Chapter 28

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Evangeline POV

It's been half a week since my family found out about me having a little crush. Let's just say that they have been a little more overprotective and have been trying to get all the boys away from me as possible.

Today not only are we meeting with my grandparents but also the new wife of my father along with his son and daughter. To be honest, am a little nervous but Ian reassures me before coming to the restaurant where we are going to eat.

As of now, we're just waiting for them to come. Parker suddenly grabs my hand from under the table and whispers to me, "Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry, I will always have your back." Which made me give him a smile and nod.

Dad gets up from the table which all of my brothers do making me also get up. As I lift my head up I see a couple that looks a lot like dad and another woman with her son on her right side and daughter's left side. I don't think that anyone but me saw that all of them were smirking at me with a weird look.

"Father and mother meet my daughter, Evangeline ." Father said making his way to mine and pulling me to stand in front of him. Grandfathers look of seriousness vanishes turning into a soft one. Grandma didn't waste time to envelop me in a hug.

"She looks like me." Grandpa said pulling me to another hug that may I add is suffocating. "I can also see she got all my looks." Dad really just looks at him with a serious look.

Someone clears their throat.

Third POV

Jane couldn't help but feel jealous and rage for Evangeline. How all the Duke Gray family's focus was on Evangeline instead of her. The only reason that they're in the fancy restaurant is that the family is supposed to meet the new Mrs. Duke Gray. "Hello," Jane spoke with nothing but a fake happy voice.

She didn't get a reply other than a lot of stares some were anger, disgust, and lastly Evas innocent look.

"Right, this is Jane guys, my soon-to-be wife." Alec spoke with much boredom he didn't see the importance of her arrival, but he also didn't see how this affect her how it made her hatred towards his only daughter grow.

"These lovely kids are mine. Logan and Carly." Jane presented her children who gave smiles to everyone but ignore Evangeline who gave them a sweet smile. Alec then spoke, "Well you already must know my children. Let get this over with." He didn't realize that he said the last part, but he didn't also care.

Dinner was a mixture of awkwardness for the Duke Grays since they all wanted to do was enjoy their meal but the family of three sitting Infront of them only ask questions which made them annoying.

When will you guys shut up?

Can you stop asking questions?

Please let them get run over by a truck.

Those were some of their thoughts. When they were finished with their meals the family sat and made a conversation to get to know Evangeline because their grandparents wanted to know their granddaughter.

"So, Ana dear, tell me is there a boy that I must know of?" Grandma asks her granddaughter who was in full curiosity. Evangeline was about to answer with a simple no but was cut off. "Of course not, she is just a little girl, loves how can you think of that."

"Carly has never had a boyfriend before. I'm glad that now she will have more brothers to help Logan keep all of those boys away." Jane with her fake innocent look and voice said trying again to be involved in their conversation.

On the other side of the table, all the brothers just look her disgusted of even being known and acknowledge to be called brothers by them. Parker trying to be nice just said, "Okay."

"Anyways.." Dallas started before say, " Ma, Pa you should wait till we go home to taste one of Evas desserts there the best."

And that was all that was talking about other than the business and the grandparents knowing more of their precious Evangeline. Not knowing that the three people that are being seated amongst them are growing with rage and making plans to get rid of her.

Thanks for the ten thousand reads, I cannot be more thankful to all of you! Have a nice day! Don't forget to vote and comment on ideas or anything that you guys would change or add!

Also quick question, long chapters or short chapters? please let me know.

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