Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Once Ayton was downstairs, they made their way to the zoo. Eva was really excited she had never visited a zoo before. She also didn't want the others to that. Entering the zoo they find somewhere to park. Paying for the tickets Alec tells his kids, "Vamonos." Leading the way.

Eva got to do many things and see up close animals which she only got to see on television. She got to feed dolphins, penguins, giraffes, and a bunch of other animals. Midway through their walk to see the desert animals, Eva started to feel weird. She shook the feeling off. Even though it started to get wost with every step.

Faking her smile she walked with her head up. Eva didn't want to miss this opportunity that she is having right now. Ignoring the lightweight of her head. She pushed herself... Then there was a pain in her chest near her heart. She felt as if it was being squished.

Alec immediately stops walking when he saw that Eva had stopped. "Are you feeling alright?" Eva quickly places her hand above her heart where the pain was. Seeing this Alec begins to panic. "It hurts." Eva manages to say as tears start to flow down her cheeks. " I'm bringing you to the hospital." Eva nods.

Calling his sons to come over, he picks Eva bridal style. Once the boys turn they are filled with worry. What happened?

Rushing toward the car ignoring the stares that people are giving them. They rush to the hospital.

"What happened, dad?" "I don't know but she looks in pain" Alec responded to Ian. "Oh, my Jesus Christ, I think she just passed out." Exclaimed Parker as shakes her. Ian didn't know why would this happen she seemed fine.

Dallas quickly picks Eva when the car came to the stop. Rushing to the hospital screaming "Please help my sister." Till a group of nurses came to get Eva. A nurse came to guide them to a waiting room.

Parker and Ayton cried and sob into each other blaming themselves for not realizing she was in pain. Dallas was in tears hoping that whatever happened to his little sister is treatable or that it was only dehydration. Alec would never have imagined that Eva would end up in the hospital. Feeling his phone vibrate he look up to see it was from Lily. Taking the call he listens to her, "Where were you and my boys last night?" "Eva is the hospital, Lily." With that Lily ended the call and drove herself to the hospital.

Please be mindful that I have no knowledge of the medical field.

"Sir," the doctor said bringing Alec out of his thoughts. "Looks like your daughter's body couldn't handle the emotional, mental, or physical state that she is on that it gave up. It's evident that she went through stuff and today she pushed herself physically to her limits. Also while checking her the nurse was pointing out the bruises and cuts on her body."

"What?!?" All the males in the Duke Gray family said with shock in their voices.

"Yes, you heard right. From the state of her body, it looks like she was abused physically, and maybe emotionally and mentally to have her in this state right now. Who knows?"

Parker let out a cry knowing that it was probably the Smiths. Ian went to comfort his younger brother. While Ayton collapsed into the nearest chair and cried. Dallas was in shock. Alec never would have thought he would have to ask this question, which brought the attention of everyone. Including Lily who was standing in the doorway of the room.

"What about sexually?" " I don't know sir, would you like a rape test once Eva awakes?" Alec nodded. With that, the doctor left and Alec met Lily who was staring at him with regret.

"It's all my fault, Alec" She stared ready to tell her secret. Because of her, Eva is suffering right now. Alec sadly smiled at her before shaking his head but she cut him off. "I planned Eva's kidnapped."

That sentence brought all ten eyes on her with anger and disbelief. "Boys leave us alone right now," Alec said to his boys never breaking his eye contact with Lily. The boys being boys were ready to challenge their father but with one look at him, they turned to leave except for Ian.

"Explain yourself, Lily," Alec said with rage in every word not caring if Ian was in the room. Backing herself to the wall she stared, "Alec when I knew that it was a girl, I was terrified that she was going to get hurt by the mafia. So I planned to fake her kidnapped with some of the men in your mafia. On the day that she was born, I let the nurse secretly know to let the guys in. I knew you would be broken that she was kidnapped. So, I would convince you to let go of the mafia and have a normal life. But it failed. Later after they took Evangeline into our house, some men followed them and took her. After they informed me I was broken and I called you and just told you that they took her away." Lily finishes crying her eyes out. Knowing that right now Eva had suffered all of the pain alone because of her selfishness.

"I'm divorcing you little fucking bitch, stay away from my family. I won't kill you so you can live with the pain in your heart." Alec said before dragging Lily outside the hospital. He didn't look back because all of the pain and suffering that he and his sons went through without Eva was caused by her.

So now you guys know Lily's secret.

I might introduce this week or next week Evangeline's love interest. By the way, if any of you guys have any ideas please contact me. I would love to hear from yall. Have a nice day, hope yall like today's chapter.

Thanks for your support as always. And please don't forget to vote.

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