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Prepare yourselves, loves :)

Louis' POV

Louis took off his shirt at the same moment as someone was knocking at the door. "Yeah come in"
He looked at the door as it opened and faced Lottie. "Lou? Do you have a second?"
"Sure, sit down. As long as Harry isn't here to sleep, it's fine" Wondering and already worried, he sat down on his side of the bed and pointed at the place next to him.
"He's still watching the movie"
The blonde closed the door and sat down next to him. Without waiting any longer she looked at him.
"Stop hiding"
"What?" He furrowed his brows and looked back at her. His heart was pounding. Don't give in, Louis. Don't tell her. She wouldn't let you protect her.
"You know exactly what I mean. You don't think I wouldn't notice that something was off? There's something wrong, I just don't know what it is. So tell me"
"There is nothing, I'm just tired. Touring was exhausting and I miss Freddie.." He did miss the boy. He had never been that long away from him. Even though he knew that he would see him in February, he still missed him like hell.

"Louis." She looked at him and furrowed a brow. He knew that she wouldn't give in. And to be honest with himself, he didn't want her to give in. He just wanted to tell her. Even though it was a risk. He just couldn't hold it back anymore. Even if he wanted to. It was too much. Louis felt awful. He felt guilty and lonely. He hated himself more than anything else for what he had done to Harry. The things he had said, it was too much. He was so sick of pretending something that wasn't there in front of all the people he loved, so sick of playing this role. So finally he broke down.

"I fucked up, Lottie.." He covered his face with his hands and couldn't explain further. He just sat there, desperately trying to hold back the tears, not looking at her through hiding his face.
"That's nothing new, babe. You do that all the time." She teased at first and placed her hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong Lou? Talk to me"
"That's the fucking point! I shouldn't talk to you! I should be fucking there for you, not the other way around! I promised it to Mum!"
"Oh DAMNIT Louis! When will you fucking understand that you are not responsible for us. You're expecting way too much of yourself. I am your sister. You can talk to me Lou"
Louis looked at her and bit his lip.
"Talk to me. What is wrong?"
"I- Please don't hate me.. I- Oh Lottie.." He stopped for a moment to get himself together. "So- In Melbourne, Simon wanted to talk to me. He had found out about Harry and me. And you know what he thinks of it.." He could see Lottie rolling her eyes and shaking her head in anger as she listened to him, her hand now holding his. "He wanted me to end it. If I didn't end it, he would kick all of us out. Not only me and my contract but you too. He would get your agencies to kick you out and- I couldn't let him do that, Lottie.." A few tears streamt down his cheeks as he looked at her, her eyes wide in shock.

"Please tell me you didn't break up with him - Lou?!"
"I did what I had to do to protect you"
He could hear her breathing heavily. She didn't look at him and Louis was scared. He didn't know how she would react. He knew she was angry but he couldn't say what she would do.
"I'm sorry, Lot.."
"You should be! Louis why did you do that.. You- I haven't seen you as happy as you were with him at your side in ages. You two are made for each other. Your heart beats for that man. You always want the best for us, always put us before yourself. And I'm thankful for that. Most times. But now I just want to punch you in the face. Why didn't you just..talk to us? Talk to Harry? You always fight your battles on your own. When will you get that you don't have to? That there aren't only two options? We would've figured something out.. Oh Lou.."
He bit his lip and looked at his feet, trying to hold back more tears.

Lottie gently wiped away his tears. "I don't care if he wants to kick us out. If he does, he'll mess with the wrong family. I'd rather work at McDonald's than work for an agency that kicks me out because my brother is gay. Besides that it is highly illegal what Cowell does- you don't have to do what he says. If we really want it, we'll find another agency. You'll find another label and management. We'll kick his ass"
"But it doesn't change anything at this point, Lottie.. I fucked up. You should've seen him when I ended it- what I said- it wasn't fair. I broke every promise. Again. There's no chance he'll take me back.."
"You won't know if you don't talk to him. He'll hate you. But I think he'll understand. It's Harry, Louis. Not some stranger. He's just like you. He pretends that everything is alright just to make his family happy, not caring about his own heart. He'll understand"

Louis put his arms around his sister, embraced her tightly. She hugged him back and he closed his eyes.
"I am just scared, Lot. Scared as hell. I- I don't want to lose him. Or ruin your lives.." He mumbled and she sighed.
"Lou. You won't ruin anything. The twins are 16! There's so much more for them to come. As well as for me and you. We'll be alright"

Louis knew she was right. But it felt wrong to be that selfish. But he deserved happiness, didn't he? At some point this all had to end. The pain, the suffering, the desperation. He couldn't suffer the rest of his life just because he didn't have the balls to stand up for himself. He would kick his sisters' asses if they would do something as dumb as he had done, he was sure. So he would have to have the balls to tell Harry he fucked up. After all he was the only person he loved this way. And Louis was sure he would always love him. Only him.
"I'll talk to him"
"As you should"

They parted and Louis looked at her. A little smile on his face. "When did you grow up that much?"
"Oh, well someone had to grow up" She grinned and he rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut up!" The smile grew wider and he showed her his middle finger.
"You're so grown-up, Louis" She giggled and stood up. "I'm going to bed now. And you wait for your prince. You'll have a lot to talk about"
He nodded and took a deep breath. "You think he'll forgive me?"
"I'm sure. But you'll have to explain it to him first. Everything Lou. Stop hiding things from him. Show all of your cards. Harry'll understand"
"What will I understand?"
They both hadn't heard the door opening. Harry was standing in the doorframe, looking at them frowning.

"I'm gonna- let the two of you talk" Without saying anything else, Lottie left the room and closed the door.
Louis didn't say anything. He watched as Harry walked over to the closet and started changing. When he had finished, he walked over to his side of the bed. Get your shit together, Tomlinson. Now or never.

The curlyhead looked at him as he sat down opposite of him. "Yeah?"
But Louis couldn't say anything. He just couldn't get the words to leave his mouth. There were thousands of things he wanted to say. But not a single one got out of his mouth.
"Yes Louis?" He looked at him, his eyebrows raised. As beautiful as ever. Louis saw the bags under his eyes. He noticed the tired look on his face. But it didn't matter. To him Harry would always be the most beautiful man. Without thinking he just leaned in and placed his lips on Harry's.

Harry tasted like vanilla. He always did. His lips were soft but Louis could feel the spot the man always bit on. When Harry kissed him back, Louis hand found its way to the back of Harry's head. Suddenly Harry pulled away. With a smacking noise his hand met Louis' cheek. Immediately Louis felt the pain in his face. He felt his skin heating up. He had deserved it, didn't he? Wrathfully Harry looked at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

Did I promise too much? :)

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