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Harry's POV

Harry couldn't stop his mother from scurrying around. She was nervous and had been cooking and preparing dinner with him all afternoon long.
"Harry, did you put the saladbowl and the desserts in the fridge?"
"Mom. For the third time. Yes I did. You have prepared the dressing as well and the sauce is ready too"
"So many people! What if the food won't be enough?"

Gemma sighed at her mother's worries for the second time. She sat on the counter not doing anything but looking at her phone the whole time. "Mom. It will be enough. More than enough. Calm down and sit down"
"Exactly" Harry agreed with his sister. "Not even Niall will be able to eat all of that"
Anne still wasn't convinced but she nodded.
"Oh darling, are the drinks on the table? Did you have enough glasses?"
This time it was Harry sighing. Gemma gave him a smiling look and rolled her eyes. "Yes mom. Sit down, will you?"
His mother sat down but jumped as soon as the doorbell rang a few seconds later. Gemma and Harry gave each other another look and stood up as well.
"And please Harry, for god's sake.. don't tell any jokes" Gemma looked at him and he gave her a grin. "I can't promise, my jokes are legendary"
"Legendary bad you mean" His sister answered earning a bad look from him.
Their mother had already opened the door and they heard people coming in. Harry recognised Zayn's voice and Niall's laugh as well as some feminine voices.

The inner door opened and Anne came in with Niall, his girlfriend Amelia, his mother and his brother Theo as well as Zayn and his pregnant girlfriend Gigi.
Harry welcomed all of them with a hug and Gemma followed behind.
His sister was hugging everyone except for Zayn. She barely looked at him. Harry gave her a look and she greeted her brother's bandmate quickly but unwillingly.

They all chatted a little and sat down, Anne getting them something to drink. While Gemma was talking to Gigi and Anne was busy with Maura in the kitchen the doorbell rang another time and Harry got up to open the door.
As he opened the door his jawline nearly dropped. In front of him was a little version of Louis. The boy looked exactly like his father who was standing right behind him. Harry didn't even realize Eleanor and Louis' sisters standing next to him as he got down and smiled at the boy.
"Hi! You must be Freddie, am I right?"
Freddie grinned and nodded excitedly.
"I am. And you're Harry. Daddy talks a lot about you"
Harry smiled back at him, surprised to hear an American accent. "Oh, I've heard a lot about you too, little man"
He let them inside, got hugged by Eleanor and simply exchanged a nod with Louis before hugging Lottie, Daisy and Phoebe.
"Oh, Haz, I've missed you" Lottie smiled at him and hugged him even more.
"Haven't seen you in a while. You girls are getting more beautiful each day!" He looked at her as she laughed with the twins and smiled.

They joined the others and his mother was so happy to see them. She adored Louis sisters. "Louis, where are Doris and Ernest?" "They stayed with their dad but I couldn't hold those three back from coming here. They just love their Styles/Twist fam"
Anne smiled happily over his comment. They really belonged to the family in her eyes. She hugged the four of them. "I missed you so much"

Not even twenty minutes later, Liam, his fiancée Maya, his son Bear and his parents had arrived too. They sat around the table and everyone was talking while Anne, Harry and also Maura, who couldn't be stopped from helping, brought in the food. Both Bear and Freddie wouldn't stop from following Harry around. He had to admit that it didn't bother him at all. He already loved them with all his heart.
As soon as everything was placed on the table he helped each of them both in their seats and they sat down.

The whole dinner Harry nearly only talked to Freddie and Bear. Moreover he listened as they didn't stop talking to him. He got to know that Bear was a huge Frozen fan. The brown haired boy loved being with Liam and Maya because they made him have the best time.
When it came to Freddie, Harry couldn't unsee Louis in him. He looked exactly like his father and Harry adored him. The smirk on Freddie's face was exactly the same that was on Louis' all the time. The blue of his eyes was the same light blue that was in his father's eyes. Even his hair was exactly the same only the colour was different.
The only thing that didn't fit was his American accent. He talked completely different than Louis. But like his father the little one talked a lot.
When nearly everyone was finished - for Anne's relief the food was enough - only Niall and Freddie were still eating. Niall because he was at his fifth plate and Freddie because he didn't stop talking.

"Love, you should eat. Harry will be there the whole evening. But your food will get cold if you don't eat it" Louis gave his son a smiling look and patted his head while Freddie rolled his eyes with sass - the same way Louis always did as Harry noticed with a smile.
"Your dad is right, little man. But your food won't get cold, Niall will eat the whole thing if you don't eat it"  Freddie looked at him and at Niall with his eyes widly open in fear and began to eat what caused that they all started laughing.
Harry smiled as he looked around but suddenly his eyes met Louis'. It was like the world stopped for a moment.

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