Chapter 42

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Alec's POV

I did the two things that might turn things around for my family. I have to make things right with them. No matter the cost, because my family is worth the fights.

Walking out of the court office I hold on the files in the carpet tightly. This is the new change and new life right here on these papers.

I quickly take my phone out of my pocket to see Ian's name. Ayton and Evangeline have been missing for nearly almost a week.

"Dad we found them." I drop my phone as I hear those words. Finally.

Ian's POV
"For the last time no." I tell Dallas. He has been insisting on coming to get our baby siblings back.

I turn around to face him grabbing him by the shoulders, "I need you to be here for Parker." His eyes soften when I mention Parker.

For the last days, he had been in a dark place in his mind. He hasn't slept or eaten. He refuses to eat until his siblings get back.

Dallas sighs, "Fine. But be careful and bring them back." Was all he said and left inside the house.

I can only hope that their safe along that Dallas can cheer up Parker.

Meanwhile, I have a plane to take if I want my sibling back.

Dallas POV

I'm a little sad that I won't be able to save my baby sister and brother.

However, I have a mission of my own. Walking back to the house I make my way to Parker's room.

"Parker I have news," I say as I go in. I stare at my baby brother with a sad face.

He is lying in the same clothes he had when Archer showed up at the house. He was devastated when he realized that everything Archer had said is true. Nothing but true.

I walk him up to him, I don't want to tell him because what if Ian doesn't find them. However, right now that's the only thing that will get him out of the depression episode.

Here goes nothing, "Ian left to get Evangeline and Ayton."

Parker jerks his head my way, I'm afraid that his eyes will fall out from how big his eyes are right now.

He jumps to me, "Really?!" I nod, "Yup, so let's get you ready."

"OMG!!! We can make them cookies and... yeah also a welcome sleepover with us when they come back..." Parker is so excited about blabbing all the things he will do with them. I quickly tell him to take a shower since he badly needs it.

Third POV
After landing the plane, Ian and his team along with Alec and his brother they went to get ready. The teams have the information that they need to get into the mansion we're Ayton and Evangeline are in.

Ian had seen his younger siblings through the cámaras of the mansion. One of his hackers hacked into the system and he saw how they were treated. He saw their pain, their comfort, their sadness. Ian couldn't wait to hold his baby sister. To comfort Ayton for his bravery.

His younger brother had been so strong, he hadn't let Eva see him. The broken side of him.

Each team got on their trucks and road to the mansion. They paid a near gang to distract Elias. When Elias's attention is on the small gang room Ian and Alec would go to save them.

So I don't know how to write how the war/fight is going to be, so we're just going to skip that...😅

Evangeline had woken up by the sounds of gunshots, Ayton quickly rushes to her.

He presses a small knife into her palm, "Just in case." She didn't want to hurt anyone, but it was either her or Ayton. Eva didn't want Ayton to get hurt.

"Don't worry brother." Evangeline gave a small smile to her brother before the door was open by Elias. Elias points the gun at Evangeline.

"Get away from her or I'm shooting her." Elias growls at Ayton.

Ayton afraid of getting Evangeline hurt because of him got on the other side of the room where he saw something that can come in handy.

Taking steps toward Eva, Elias grabs her harshly putting her in front of him. As if she was his shield.

Soon Alec and Ian enter the room.

"Ian!" Both Ayton and Evangeline tell his name at the sight of him.

Yells, screams, and gunshots is all that Evangeline could hear.

Evangeline felt as if everything is moving in slow motion. She started to shake. Evangeline knew that she is going to have another episode of epilepsy.

She then remembers the knife. Her grip on the knife hardens with all the force that she has left and stabbed him. She didn't know where exactly she stabs him but she did it.

Everyone around her yell a name, she didn't hear it but when she fell to the ground she saw Ian beside her. Bleeding.

That was all she saw before her eyes closed.

Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote!

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