Chapter 22

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~Hello, I was just want to start by saying sorry this week has been really hard for me. I tried to upload but I had to some tests for the school and had to study for them. As well as I have gotten sick but now that I'm better and have finished I will go back to updating. Thanks for understanding~

No one's Pov

After waking up Eva went to take a warm shower as her dad had gone to get some snacks for her. Stepping out of the shower Evangeline felt bad for making her dad and brothers worry. She avoids looking at herself quickly drying herself, putting on some comfy clothes.

Parker downstairs went to check up on her sister this time knocking on the door. "Hey, Eva can I come in?" He said hoping to God that she will let him in. Slowly the door opens to reveal red puffy eyes indicating that she had been crying. Embracing his little sister in a hug letting her know that she is not alone.

"Let's get this over with." Eva mumble. Walking downstairs as all eyes on her she makes her steps much shorter. Taking a seat in the middle of the couch Eva felt the couch deepen beside her. "Are you ready?" Dallas asks his baby sister as he passes some ice cream.

All of the Duke Gray brothers sat near their sister just in case she needs a hug. Soon her Alec came with a bag of various candy, chips, cookies, pie, and a chocolate cake. "I don't know what to bring so I brought all...what everyone likes." He said with a shaky voice not knowing if what he bought was good enough for the situation.

Not knowing what to say or how to start this conversion. But they did not expect to hear those words. "I'm sorry that I was being dram-" Ayton couldn't hold his anger, "No! Evangeline your not bothering us. We." Ayton said pointing to his siblings and father. "WE want to be there for you. But you're not letting us in. YOU are not alone." He said finishing that now he was shedding a mixture of sad and angry tears that he couldn't do anything.

"You don't get," Eva said getting upset. "Then tell us" Ian responded.

"You don't know what is like to be alone not having someone. Not being able to count on someone. Having to shove your emotions down and forgetting about them cause no one gives two shits about you. Always having to watch your back because anyone at any time can hurt you. I have always been alone do you not get that." She said getting frustrated. Everyone was ready to say something about that but she cut them off. "I didn't know that I had a family and now there is this thing called, We're all on this together, let me tell you this is not High School Musical. I grew up surviving alone and taking care of myself. Yeah, I do wish that I had someone.

However, you expect me to give all of this that I have inside to you. Because for all I know in my life is that I'm alone in this. This is all new to me, I can't just change overnight and run to one of yall when all my life there has been no one.

Plus you don't know how broke-No how shatter I truly am." Eva finishing wanting to say more but couldn't bring herself to. A waterfall of tears running down her beautiful eyes. Parker couldn't imagine what it would like to be alone with no one. He has always had his sibling and parents to rely on. So he did what his brothers, sometimes you don't have to say a thing but be there.

He hugged Eva not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry that you feel this way. We as a family fight for each other no matter what. You are here with us so, get used to it cause we're not giving up on you." Alec spoke to his daughter seriously.

Dallas kept silent. Letting all that information process. He started to think of what she had said back in the park and what she had said now. "What can I do to help you, to make you feel that you are part of the family?" He asks.

Eva opens her mouth to say something but closed then after what felt like ages she finally said, "I don't know. There is no fixing me and I don't know what a family" Ayton had enough as he heard those words. Slowly he made his way to his younger siblings. Wrapping his arm around them.

Ian spoke, "Evangeline a family is your safe place. Family is the people that bring you up and are there for you no matter what. The people who love you, who would give you the whole entire world. The people who make you smile, laugh, wipe your tears, and love you unconditionally.

All of us in this room is and will always be a family. For example, we took you when we found out about you. The time when I took you away from that witch didn't we had a good time. The time when we took you to the hospital and found out that you have been abuse. Did we care? No. We still see you the same and love you no matter that. All of these moments alone with the other ones are examples of what a family is."

Now it was time for Eva to think of what her oldest brother had said. It's true they all have sacrificed time and money for her. They all have been there to hug her and make sure she feels better. They don't see her as a slut but as a survivor. They see her as a member of the family.

Evangeline cried even more realizing that she had been shown what love is but she had let her thoughts and emotions from the past get the best of her. Dallas went to embrace his younger siblings along with Ian. Alec slowly made his way to his family as he wraps his arms around them.

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