Chapter 1

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            Good morning beautiful life of mine.

I wish I can stay in bed for a longer time, but. There is always a but, and for me, that is my home. My home is not normal. In my home unlikely others is a nightmare, hell, horrible place that I've barely survive. There is an escape to my home which is school.

At my school, I'm the loner in which everyone avoids and bullies. I don't care though well I wish those words wouldn't affect me, they do. Right talking about school, I must get ready.

I got up from bed which I'm thankful for my lovely parents for at least letting me keep, along with only 4 shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 3 leggings, and 5 hoodies. I make my way to my bathroom to do my business. Now it's time for the layers of makeup that I must put to cover my bruises. They come from my parents that never come home unless they need a punching bag. I wince a few times as I put foundation on my face and neck. When I finish, I look in the mirror to examine my work. Sights.

I just put on some simple jeans and a hoodie. Making my way out of my room into the living room I get my schoolbag and leave. I don't want to take the bus, so I make my way to school.

Let me introduce myself. I am Evangeline Smith, 15 years old almost sixteen. I live in London for as long as I can remember. I keep to myself since I am me. I'm ugly and fat but believe me, I'm trying. Actually, I haven't eaten in almost 2 weeks. I'm proud of myself. Even though I'm really hungry but I must continue to ignore that feeling. Where was I, oh yeah, well as you can see there isn't much to say about me other than I'm a mistake as simple as that.

My mother doesn't even look like me. Or maybe it's the fact that she is pretty. Anyways they keep in the house and make everyone think that I have a great life but it's not. My stepfather doesn't like me unless he needs someone to cook for him, clean after him or just a punching bag. When I was around 3 or 4 he took my innocence and laughed at me. That night, I knew that my mother didn't love me, she was there and laughed as I plead for her to save me. Ever since that it's been beating after beating. My stepfather, Will, hasn't touched me ever since then but still, I can look at him it hurts.

Laughs and voices bring me out of thoughts. Looking up I see my school. It's big but not to say wow nice school.

As I walk to the school entrance the kids there stop talking and smirk at me. I just know that today is going to be just fine. I ignore them and walk to my locker. Getting the books that I need. I go to the football field and sit on the bleacher waiting for the bell to ring.

" Oh my. If it isn't Miss Mute" that my friend comes from a voice that has made my school life another hell. Elena.

I wish again that I had just stayed in bed.

" So you're just going to ignore me. You know if don't talk I'll tell my dad. And if I must remind you he is the principal, Eva" As I look up all of her minions are looking at me with those fake eyelashes.

I chose to ignore her and keep looking straight. If they beat me up, I will get in trouble by the principal her dearest Daddy or I could just... I can't do anything. She basically owns the school, and everyone knows that what Elena says goes by. 

            Thankfully the bell rang, and Elena along with her minions just rolled their eyes at me before leaving. Sighs. I also decided that it was my time to head to class. I don't want to get in trouble and go home to get beaten for the bad kid that I am.

            Going to my first class I sit at the back. I don't bother to pay attention to the teacher. I take advantage and rest my head on the desk. Closing my eyes and letting the darkness take over me. That is until I hear footsteps coming near me.

Don't lookup. Ignore them. Don't look up it's probably nothing. I tell myself.

Soon I feel someone grab the back of my hoodie and as they pull it making me stand up. Only to find Jeremiah. Jeremiah schools' quarterback popular guy at our school.

" That's my seat Mute. Find yourself another seat slut." He says while the others laugh at me.

As soon as he releases my hoodie I move to another seat. This time I keep my head up just in case. I don't pay attention to the teacher as I daydream of what my life would look like if I could just be enough.

My first three classes go by with students throwing paper balls at me, calling me names, and pushing me around on the hallways. In my fourth period, I decided to write notes since I was bored. But what can you expect from its school. I was focus on the notes that I didn't notice a note on my desk. Debating on whether read it or not I open it and scan it.

Evangeline such a pretty name except that you're not pretty. Anyways I could write to you about many reasons why you should kill yourself. But I don't have the time to waste on someone like you so here are names of other students that signed this petition for you to see that your unwanted and UNLOVED.

Your dearest classmates.

Don't cry. It's okay. Keep it together those words should not affect you at all. I couldn't hold much longer so I left and ran to the bathroom and cried. I don't have to worry about leaving the classroom cause no one cares.

I cried and cried wishing that I wasn't born. Until the announcements went on: Evangeline Smith, please report to the front office.

I quickly wash my hand while thinking what did I do now? Making my way out of the bathroom into the office. Not bothering to check in with the receptionist I walk in. Taking my seat in from of the principal. Failing to notice a man and woman by him and on the corner 4 older boys who are looking at me with hope. Okay. I think to myself. Next to the principal, there is an older woman with a bunch of papers.

The principal clears his throat before saying, " Evangeline I would like to introduce to you, your biological family." Moving his hand to the man and women along with the boys.

I just stare at them in shock. They're looking at me with many emotions that I'm not sure what they are. Both the couple moves closer to me while everyone is just looking at me for a reaction.

Biological family? What! I am adopted? Did I do something bad as a baby? Am I not loved by them? What? Why show up till now? Many questions along with them ran through my head. Not believing or knowing what to do.

My what? Biological family! Was the only thing I thought before my eyes and body gave up and I let the darkness consume.

Sorry if it has bad grammar. This book is the first book that I write by the way so please be patient and understanding. If you are interested in the story please let me know to continue with it. Have a nice day!

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