Chapter 39

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Ayton POV - for those who want to know where and what he has been up to

Ever since the day that I notice how those three watch my sister, I told Ian that I would keep an eye on them. To my surprise, he told me that it would be my mission. I have track them, have followed them, even hack their phones.

I was surprised when I found out that Elias had something to do. I knew that they had a plan that would take place on the day of the wedding. On the second day before the wedding, I followed them where they would meet. They went over what they would do.

When their meeting was over, I try to escape however, Logan found me. He had men that took me to Elias's house. There I was kept in one of the rooms. They took my phone away, Elia's then knew what I had done.

He knew about the information that I sent Ian. Then, he kept sending Ian text messages from 'me' that I was okay and that I would still keep an eye on them.

So, yeah that's how everything went down.

On the day of the wedding, I spend it at the airport. He had several men that have been keeping me. They told me that I would soon be accompanied by Elias and Evangeline.

I did saw her. She never looks behind her to see me. They went through the front of the private jet. While I went through the back door of the private jet.

This now leads to me being stuck in the room that I and Eva will share. Wanting to fight but I don't want Evangeline to be on this alone. That is why I haven't resisted myself.

Third POV

Elias took Evangeline by her arm walking to a room where at least she would stop crying. As they made their way to the room Evangeline couldn't stop thinking that Ian would find her. She kept telling herself that she is strong, she will get out of this.

Once they were there, Elias took a key from his pocket open the door and threw Eva there. Evangeline made eye contact with someone she never thought she would see here.

"Eva, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Ayton kept asking questions toward his baby sister as he made his way to her. He picks her up and cuddles with her as he places both of them on the bed. Evangeline didn't know what to say, she felt tired, exhausted, betrayed, and hurt. She cried into his chest.

Ayton had to be strong for his sister. He knew that they would be found by their family. Her tears and cries made his chest hurt. He never wishes for any of this to happen. It was supposed to be a normal day, but Jane and her children enter their lives. "Go to sleep, Eva. I got you, you're not alone." He spoke with sweetness in his voice.

Back in the Duke Gray mansion, things are not going great. Well, at least Parker is happily playing with Pacco. He made his way into Ian's office, knocking in the door he heard a come in. As he came in, he saw a lot of people. "What's going? And when will Evangeline get home?" His voice filled with curiosity.

That question made Dallas, Ian, and their father sad. They didn't know how to tell the young boy that they didn't know when she would get home. Dallas simply said, "Soon. Want to watch the next thing that comes after The Vampire Diaries?" He asks, remembering Evangeline how she wanted them to watch the show.

"Yeah," Parker said leaving, Dallas gave a small smile to Ian before going.

When the door closes Alec turns to Ian, "How did this happen? Weren't you supposed to take care of her?"

Ian was mad at how his father thought that he didn't pay attention to Eva. He was and still is doing the job that his father supposed to do. Ian told his father much calmer than Alec, "Well, I'm sorry but I had to take care of three more children since you didn't want to check upon them. Nevertheless, make sure that they are doing okay."

Alec is taking back at what his oldest son told him. Sitting down on his chair he goes back into his mind and realizes that he wasn't there. He was too busy pleasing Jane, Carly, and Logan. Most of the time it was just to make sure they felt welcome.

"Thank you, Ian, for taking care of them. I'm sorry if they were a lot to take care of." Alec said. He didn't know how well his kids were doing after leaving them.

Ian told his father not looking at him but at the papers in front of him, "Don't worry I'm used to it a long time ago. Dallas, Ayton, and Parker didn't notice it that much other than you spend your time on Jane."

"What do you mean?" Alec didn't understand. Ian then looks at his father, choosing his words before speaking, "They didn't notice your disappearance, they just felt... hurt by how you chose to spend time with Jane instead of them. Eva was hurt, ever since she got here you at least made a little time to see how she is doing"

Ian put his hand on Alec's shoulder, "We can talk about this another time. Evangeline needs to come home now. I know Ayton may have some information." However, his father stood up and left.

He wasn't going to wait for his father. If Ian must do this alone then he will. He wasn't going to wait on his father. After all, he is used to his behavior of leaving.

Ian took his phone dialing the bodyguard he assigns to stay connected with Ayton.

Thanks for reading!

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