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Harry's POV

When Harry went back to the room, he saw Louis sleeping on his bed. He couldn't help himself but smile. Sleeping Louis was one of the purest things in the world. He seemed so calm. As if he could read Harry's thoughts, Louis started talking in his sleep. He started sleeping fitfully and Harry became worried when he suddenly started sobbing. He sobbed his name. He didn't hesitate, sat down on the edge of the bed and touched Louis' shoulder. "Lou, Louis. Wake up. It's alright, everything's fine"
Louis didn't react and Harry patted his arm. "Louis, wake up!" Suddenly the man woke up and sat up. He looked at Harry and before he could say something, Louis started sobbing again and pressed his head against Harry's neck.
Harry put his arms around him and patted the back of his head. "Harry.." He cried and Harry held him tighter.
"Lou, shht.. Everything's alright.. Shhhht.."
It was like Harry's words only made it worse. He felt Louis' tears on his neck. "Louis. What's wrong?" He looked at him more worried than ever. "Harry.." - He sobbed again - "It's staged.. It's all staged. It never was real.." He pressed himself even more against Harry's chest.
"What?" Harry was irritated. "What is staged, Louis?"
Louis looked up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Eleanor..-" He tried to calm himself down but without success. "It- it's fake. I'm so so sorry.."
"I- what?..!" Harry felt numb. He wasn't sure if he had heard the right thing. Could this be true? But how?
"I always loved you. I always did and I still do, Haz.." He clinged tighter to Harry who still was overwhelmed.
"But- why? How? I- Lou, tell me what happened.." He wiped away Louis' tears with his hands. Louis looked at him, his blue eyes filled with tears as he started to tell everything.

Flashback - 14th of August 2015
Louis' POV

When Louis arrived at the Modest! bureau, he had a bad feeling. In between their concerts in Baltimore, Maryland, and Columbia, Ohio, Simon had requested to meet Louis and Louis only.
As he entered the building through the backdoor, one of Simon's secretaries showed him the way towards the meeting room. She opened the door for him and he entered the empty room. It was a room with white walls and only a huge desk with several chairs in it.
"Make yourself comfortable, Mr. Tomlinson. Mr. Cowell will join you as soon as possible"  The woman left and Louis was alone in the huge room that reminded him of a doctor's office. He poured himself some water in a glass in front of him and sat down waiting for Simon.

After nearly 20 minutes, Simon came in holding a folder.
"Oh that punctual, Simon?" - "I was busy. Louis, mate, how are you?" He pulled him into an awkward hug.
"Doing great, thanks"
"Oh, I love to hear that" Simon sat down opposite of Louis and smiled at him, pouring himself coffee in a mug.
"So, what am I here for?"
He took a sip from his coffee and gave the folder to Louis.
"What's that?"
"Just look through it"
When Louis opened the folder it was full of pictures of tweets and headlines with articles: 'Is Larry real? - 5 reasons why it will destroy both their careers' '@fcklarry: Ugh I don't wanna believe Larry's real. They lost me in that case. Bullshit' 'Why no one will support Larry Stylison - A thread' '@lhstylinson: Prediction. Larry's real and it means the end of it all'
That wasn't even the entire first page. Louis glanced over everything and closed the folder with a bad feeling in his chest. It hurt reading stuff like that. That's not how everyone sees it, Louis tried to tell himself.
"What's about that?"
"That's what's going to happen in case you don't end it, Louis"
"Don't end what?"
"Your relationship with Harry, Louis"
"What relat-" Simon interrupted him. "Don't even try. I know about you both." He paused.
"Look, Louis. Everything I do is to protect the five of you. It's only for the best. In case the public gets to know about your relationship.. It will ruin everything"
"How do you know, Simon? You know nothing!"
"Calm down, Louis. It's my job to know things. It will ruin your career"
"I don't give a fuck about my career. I'm not going to end anything"
"Watch your mouth, Tomlinson" Simon's attitude suddenly changed. "You may not be interested in it but I'm you manager. I'm your boss"
"You think I am scared of you?"
Simon banged his fist on the table and Louis jerked. "What about Harry? What about his career? Does it matter to you? You know how much he loves to be on stage"
Louis bit his lip. Simon was right. Being on stage meant everything to Harry.
"But true fans will support us-" Simon stood up and took his arm aggressively "Five true fans don't bring you success. Wake up!"
Louis freed his arm. "Stop touching me. Stop behaving like you're my father. You're not. I won't break up with him-"
With a smacking noise Simon's hand hit Louis cheek. "I don't give a shit what you want, Tomlinson. You're doing as I say or I will kick your arse to the street. Followed by your lover and you sisters!"
Louis flinched. He felt pain in his cheek but he didn't show. The only thing he felt besides the pain was fear. He was responsible for his sisters, for his family. His mom had risked too much for him to do what he loves to give it up now. And Harry, Harry shouldn't be forced to a life off stage just because he was in a relationship with him. He had to protect him and his family no matter what.
"What- what do you want me to do?" Louis looked at the floor, he couldn't meet Simon's eyes. He was too afraid, too vulnerable and he wasn't allowed to be.
"You will go on a date with Eleanor. You both will kiss and you'll look happy and tell that you both are together. She will be your girlfriend for the next time. For as long as it takes to shut down those disgusting rumours."
Louis looked at Simon in disbelief. "What?"
"You heard me, Tomlinson."
"And- can I at least tell Harry?"
"Didn't you understand, Louis? There's nothing to tell him. You both aren't a thing anymore as soon as you go on that date. You both will have breakfast together on the 24th."
"On the 24th? August?!"
"Yes, Louis. As soon as it was possible to arrange it" Louis didn't dare to disagree.
"What about Harry? Do I tell him-"
"You won't tell him anything. Nothing about this meeting and what we really discussed. You can break up with him, I don't care. Just don't tell him anything. In case you do, it's over, Louis."
In hesitation, Louis nodded. He felt numb. He didn't feel anything but pain.
"You can leave now"
End of Flashback

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