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Louis' POV

When Harry came back, they all looked at him in expectation but he didn't say anything. He changed his clothes into comfortable ones and took his stuff.
"Great show, boys. I'm gonna head home now. Niall, you ready?" He smiled at them and they looked at him even more confused.
"Is everything alright?" Liam asked with raised eyebrows.
"Sure. Don't look at me like that. Everything's fine. You know him. Just a lot of talk for nothing"

Louis didn't believe him. He knew that something had happened but Harry wouldn't tell it.
Niall and Zayn seemed to believe him. Zayn nodded at the curlyhead and Niall took his stuff. He would drive home with Harry again. The Irishman took three sandwiches - one in his mouth - and nodded.
"Wready, Haz. Shee you tomowow lads" Louis had to laugh. Niall was as greedy as always.

Liam didn't say anything. He knew there was something up too but he kept quiet. Nevertheless he looked at Louis and they both knew that there was something Harry didn't tell.
"See you, lads" Harry waved at them and they both left. Louis watched them disappear and sat down on the couch next to Zayn.
"Well that was awkward.." Liam shook his head in wonder.
"If something was up he would tell. Don't worry"

The three of them ate something and played games on the TV, just enjoying their aftershow moment.
They talked about everything and anything when Liam took a chance and looked at them.
"I think Harry is avoiding the two of you. You should change that. Do something against it. You were best friends, lads. I don't even know what happened between the two of you, Lou. You were everything for each other and suddenly when we went on hiatus.. You both didn't speak a word since that day, did you? What happened?"
Zayn looked at him knowing only halfway what that all was about.
"Yeah, Lou. Spill the tea"
"There's no tea to be spilled you morons" Louis snapped.
"Woah, hold your horses, Lou"
That's the moment Liam and Louis both lost it. They started laughing.
"H-hold your horses?"
"He lives on a ranch, Lou. Don't laugh at him. He's used to horses now" Liam laughed.
"Ha ha. Morons" Zayn gave them a deadly look and went on "C'mon Lou tell us what happened"
"I don't have anything to tell"
"Maybe, Zayn. You tell us what happened between you two" Liam stopped Zayn.
"Oh I can tell you that. He said publicly that Harry and he have never been friends" Zayn looked at Louis like he was going to kill him any minute.
"You did WHAT?"
Liam looked at Zayn in disbelief what led to him looking at the TV and biting his lip.
"Yeah I kinda said that.."
"But- you did this for what? It's OBVIOUSLY not true!"
"For sure it's not true.. But I needed to say something publicly that would get attention.. That's what my manager told me if I want to succeed solo.."
"And you decided to come at Harry? HARRY? Who always supported you? Who was the first to be on your side when you left the band? The one on whose shoulder you cried when you got hate? Seriously? And then you didn't even tell him that you didn't mean it?! Oh boy..!"
With every sentence Liam made, Zayn looked sadder.

"I just.. I thought he wouldn't take it personal.. that he would understand.."
Louis couldn't take it anymore. Zayn should've known how much he would hurt Harry by saying something like that. He bashed Zayn on the back of his head.
"I'm the idiot? You fucked him and left him for a girl you don't love"
"You did WHAT?!" Normally, Louis would've laughed over the face Liam made but not now. He was busy looking angrily at Zayn.
"Explanation. NOW. What the fuck did I missed?"
"Oh honey, a lot" Zayn added causing a slap on his thigh by Louis. "Ouch!"
"Louis, stop hitting Zayn and talk!"

Louis was clearly uncomfortable with the situation but he knew Liam wouldn't let him go until he knew everything. In his head he cursed Zayn.
"Yeah, we kinda were a thing-"
"Kinda" Zayn fought earning two deadly looks.
"Since when? How did I never notice? How did Zayn notice?!"
"We were together from 2011 to 2015"
"Would you mind being a little quieter?! Not everyone has to know!" Louis snapped.
"The whole time? How did I never notice?" Liam repeated himself and looked at Louis, still shocked.
"We didn't tell anyone. Not even our moms knew what's up. It all happened behind closed doors. Zayn only noticed because he ran into us in a hotel room once." Louis wanted to stop talking about the topic.
"And why did you break up?"
"Because I broke up with him and got together with El"
"You left Harry for El?!" Liam didn't believe him.
"I said the same, bro. He really did" Zayn shook his head.
"Would you fucking mind your own business, Malik?"
"Love you too, Lou"

Liam didn't let them interrupt him and continued. "Why?"
"Why? We had to hide. I didn't want anymore and I met El. The love of my life"
Harry is the love of my life and I didn't want to leave him, Louis corrected himself in his thoughts.
"Sure, the love of your life. That's why you still look at Harry that way"
"Oh shut up"
"So you're the one who broke his heart" It wasn't a question and this statement made Louis feel sick even though he knew that it was him all along. Liam shook his head. "I always wondered who he had loved that much. But it was so obvious all this time.. And I thought you two were just best friends! Now everything makes sense. Your looks at each other, the hiding.. Oh my goodness..
You don't think Eleanor is the love of your life, do you?"
"She is" Louis tried to sound determined.
"Oh c'mon"
"You cannot really think that"
"Just shut up. Both of you. I love El and that won't change!"
"And what about Harry?"
"Harry is a good friend. That's all! Nothing more and nothing less!"
"Suuure" Zayn gave Liam a look and Louis stood up.
"You know what, fuck you. El and I are together and that won't change. See you tomorrow. And don't even dare talking to Harry about this!"
He took his stuff and left without saying another word.
He knew they were right.

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