Chapter 47

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4 years later....

The Duke Gray household is filled with silence as the four brothers wait to hear from Evangeline. Archer had taken her to place to ask her a question in which the boys want her to say no to. They knew that one day they would have to give their baby sister to someone but they thought it would be this soon.

While we wait for Archer and Eva, let the boys fill you in on what has happened in their current life.

After, Archer and Eva had started to date, Parker had three years of high school left. To him those years flew by without him realizing, he had spend them by living the best of his life. He made new friends along way that turn into his parter in crime. Cole specifically, Parker had never been in a relationship before and don't look for one. But his feelings grew and grew.

Parker felt depressed after a while in his senior year of school. His older brothers notice and tried to get Parker to open up. Eventually they did and explained that he might have feelings toward Cole. The only exception to him being in a relationship is that Cole is straight. He still has a girlfriend the same one that Cole had since senior year.

Being hurt by this, Parker decided to find a work to keep his thoughts away from that. Eva had made a friend that knew exactly the pain that Parker knew so, he decided to help Parker out. Only for the sake of not stressing Eva. So, Ben went out to help Parker and found to be great friends. Which grew to a relationship, now starting his second year of college, Parker is thrilled to help out Ben around college.

They been through a lot since some people aren't okay with love being love. So they did face harsh treatment from other but are stronger then ever. And maybe just maybe they both are thinking about starting a family. I'm which Evangeline is happy to know that her friend is going to be part of her family.

Now, Ayton is 22 years old. He loved the time where Ian had sent him to spy on Elias. So, he is now working himself to be an FBI agent. Only two more years till he becomes one.

He really is loving his life by finding more about himself. That doesn't mean he doesn't make time for friends and family.

Don't even get started on when his little sister started to date. He wants the happiest but glad that Eva had a person that loves her.

Most of his time he isn't at home now to spend it with his family but he has and friends that are in criminology path just like him. This make him more excited as he doesn't have to do anything alone. Good thing that his brother Dallas keeps in check him to remind him to stay healthy. If not then he would of forgotten to eat or stay fit.

Ayton while being in college didn't know what to do when he has free. And mostly keep calling home to make plans because he wanted to grow independent, so he started to find hobbies. Eventually he found cooking to be his favorite.

While taking a cooking class he met his amor. Camila, from Mexican descendent who is proud to be the third American-Mexican generation in her family. Both of them are deeply in love. At first no so much as she was bossy with him, but did taught him how to make food.

As time went by the bossiness in her faded as Ayton had captured her heart and one thing led to another. So now their engaged. Just as Camila helps Ayton in his profesión he has been more joyful to help her out start her restaurant. Ayton could work when he isn't busy at the restaurant doing something he loves by being close to his amor.

Oh did I forget to mention that I yesterday they celebrated their 2 year anniversary of dating. Ayton can't wait to grow more and see just what more the universe has for him.

Now moving to Dallas, he is now the best doctor that anyone could think. He loves to take of them and to see them heal. Knowing that he helped them.

Just like always there is always a but, for him is that his patients don't always heal. Some get worse and unfortunately some die.

The first time that it happened he didn't what to go out or to go to work. Evangeline and Ian where the ones to get him out of the house. Dallas stills remember the death of the the little boy who didn't make it. Ever since then he has worked harder and harder to help anyone who can.

For him seeing the smiles of the parents and family members who get good news is the best thing for him. Other than his family, of course.

When he isn't at work he hangouts with his friends and family. Dallas hasn't been one to find love or to crave it. But he does want kids. So, he hasn't really shared it with any of his family members but...

He will co-parent with a lady who also doesn't want a love partner but does want a kid and someone to be there for their child. When they match they where thrilled and now they are preparing to soon become parents.

Kayla had been a great friend to him even though they are not in a relationship romantically. She had been there for him and him even when they had a miscarriage.

This pregnancy for him is the best time nevertheless it's also the scariest knowing that she still has 8 more months to go. Another thing is that he adopted his daughter who is about 5 years old. Unfortunately for her her parents died in a fire but she make it out alive. When he took care of her he felt a pull towards her so he took her in.The family loves her and plays with Evangeline.

So... all put Evangeline's and Ian's POV of what they done in the past four years in another chapter and that will be it with a bonus chapter of Evangeline and Archers life as married with a twist.

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