Chapter 15

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A week has passed since the event of the hospital. Lily has tried to reach out to his sons but their father talks to them about what their mother did. They were so furious that they cut ties with their mother. Alec decided that Eva wouldn't know about it till she asks about her.

Alec was busy since he back to the mafia. Coming back brought a lot of allies but also enemies that know about Eva. However, that did not stop him from spending any time with his kids.


I am so nervous about today it's my first day of school. My brothers and dad have been so overprotective over the past week always telling me how happy they are of having me and how much they love me. I like it, my disturbing thoughts about me haven't been frequent since then.

Picking my shoes I make my way out of the kitchen. I'm currently wearing black jeans, a white shirt with a hoodie on top. Once I enter the kitchen I see my brother Dallas setting plates on the table. Sitting I see that my plate has a fair amount of food. My dad has made it clear to whoever is cooking that I need no big or little amounts of food. Somewhere in the middle, it's to help me gain the weight that I need.

"Good morning, pretty," Dallas says taking a seat by me. "How do you feel about your first day of school?" He asks me, "I don't know." I say a bit nervous. Wrapping his arm around me he hugs me before saying, "Don't be you have Ayton and Parker, plus you can always text us or calls us."I nod to the statement before finishing my food. As I finish I make my way to my room to make sure I have everything ready in my school bag.

I slowly walk to my bathroom to stare at myself. It's a new beginning for me. New friends, new teachers, new faces. I'm the new kid that everyone will pick on. New bullies, new enemies, new people to pick on me again.

Taking my makeup I start to do it. My family really doesn't like it because they like to see my natural face and that I'm too beautiful to wear it. Finishing my makeup I stare at myself. You see when you wear makeup you don't have to smile because it does it for you. Makeup covers your scars, it hides the brokenness.

"Ready, Eva," Ayton says from my room. Walking out I smile at him which he returns. Picking up my school bag I walk beside him to the living room where everyone is waiting.

After everyone kisses me and hugs me wishing me a happy day I make my way to Ayton who is driving me and Parker to school. The car drive was nice we talked, made jokes, and listen to music. Parking his car he turns to me, "If anyone messes with you tell me." He says in a dark voice that I never knew he had. I nod before he opens his door.

Making our way to the school's office I see everyone's eyes on me which makes me nervous. Parker must of see me because he held my hand. Getting me to schedule the guys to walk me to my classes before the bell rings. Once we were in my first class we said our goodbyes.

I enter the class making everyone's eyes on me please don't introduce me. "Nice to have you in class, please find a seat." The teacher said. With that, I sit in an empty seat next to the back. I notice most girls were looking at me, while the guys were giving me smirks.

I was trying to concentrate in class but couldn't. Some boys in front of me were talking about the guy next to me, I did not like it because I remember how people would run me over. Without a second thought about my actions, I turn to look at them. "Can you leave him alone. For all I know he is not bothering you, thank you. " The students around us turn to me and even the boy who is getting pick on looks up surprised.

One of the guys speaks up, "Look doll why don't you mind your own business. Leave the mute boy to us and don't bother us again." I somehow again spoke up, "My name is not a doll, and again please leave him alone and don't call him a mute boy." People around me laugh as he scoffs. This time a girl comes closer to me and asks "what's your name?"

Sitting straight I say, " Evangeline Duke Gray" Turning around I saw everyone's eyes on me including the teacher. I clear my throat trying.

The teacher turns to his lesson. Everyone in the room was whispering about me.

The Duke Grays sister.

Didn't she go missing?

Why is someone like her stands up for the mute boy?

I decide to pay attention to class ignoring the whispers. Some girls kept trying to get my attention asking about my brothers. When I did look up to the window I caught the boy looking at me. I smile kindly at him he nods in return. He is handsome I must admit. That was my last thought before the bell rang.

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