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Louis' POV

When they landed, Harry was the one sleeping. Louis didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful.
As the little plane touched the ground, Louis carefully ran his fingers through Harry's curls.
"Haz, wake up.."
He didn't react but Louis had known that he wouldn't. Harry had a deep sleep when he was at ease. Louis kissed his cheek. "Hazza. Wake up, we landed"

He hummed and Louis smiled even more. "Hazza. Please wake up, love" He stroke his cheek and Harry finally blinked.
"Hmm? We're there?" His raspy voice caused shivers running down Louis' body.
"Yes, we are. You have to get up, love.. I'm sorry"
Harry looked at him, rubbing his eyes. "Don't be. It's fine" He sat up and gave Louis a little kiss.

Louis didn't let go of him, he pulled him closer and kissed him back. He didn't want to go out there. Didn't want to face tomorrow.
"Louuuuu" Harry hummed, freeing himself. "We have to go, darling"
Louis sighed "I know.. I don't want to go out there.."
Harry took his hand. "I'll be there. We'll get through this"
"Promise?" Louis looked at him, scared.
"Promise" Harry gave him a soft smile that made Louis feel better immediately. He knew he wouldn't let him alone.

They got of the plane and were picked up by the security guard Paul had organised. They sat in the car quietly. Louis held Harry's hand and never let go of it. He had the feeling he wouldn't survive if he did. Harry's thumb stroke over Louis' hand, calming him down. It was one of those little gestures he did that made Louis feel better. That made him feel loved.

"Your family knows we're coming. They're very happy to see you again. Especially Ernest and Doris. Lottie had them all coming over. She said I should tell you that"
"Them all?" Louis looked at Harry with wide eyes. He nodded insecurely.
"What's wrong?"
"That will be the first time we're all together since Mum and Fizzy-.. I mean we met of course. But we never had dinner or something..-"

Harry's eyes looked back at him, he was worried. "Do you feel comfortable with that? Do you want me to make up an excuse so we can leave. The jet still has to be -"
Louis gave him a little smile. Harry was way too cute. He was overthinking everything, always worried he did something wrong.
"It's fine, boo. I- I want this evening with my family"

Harry smiled facilitated. "Great. They will be more than happy to see you. Lou, if you want me to go and come back tomorrow or something- Like, if you want to be just with your family, I can totally do that-"
Louis interrupted him. "Harold, would you shut up now? You are part of this family. They will be more than happy to see both of us"
He squeezed his hand and Harry smiled. "I love you"
"I love you even more" Louis earned a bad look from Harry.
"That's not even possible, darling"
Louis smiled and rolled his eyes. "My overdramatic baby"

Soon, the car pulled up in front of the house his family - moreover Louis - owned. They thanked the driver and security guard and Louis noticed Harry giving him a bill. He knew that the man had already been paid, that was how it worked. But Harry was generous around other people always. He was the most generous person Louis knew and it was one of the million reasons why Louis loved him.

They left the car and took their bags, making their way towards the front door. Harry didn't even have to ring the bell, the door opened only a few seconds after they had left the car. Phoebe and the little twins ran up to them, Phoebe hugging Harry and the little ones hugging their big brother. Louis got down to his knees and hugged them back. He placed kisses on both their heads. "You guys grow way too fast"

They giggled and Phoebe sassed "A few centimetres and they'll be as little as you"
Louis heard Harry's giggle and suddenly forgot his sassy answer. "I love you too"
Phoebe grinned and hugged him.

In the meantime Harry was welcomed by Doris and Ernest. They helped him carry the bags inside and as Louis got inside too, he saw how Lottie hugged his boyfriend. She looked so happy to see them again. As they parted, Harry was welcomed by the rest of the family. Literally everyone was there. And everyone loved Harry. As they should, Louis thought smiling.

As she hugged her brother, Lottie whispered "It's so good to have you here. I missed you. And I need you"
Louis patted her back and held her tightly, answering quietly "We'll get through this. It's alright. She watches us"

As Lottie left his arms and Louis noticed tears in her eyes, he wanted to say something but Lottie took Harry's arm.
"Come on, I'll show you your room. So you can get rid of the bags, Haz"
He smiled at her and they both took the bags, leaving Louis with his family.

"Please tell me it is what it looks like" Daisy looked at Louis, only the two of them were left standing in the hallway.
"Well, you have to tell me what you're talking about" Louis answered.
"You and Harry, obviously. You idiot. Is it what it looks like?" She rolled her eyes.

"Well, how does it look like?" Louis grinned, teasing his little sister.
She hit him on the shoulder. "It looks like Larry is back"
"Back?" Louis looked at her, irritated. She hadn't known about the two of them before. Did she just assume things?
"You really think you could hide a relationship from us? Especially a relationship with Harry?" Daisy raised her eyebrows and Louis had to smile.

"I thought we were hiding it"
"Stop thinking, fool. Doesn't get you anywhere" She sassed, patting his back. "I'm happy you finally found each other again. It was horrible seeing you in pain. Glad that's over. Now I can finally stop reading Larry fanfiction" She smiled even more.
"You read what?" Louis looked at his sister in shock but she just grinned and followed the others behind inside.

The rest of the day passed faster than Louis wanted it to. He never had imagined the atmosphere in this house could be that happy again. But it was. It was a genuinely feeling of happiness and he loved every single minute of it.
Spending time with his family was everything to him and seeing them happy together made his heart feel a kind of warmth that he never imagined he could feel again. Surely they missed two souls. But Louis felt like his mother and his sister were around. He could feel their presence, he knew they were there somehow. They watched over them as they ate and laughed. As his sister roasted Louis for the hundredth time. As Harry laughed with them. As Mark joked around with the twins.
They sat together and Louis forgot the world around them. It was just family.

When he looked at Harry, having Phoebe on his lap, Louis smiled. The curlyhead looked back at him and their eyes met.
"It's time for my bed now, c'mon guys" Mark stood up, being followed by nearly everyone else. They said their goodnights after a few protests from Ernie and Doris and left.

It was nearly midnight and it was only Louis, Harry, Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy left. They sat together enjoying each others' company. It reminded Louis of the days years ago. Sitting around the table with his mum and them, talking about everything and nothing and having the best time.
Suddenly Lottie raised her glass, looking at the time. Midnight. "Toast to you mum. We miss you"
They raised their glasses in silence, thinking of their mother. Louis drank something, pressing his lips together. They sat in silence and he held Harry's hand under the table.

"She's proud. Of every single one of you. She's watching over you all the time. And she knows she left but she also knows she did the best job a mother could do by raising you. She knows you're the best you can be and  she knows she could leave you because she knew that all of you are incredibly kind and loving. She's proud. I just know that"

Harry broke the silence, looking at them. It wasn't something he had planned to say, Louis knew. But hearing those words from someone like him, made him cry. And he wasn't the only one.
"Thank you Harry" Lottie said, in tears and hugged him. The twins followed behind and they all hugged him for a moment. "I just know she loves you so so much"

They spend another hour just sitting there arm in arm, telling each other stories. It was sad but Louis knew that that was what life was about. He leaned his head on Harry. Life wasn't about being happy all the time. It was about ups and downs. But what was important were the people you spend those moments with. Knowing that when times got tough, you had a safe haven you can turn to. And he had one.

Hi everyone!
I really struggled whether I should include this chapter or not. I obviously did. Please keep in mind that I don't want to step over any line. Death sadly is part of Louis' life & I wanted to include it for that reason.
In case there should be a problem please contact me!
All the love <3

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