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Harry's POV

"GOOD EVENING SYDNEY" Niall screamed into the microphone as the beat of 'History' ended.
"We're One Direction in case you didn't know that" Harry added with a smirk earning screams.
"You look STUNNING tonight, Sydney!" Liam grinned and walked around the stage. They started singing 'Up All Night' and Harry was already sweating like all five of them.

Halfway of the show, the suprise song was up next to come. Suddenly Harry realized what night it was. 'If I could fly'. He swallowed. Maybe it was the exact perfect time for the song. But he was afraid. He had written the song about exact this situation. Opening up to someone, showing him all your scars and mistakes without knowing if they'll leave you for your flaws. Praying that they won't leave when they see you with all your insecurities. Last time, Harry got left.

The five boys sat down on the stairs of their star point, each one for himself but they were close to each other. Harry and Niall both got a guitar - one achievement Harry was proud of: He learnt how to play the guitar. Niall still claimed it was his achievement as well because he "taught him how to play".
The blonde, moreover brunette now, looked at Harry and he nodded so they both started playing. It was Harry who had the first verse. He closed his eyes and started singing:

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to

Liam joined in and Harry opened his eyes to see the crowd waving around their flashlights.

Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

Harry forced himself to not look at Louis as he sang the refrain on his own. He had to hold himself back from crying. Vulnerable was everything he was at this moment. He looked at the fans who sang along, some of them crying.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

When Louis started singing the second verse, Harry got goosebumps. He allowed himself to look at him for a few seconds. Yeah, absolutely for his eyes only, he thought.

I've got scars even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing

As Niall started singing, Louis suddenly looked back at Harry, their eyes meeting. Tears where shimmering in both their eyes and Harry looked away. He was afraid of showing his feelings. Of falling again. Of being defenceless again.

Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

All four joined Niall singing the chorus. Harry looked at him and gave him a little smile as he looked irritated over Harry's emotion.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

As Louis, Zayn and Liam started singing, Harry couldn't help but look at Louis. He was afraid of his next solo line. Harry knew that he would cry if he looked at him. But somehow he couldn't look away.

I can feel your heart inside of mine, I feel it, I feel it
I've been going out of my mind, I feel it, I feel it
Know that I'm just wasting time

When it came to that line, Louis eyes met Harry's again. Both of them loosing tears. They both knew that Harry had written the song about themselves. It was the most vulnerable line of the song and Louis had done what Harry was most afraid of. He had run from him.

And I hope that you don't run from me

Normally, it would be Zayn's next part. They had said that before. But Louis didn't give a damn. He wanted to sing those next lines. It was as if he wanted to tell Harry something with it.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart

It was magical. Their eyes still were locked with each other and Harry joined Louis. They sand the next few lines together. The others kept quiet, somehow knowing that it was their moment and their moment only.

For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half for me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only

When the other boys joined them, Harry suddenly started to notice that Louis and him weren't alone. For those past seconds he had forgotten about every other person in the room.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half for me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

Harry wiped away his tears as he sang the last line. He didn't give a damn about the obviousity of the situation. It didn't matter to him. It was just Louis and his moment. He sang the last line and everyone in the room could here his emotions.

For your eyes only

When they left the stage for a short break afterwards, Harry was walking in front of Louis but behind the others. Suddenly, Louis took his arm and pulled him in a storeroom.
He closed the door behind them and locked it. Harry looked at him confused.
"Louis, what-" The blue-eyed man interrupted him. "Shhhht"
He looked up at Harry, who was taller than him. He pulled his head a little down so he could reach his lips.
"I'm not gonna leave you ever again. We'll get through this" With those words he placed his lips on Harry's.

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