Chapter 24

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Evangelines POV

A maid came in and gave me my feminine items. Finishing doing what I need to do I go to my closet to pick today's outfit. Today I chose something simple some jeans and of course a hoodie with light makeup.

"Hey, Eva." Ian and Dad greeted me as I enter the kitchen. I place a quick kiss on their cheek as I pass him. Parker soon walks into the kitchen followed by Dallas and Ayton who seem to be arguing about school.

Everyone soon filled in the table and started to eat.

No One's POV

The Duke Grays are currently having a peaceful breakfast not knowing of the new obstacle their about to face. Which will change the course of everyone's journey. Till then they have no idea of what they're about to get into.

Alec is still in doubt if Evangeline is ready to meet her grandparents. He doesn't want to put more things about which she should worry. "Evangeline, how would you like to meet your grandparents?" He asks her.

Evangeline had no clue she had grandparents, "I- sure, I guess..." She was unsure if she wanted to meet them. Would they like her? Would they think of her as a burden? Would they look at her with pity and shame? There is not knowing unless you face them. Great.

"You don't have to," Ayton told his sister knowing that she is unsure because there is no going back with their grandparents. Evangeline just nodded her head.

"Okay, then I will contact them and get a date to meet," Alec said standing up making his way out of the kitchen to his office. Where he sure was going to be there prolonged time.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the boys are still trying to read their sister. Parker however didn't see anything wrong with meeting their grandparents. He sure misses his grandmothers cooking and baking.

"Want to play with me?" Parker said not really looking at Evangeline as he tried to stuff his mouth with pancakes. "Yeah," Eva replied with a weird look on her face watching her brother eat like a pig.

Ayton turns to his youngest brother, "Actually she is going to spend the day with me, pig." Parker looked at his brother then Eva. Dallas just sat there debating on where he should do something since Ian is too busy answering emails on his phone.

Soon Parker ran out of the kitchen with Anastasia ready to hide from their brother.

"PARKER and Evangeline NO RUNNING INSIDE THE HOUSE," Ian yelled at his youngest siblings. I can already tell that today is going to be really long.

Alec left out of his kitchen before calling his kids to the living room.

Not once has any of his kids seen their father nervous like this but whatever reason it might be it cannot be good.

"So, kids there is something that you guys need to know of?" He said sounding super uncomfortable and nervous. "Please don't interrupt me. Let me explain after I tell you guys this news."

"I'm getting re-married."


Sorry if it's too short I will update another chapter I been working on I just need to edit. Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment if any of you have any ideas.

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