Chapter 6

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No one's POV

Eva jerked her head in the direction of the voice. Parker was sitting in one of the chairs across from the bed, directly at her. A phone was in his hand but he had all of his attention to her.

"Well, I'm going to inform our Mother and Father that you're awake. Would you like anything before I go?" Parker said in his usual friendly voice. Eva shook her head gently laying back in the soft bed she was.

Hearing Parkers footsteps fading away, she let out her breath. Closing her eyes for a few seconds before hearing footsteps again she sat on the bed. Someone knocks on the door before Alec made his appearance. Smiling at Eva, he came into the room right after his wife. "How was your sleep? " Alec ask Eva who kidly said, "It was fine."

Realizing that Eva didn't know his name she asks in curiosity, "May I ask a question, Sir ?" Alec frown at his daughter calling him "Sir". "Go ahead." He said not trying to let the disappointment in his voice show. " What is your name?" " My name is Alec, your father. And this is my wife who gave birth to you." Eva just nodded her head not knowing what to say next.

Lily sat at the edge of the bed glancing at his husband to sit by her. Once he did she started, " I think is time for us to tell you what happened and how we ended up like this." Eva looks up to stare at the woman in front of her. " You see way back in the past, we were really excited the moment we knew it-you were a girl. Your father worked, at that time, in not a great job let's just say. Somehow the day you were born, you got kidnapped. That day broke all of us. The boys got sad and would go to your room and cry. Your room is still the same with ultrasounds of you and well just wait till you see. Anyways your dad finally got out of the job. We got help from family and friends to help out to look for you. There hasn't been a day without looking for you." Lily couldn't help the tears that were falling out of her eyes. Gently taking her palm to Eva's cheek.

Staring at the two beauties in front of him he reaches out to hold Eva's hand and his wife. Smiling at both at them before embracing them in a tight hug. Finally, his home is complete. He felt his shirt starting to get wet. Looking down he saw Eva in tears. He didn't and never wanted to see his daughter in pain or hurt. Alec wishes to take away Eva's pain, he wishes for her to feel always happy with him.

Hearing all those words Eva didn't know if she should believe them or not. Either way, she couldn't help but feel loved. She has never heard someone say that she is missed, nor for someone to cry because she is gone. Her heart tightens out when unexpectedly Alec hugs her. Eva lost it there. No one has ever hugged her before. She felt safe and protected in his arm. It felt amazing, wishing to stay forever in this place. However, she can't trust, every time she has trust someone they end up hurting her. Eva can't let her guard down not even for the pretty sweet things that this family will tell her and make her feel. For the first time, she let her tears run down her face.

Knock. Can't I get a moment with my daughter. Alec thought to himself.

Ayton peck his face into the room when he heard a soft cry. He indeed was listening when their parents went to Eva. He felt jealously at the sight of his parents hugging Eva. Also wanting to be part of it he made his way to them and sat down. Lily opens her arms out for his son to join in the hug. Ayton didn't waste time to be joined in the hug wrapping his arms hugging Eva and his dad. While Lily took a quick picture.

" Were here! Finally, we get to go home!" Dallas came in behind him Parker. Eva took the chance to apart from them before wiping her tears. "This is not fair." Parker whine. "You guys are cruel. How can yall hug each other knowing that me, Parker, and Ian are missing in the family hug." Dallas continues, " Just wait till Ian knows about this." Dallas went out to search for Ian to tell him. Parker keeps whining which made everyone laugh including Eva.

Alec, Parker, and Lily stop laughing and turn to look in the direction of the angelic voice. As Eva felt everyone eyes on her she started to feel uncomfortable. " Ready to go home?" Alec said to his daughter when he felt her uncomfortable. Eva manages to nod.

Time to skip. Everyone got out of the plane. Just as Dallas felt out of the hug that the rest of the family shared Ian felt it too.

The car ride was silent. Eva open her eyes when the car came to a stop. Her eyes widen at the sight of the "house" they called. More like a mansion from Victorian times. Eva thought.

Ian opens the door for his sister as she continues to look at their home. Eva smiled at him which made him happy. Their mother and father open the doors to their home to Eva as she kept looking amuse. Entering the house with a mouth hanging open.

"Do you want to see your room?" Lily asks her daughter. "Sure" Eva manages to say as her eyes travel from the enormous living room. There were pictures of her brothers on the walls along with ultrasound pictures from a baby. One particular photo that was the biggest out of the others was of a newborn baby. It's me. Eva thinks almost bringing tears to her eyes but she didn't let them fall. Guiding her daughter to the stairs and making a few turns, they finally made it to Eva's room. Opening the door for Eva to go in first, Eva just stares at the room.

" Tomorrow we can buy stuff and make changes to it. You know all together as a family activity to get to know each other. " LIly spoke to Eva, who nodded. Her room was a nursery of a baby. No changes were made in Eva's room. Everyone made the decision to let it stay like that. "Sorry, we never wanted to change the room. We made the decision that whenever we find you, you will be the one to design it." Parker said.

"It's cute" Eva spoke. Her eyes found their way to the family album that was on top of the drawer. "Can I?" Eva look her parents afraid that they would say no. "Of course everything is yours." Her father said. Making her way to the family album. She slowly took it before looking up at her family.

Eva gasp when she looks inside to see the first picture, making her hand over her mouth in shock.

Sorry for the long chapters. Thanks for the support!

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