Chapter 2:

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Alec's POV

There was a time in my life where everything was perfect. Not even the negative thoughts could take away the joy and happiness that I felt. I had a perfect family. My brave handsome boys and my pregnant wife.

I remember the day of the gender reveal it was the whole Duke and Gray family reunited. Most had voted that it was going to be a boy but others like me and sons had hope for a girl. And yeah, she made her appearance on the day of her birth.

What a day, it was supposed to be filled with joy. Yet, it was the day that left us all heartbroken. Craving every single moment of our lives to have our little girl back. My wife had warned me to quit the mafia or else something tragic could happen to our baby girl and it did. When she was taking away from us, I quit the mafia and passed down the title to my brother. I didn't want anything to do with it since that lifestyle took her away from us. Because of me. However, we still look for her. NEVER have we stop looking for her. We have the Duke and Gray family along with some other mafia's that are good friends of ours looking everywhere for our Evangeline.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. My son, Ian,  and another man came in.

My son looks at me with joy but when he turns to look at the man his eyes darken," Father we have news about her. This is Mr. Garcia, who has been looking and locating Eva." I smiled at him and stood up to shake his hand. " Thank you, Mr. Garcia, for your cooperation." He smiles at me and said " It is a pleasure. Should we begin?" I gave him a nod to continue.

" You see it hasn't been easy for me but I got something in London." He began. " There is a girl named Evangeline Smith. She is born in the same year, month, and day as her. Here is a picture for you to look at and may I say that she looks a lot like you." I took the photo and I was shocked to say that I had to rub my eyes to see if I was daydreaming. She was beautiful. Mr. Garcia clears his throat making me look at him. " I was trying to get a DNA sample or get in contact with her doctor but couldn't. She hasn't gone to the hospital in years. She is adopted as well. Has been living with the Smith's family who has had problems with drugs and alcohol." This is not a good sign. I took one look at my son who was looking at the picture then look up at me with a frown. Probably the same one that I have. " Is there anything else?" Ian spoke. " Yeah, the London authorities have had to come to their house to see how she is living. The neighbors have complains that their parents are never there and when they are it's crazy. A lot of cries and stuff happens that they fear for the young girl."

To say that I was mad was just something, but this just makes my skin boil. I took a drink hoping that it could calm me down.

" So, what do we do know?" Ian ask. "Well, I was thinking of going over there and see if we can take a DNA sample. And if they're not there, then we have the authorities go in and take samples from toothbrushes, hairbrushes, or something."

"Perfect I say. We will head out with or without you right now. I'll just have to contact my family."

            I called my wife to have the boys in the living room when I get there. Then I signal Ian to follow me. We head to the elevator ignoring my workers as they bow their heads down. When we're down and walking out of the building I see my loyal personal driver. He opens the door for me and Ian to get in. He comes and droves us to our incomplete home.

Ian's POV

            I can't believe this after many years this Evangeline could be my baby sister. Still, I shouldn't get my hopes up. There have been many young girls who have tried to take her place. Mr. Garcia has been the leader of her investigation to get her back. He has had many leads but always ends up nowhere.

            The car came to a stop and I look over the window to realize that were home. I'm anxious and nervous to see what the others will react like. We head into our house. Everyone was waiting for my fathers to talk. As soon as my father stood in our living room it got quiet. He started by telling my mother and brothers the news. And let me tell you that they were not happy that if this girl is our sister has been through with alcoholic parents.

            The whole family decided to travel with our father. So we got in our private jet and waited to arrive in London. No one dared to break the silence, everyone was in their own thoughts. Some of my brother's eyes have hope, confusion, anger, sadness, but mostly it was hope.

            I wonder if she is doing okay. Wherever my sister is I beg to God that she is doing fine. Being happy and not a broken home. I want this Evangeline to be my Evangeline. I wonder if she will love us or accepts us. What if she doesn't? No. That won't happen she will be happy with us. After all, we are her family.

No one's POV

            The Duke Gray family made their way out of their private jet after landing. They had only been here only for business never to stay for a vacation. Except that this time it's not a vacation or business-related it's for family. No one messes with their family.

            Alec, Mr. Garcia, Ian, and some police officers that were informed of the situation went to the house where their possible baby girl lives. While others stay in the hotel waiting impatiently for news.

            This is where she lives. Alec along with Ian though. They just thought that if this was their baby girl she could of live somewhere decent but this is not what they expected. The house was old, the grass well there was barely any grass.

            The officer knocks on the door but there was no answer. They knock away but no answer. " this is the police! Open the door now or will break in!" He moves in front of the door to kick the door open. However, a man that looks in his 5o's was standing in the doorway.

            Little do they know that He is waiting for Evangeline to get home from school.

"What do you want?" The man asks. "Were here to get a DNA sample from Evangeline. Is she here?" Mr. Garcia spoke. " I don't know, to be honest, I didn't see her this morning." One of the police officers decided to say "Okay. In that case, we will come in and take a sample from a hairbrush."

            They came into the house and the interior was horrible than the outside. The police officer told them to wait here while others go and inspect the house and get the sample. Once they did. They sent the sample to the hospital to be tested. Duke Gray's family waited impatiently once they got to their hotel.

Alec's POV

            I have been waiting for like it felt an eternity. When my phone rang. I was nervous but all the nervousness changes when I hear Positive. She is my daughter. I told them and my younger son was thrilled so much that he cried like the day that she was taken.

            We headed to her school where they told us she could be found. I marched to the front office with the rest of my family and waited impatiently for the social worker that Mr. Garcia sent us. While he was trying to find something against them and getting us full custody to have her back. Once she got there the social security whose name is Jessica told the principal.

            The principal made the announcement for her to come. Evangeline Smith That's her last name for now. Wait till she comes home where she belongs. So she enters. She didn't notice us. But I notice that she was short barely 5 feet tall. She was very skinny and look hurt. I wanted to take all the hurt that she caries and hurt whoever has hurt her.

            When the principal told her that we were her family she passed out. I got a hold of her. "I'm bringing her to the hospital," I said. I left without looking back. I knew that my family would follow me. I told my driver to drive as fast as he could. I only stared at her beautiful face. Wishing that I was there to care for and raise her. But now I'm here and I will take care of her forever. I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed we arrived.

            They took her away from me to do some tests. Once my family was here they brought us to a waiting room to wait for her news.

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