RS = The Guardian Accident

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Hypnotized nodded in agreement, resting his hands against the edge of the casino table and leaning most of his weight on it. “It sure will indeed.”

Keralis, one of the five hermits that was actually playing, threw his cards down in front of him. Once his hands were rid of cards he immediately drew his hand back up and pointed his index finger to his left. 

“That’s it! You’re cheating! I know you are!” He accused. 

Biffa- who was to Keralis’ right- tossed down his own cards as well in a more friendly manner. “Oh come on, K. Just admit it, he’s just better than you and this.” 

“Now- I for one think that our friend here is extremely sus, and when I think someone’s sus I’m never wrong.” Cubfan interrupted, holding up his hand as if he were raising it. 

The hermit in question merely set their cards down on the table face up for the others to see. His blue lips curled into a not-so-innocent looking smile. 

“I think this might be the only time where you are wrong, Cub.” iJevin replied, cupping his hands together and resting his arms in front of him so they were on the table. 

Ren let out a defeated whine, his ears drooping low for a moment before perking back up on his head. “Oh well, good eight games my dudes.” 

Biffa chuckled, shaking his head and rising from his chair to stand up. “Good game indeed. And Jevin is apparently our new casino king.” 

Keralis groaned, but simply laughed off his disappointment and stood up as well. “Ah man, what am I gonna brag about to Shashwhammy now?” 

Cub opened his mouth to reply, but he was stopped. 

The building itself suddenly began to rumble and shake. The hermits that had been sitting down still rose to their feet. The window they were all by and had been giving them all a very nice view of Keralis’ city trembled, then finally gave out with a sharp crack that caused all the hermits to jump and shoot their attention to it. 

“Holy shit.” Jevin gapped, staring out the window with wide eyes. 

All at once, the sky had gone from its nice evening fallen appearance to that of a hurricane. It was completely dark with no rays of sunlight in any direction. The only major light source was coming from a familiar location in the ocean and that light was teal blue. 

In complete unison, the seven hermits comms all went off with a very noticeable ding. The messages were all the same as they checked their comms. 

Mumbo Jumbo : What in the hell was that? 

PythonGB : Your guess is as good as ours 

VintageBeef : Is that coming from Impulse’s base? 

Bdouble0100 : A bunch of us are gonna head over there now to see what’s up 

GoodTimesWithScar : Will you all wait for a second!? 

ZombieCleo : Hurry up than! >:O 

GoodTimesWithScar : piauerpargainaimij

Despite the small amounts of humor in chat, Keralis felt himself pale before his big eyes turned back up to the other six that were with him. “We’ve gotta get over there.” 

“You said it.” Ren replied before pulling up his elytra. 

The dog hybrid’s actions were mimicked by the others as they too brought their elytras out of their inventories and into their hands. 

With haste, Keralis headed over to the now heavily cracked window on the level and pulled out his silk touch pickaxe. With a quick swipe, he swung down and the panes of glass that originally stood in the way broke away and popped into Keralis' inventory. 

The room was filled with the now no longer muffled blowing wind. 

"I'll fix it later, let's go!" Keralis called out before jumping out of the opening he had created and took to the air with his elytra.

The other six followed Keralis in quick succession, jumping out of the window and following Keralis with their rockets. 


Everything was blaring at hot. Burning to a very painful degree almost. It was like Impulse had been caught in a house fire and been trapped underneath all the flames. 
Everything was hot but it was also dark and it was very difficult to breathe. 

Impulse didn't know where he was, except for the knowledge that he was laying unevenly on his chest. 
The last thing he remembered was coming face to face with something that didn't exactly look like a regular Guardian. It seemed more blue and yellow. 

Letting out a hiss of pain, Impulse subconsciously used both his arms to push against the uneven surface he had been laying on, slowly and shakily pushing most of his upper into a more upright position. 

Loud sounds were coming from every which way, but only one sound was able to drown out the rest. 


Still not being able to see anything and with the burning pain still overwhelming his ability to apparently open his eyes, Impulse blindly turned his head in the direction of his name. 

"Vintage?" Impulse called back, slowly maneuvering himself so that he was now resting awkwardly on his knees. "Is that you?" 

A pair of hands suddenly found themselves resting gently on his shoulders. "Jesus," the hermit exclaimed. "Impulse what happened to you?" 

Fighting back all the pain that he was feeling, Impulse finally found enough strength and will to open his eyes. 
His vision didn't remain clear, as it became blurred by instinctual tears. 
But despite the obstruction, he was able to make out several key things. 

The hermit in front of him was Vintage and his face had become illuminated by a bright yellow glow that seemingly came from Impulse himself. 

The last thing the ZIT member saw was a look of horror from Beef before he screamed out. 

Impulse was suddenly plunged into a bright and painful light. Beef's hands left his shoulders and he could hear others yell out after Beef had. 

"Holy shit-" 

"Whoa! What the hell!?" 

"Take cover!" 

Tears ran down Impulse's cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he possibly could. 

"Guys?" He called out blindly. "What's going on?!" He cried out. 

"Someone go get Xisuma!" 

Impulse could feel himself start to hyperventilate. He was in pain and he was confused. His eyes stung so badly and the lack of knowledge on his current surroundings was causing his anxiety to rise. 

"Hello?" Impulse called out helplessly, trying to see if anyone was around. 
Re-finding his strength, the ZIT member reopened his eyes and took a look around. 

The sight he got was of Scar and Ethos kneeling down beside Vintage, who had smoke rising off his chest. 

That was the last sight he saw before a yellow light suddenly illuminated once more from him. 

"Get down!" Screamed out another hermit. 

To Be Continued...


I screamed into the void and the void told me I was gay- well shit it was right-

Happy very late Pride Month everyone!

Hermitcraft Oneshots and A.U'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon