Minsung- Rags and Royals

Start from the beginning

There was a loud clap to gather everyone's attention. It went silent immediately. Everyone new the drill.

"Right everyone in places with their food we need to serve"  Changbin ordered.

This time the rush was a lot more organised, this was something they had done hundreds of times.
Jisung took his allocated spot at the very end like always.

As soon as Jisung was in the queue they began to file out into the main hall.
It was packed. The grand table was slightly raised and there were rows of guests down on the slightly lower ground.

Counting his steps unconsciously Jisung had perfectly timed his entrance to stand besides the Prince before placing down his food.

The ladies in the hall were right.
Minho looked stunning.

As Jisung was placing down the bowl the Prince had moved his arm to allow the stew to be placed in front of him accidentally knocking off a bread roll.

"Sorry" he let out a short gasps as he quickly and quietly apologised.

Jisung didn't say a word as he picked up the roll. That's when he had the ingenious idea of teasing Minho.
It had been a few days since they had last seen each other as so a little tease wouldn't go amiss.

When Jisung grabbed the roll with his right hand he let his left hand go and rest on Minho's leg just above his knee.
Jisung smirked as he felt Minho's leg tense up slightly before relaxing again just as fast.
The boy slowly stood up, as he did the hand he had resting against Minho's leg slowly moved up his thigh.

"Ji..." Minho let out a quiet warning to the boy.

Right as Jisung got near the Prince's crotch he stood up and gave a bow slightly exaggerating.

"I'm sorry your highness, forgive me" Jisung held in the smile as he bowed.

"You did that on purpose" Minho turned his head slightly as he talked quietly.

Jisung poured Minho his goblet of wine.

"I have no idea what you are talking about your highness" Jisung chuckled lightly before walking away to his station just diagonally behind Minho so he could keep an eye on Minho in case he wanted something  and the guests incase anything suspicious went on.

The evening went fairly smoothly nothing too drastic. Jisung was called over to Minho a few times to take away his empty plates and to refill his water. They weren't suppose to converse during this time, and they didn't until Jisung was taking away Minho's dessert.

"Upstairs balcony in 5"

That's all Jisung needed to hear before giving a quick bow, he left the room as more staff escorted the guests into the ball room for drinks and dance.
Quickly discarding his chef Apron the boy was left in the royals colours and leather pants with daggers hidden away.

"Felix" Jisung caught the youngest attention as he rushed over to him near the entrance of the main hall.
"Please keep people off the 2nd floor balcony"

Felix rolled his eyes and turned away from Jisung as the two made their way into the ball room.

"It's always me covering for you, can't you at least do the same for me and Chan Hyung? The amount of times we get caught in a spare room he was suppose to be cleaning and changing the covers for is embarrassing. At least it's usually Hyunjin who catches us and not Jeongin because that would be a disaster"

The pair followed behind all the guests hands on their weapons as precaution.

"Okay fine next time I will if I'm not busy, but you know how Minho gets, he's always hungry" Jisung whine lightly.

"Yeah hungry for you, not food" Felix scoffs.

They reach the turn off point for Jisung to make his way to the balcony.

"If Changbin asks I'll say you didn't feel well and so you went to get fresh air" Felix gave an excuse and the two nodded to each other before going their separate ways.

The servant was quick to rush up the stone stairs to the balcony which over looked the gardens. Not the best place to meet as on the other side of them was the ball room and security was tight but because Minho was Prince he was able to get away with getting rid of Guards and only having an advisor follow him around. Although Seungmin wasn't the greatest adviser he did help keep the secret between the Prince and the Servant.

Jisung was up there first so took his time to walk to the balcony and lean out to have a look at the view. It was a full moon and the stars were shining brighter than usual. Maybe it was because the pollution hadn't been as bad as usual.. Either way Jisung didn't hear the Prince sneak up behind him before he was brought into a back hug.

Out of reflect Jisung had gone to grab his dagger but soon ceased as he recognised the fruity smell of Minho and the familiar arms around him.

"You know that wasn't nice of you to tease me like that Ji" Minho chuckled.

Jisung smiled and looked down before turning around in his lovers arms. He wrapped his arms around the prince's neck.

"We hadn't seen each other in a few days can you really blame me?" Jisung pouted.

Minho looked down and let out a small sigh before looking back at Jisung. "Didnt I tell you that you can spend the night in my room if you really want"

"Well-I... yeah you did... but personally I don't trust your personal staff"

Minho let out a laugh, "Ji you're also personal staff"

Jisung pouted more and pushed Minho's chest playfully.

"You know what I mean" 

"Besides do I do this with any other personal staff?" Minho spoke before leaning in to kiss Jisung.

The younger immediately followed and the two quickly began to speed things up.
As their lips clashed together Minho pulled Jisung forward by his hips so that they were closer, he also pushed Jisung slightly back so he was leaning against the stone balcony barriers.

As he did so Jisung let out a light groan opening his mouth which allowed Minho to deepen the kiss. Jisung's hands slowly moved from around Minho's neck, down his arms until they reached his waist. Right by the hem of his shirt.

Minho forced one of his legs between Jisung's to try and get closer.

"Now look who's teasing" Jisung let out as he took the short break to catch his breath. It was short lived as Minho grabbed his neck pulling him back in as he sucked on the fresh skin that was revealed when Jisung's green shirt was pushed to the side.

Just as the younger went to move his hands under Minho's shirt a bang was heard.

Within seconds the pair were a good few feet from each other frantically fixing themselves. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes catching their breath just to check is anyone really was there. Jisung playing with the handle of his dagger incase he needed to protect the prince.

The first to let out a small laugh with Minho. Jisung shortly followed after.

"I knew here was a bad idea Min" Jisung took hold of the prince's hand.

"Let's go someone else your majesty" Jisung said as he pulled the Prince as he walked backwards and gave a wink.

The next day Minho's personal staff where definitely in for a shock.

I didn't mean to write so much but I actually loved writing this so much! 🥰 I hope you liked it!

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