes laid on Louis and there was the start of a smirk on his face. "You should really think about what you do and what you don't. This is the last time I remind you of that." He looked at every single one of them before he left the room. "Stop fucking around or I'll put you back into your place"
The door closed loudly again and the five men sat there in silence.

"Great, Malik. Really great" Louis stood up and took his jacket before heading outside to smoke.
He leaned against the wall and lit up the cigarette. Louis wanted to be angry, he wanted to be furious. But he just couldn't stop thinking about the look on Harry's face as Zayn had changed the lyrics. The little grin and the dimples that made Louis heart beat faster every time. It was at this moment that he realised: Zayn had done what he should have done. He had fought for Harry and him. He had stood up to Simon.

Louis exhaled the smoke and watched it rise in the light of a lamp post. He had made his decision. Protect his sisters at all costs. Even at the cost of his own happiness. It was worth it. It had to be. Don't dare to say you did this for us. El's words came back to his mind. He had done it for his sisters and her, hadn't he? If Simon hadn't been there, would he still have broken up with Harry? No. It was just the only way out in his eyes. He couldn't risk the girls' futures. That wouldn't be fair. He had had it all. The famous life, the fans, the money. But at the end of the day they were the ones he had to protect now. That was the only thing he could give them back for their support. He had promised that.

He knew that he couldn't tell them what he had done. He wouldn't. They would just tell him to explain it to Harry, make up with him. He could basically hear Lottie say 'We'll be fine. Don't worry'. But he worried. He couldn't do that. He would tell them he had broken up with Harry because- Because what? Why would he break up with him? Why would he do that? There was no reason he could think of. The man was perfect. The dreamy smile, the bright green eyes that could look into Louis' soul and most of all the brown curls. His kind, open-minded way of treating people, the loving way he saw the world in. Harry couldn't see the bad in people. He would always try to see the good thing in them. And Harry loved him, something Louis would never understand. He didn't deserve his love.

Suddenly the door opened. Harry. The vanilla scent made its way to Louis nose as the curlyhead stepped through the smoke. He was wearing his light brown coat, the one he had bought after Louis had persuaded him to do so because it looked gorgeous on him.
"Zayn didn't mean to-"
"I know" Louis snapped. He hadn't even wanted to snap at Harry that way. Immediately he felt bad as the curlyhead flinched and nodded.
"Sorry" Louis whispered but didn't think Harry would hear.
"We leave in a few minutes, you should come in"
Louis nodded. He saw Harry looking at his cigarette, knowing he wanted him to quit it. Instead of saying something, the green eyes looked back up at him.

"This will be over in two days, ok? You won't see me again, I won't see you ever again. Just let us don't hate each other for two more days, ok? Simon will forget that, don't worry. It's not a big deal. Two days. Can you do that?"
Again, Louis nodded. Two days. Harry nodded as well and went back inside. As soon as the door closed Louis eyes grew wide. You won't see me again, I won't see you ever again. Ever again. What did he mean? He couldn't quit. He couldn't leave, could he? Louis looked at the door in pain. I won't see you ever again.

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