Chapter 3

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Evangeline's POV

Everything is black, I can't move. Calming myself and letting my body relax before trying again. The second time is always the time. I think as I start to feel and move. Finally, my eyes start to open only to be received with light.

Once adapting to the light. I notice that everything is white. I'm confused. Where am I? What happened? What am I doing in here? All these questions start going on in my head. Till it hit me My biological family finally decided to show up.

Wait a hold minute biological?

All of a sudden my mouth and throat go dry. Looking at my surroundings I take in that I'm in a hospital. Great. I'm in so much trouble if they found out. But what if they don't?

I start to take off the needle on my arm and take the rest of the medical stuff on me. My escape comes to end when theirs a beeping going off. I try to find where the beeping is on to turn it off. But as soon as I step a foot out of the bed, a nurse comes in. " Hey there, your awake." I just stare at her.

" Do you need something? Should I inform your family that your awak-" I cut her off before she continues and shake my head in a no. "Okay, well am going to need you to calm down and you can rest. I will need to inform the doctor though." With that, she left. okay. I thought to myself.

Looking at everything that has happened I let myself fall into bed. Not knowing what to do I start to think, Should I leave while I have the chance? Should I stay? What if this is an opportunity for a new life? Who am I kidding? They left me right. They don't want anything with me, probably a maid or something. I need to get out.

I shake the feeling of tiredness in me and stand up. Taking every step slowly till I get my balance I make it to the door. Reaching for the doorknob I twist it, cautiously opening it. Peaking outside I see a few doctors walking in different directions. Good thing no one looks at me I step outside beginning to speed walk. Now how do I get out of here? I have never been to a hospital before.

Just what I need. The universe just had to put me in this position. Really what did I do to you, Universe? Do you really don't like me?

Walking around the long hallways getting more tired, I see a door with the sign Exit. I was about to make it. Yay! But no. Another hallway. As I walk my eyes caught the figures when I turn to face a room. The room had a with the door open and I see my biological family there.

I was about to keep walking when all of the sudden one of the boys looks up at me. His eyes held happiness upon seeing me then worry. Right when he was going to make his move to stand up, I quickly turn my heel. Sorry, not Sorry.

Ayton's POV

Hearing the news about this girl is my baby sister made me feel hopeful. Hopeful to restore the joy in my family. Which is really rare to me since I don't let myself attach to people. Nevertheless, feel things for people or just feel.

Am so happy yet concern floods through me waiting to hear from the doctor. I found myself looking up from boredom till I see her. She is looking at me with a black face. I throw her a smile. I was happy. WOW. I haven't meant her but I already feel love for her.

I start to notice that she is alone. I start to worry and confuse, she shouldn't be alone she should be resting. I was about to get up which earn all the attention from my family. They follow my gaze as soon as she ran out of our sight. I was the first to run out of the waiting room. What is she thinking?

The rest of my family follows. Till my younger brother Parker, the most energetic person that you will meet caught up with her. As soon as he stops her, she flinches which causes a confused look from him.

"Hey! I'm not going to hurt you, baby-sis" He began before opening his arm out for her. Which earns her to back away from him. To not say that he was not hurt is a whole lie.

I look at my father and to see that all my brothers were looking at each other. " Don't try to do anything that will scare her. Let's do this easy for her. Okay." He said to us. Which we nod in agreement. You could see the fear in her eyes which felt as if someone had cut me open with a knife to the heart.

Evangeline's POV

Finding myself surrounded by men bigger than me was not part of escaping this hospital. Many thoughts of what my punishments will be for being bad were racing through my head. To the point where I missed what the older man who says is my "father" said to the others. I don't know what to do.

I didn't realize the tear that was running down my cheek. Till my "father" step forward and wipe it away. "Shhh, everything is okay, baby. Daddy is here for you." I hear him say as he holds me which again I failed to realize that he is now hugging me.

Awwws. I hear. Making me turn around to the boys are looking at us. "Let's get you to bed." He continues. Before picking me up in bride style. Hold up, man. Did I give you permission to touch me? I wiggle out of his hold which makes him hold me tighter but delicate and soft. No its not soft I tell myself.

Before walking to the room that I was staying he tells the boys, " Find a doctor and let me talk to her with your mother, please. Then I will call you." He didn't wait for their answer and sat in bed with me on his lap. I was scared.

Soon I found myself relaxing to him as he plays with my hair. I sat straight up when the woman "mother" walk-in. She cautiously made her way to me. " Evangeline. Look at you, you're so big." She said. " Mother " placed her palm on my knee while I just stare at her hand.

" We have been looking for you non-stop. It's hard to believe and I know that you must be confused and have many questions. However, where your family and we want you. We love you. It hurts that we weren't there for you. And I'm sorry. Nevertheless were together now, nothing can tear us down." The man " Father " spoke with so much adoration, sweetness, and carrying.

" I- have many things to tell you but I can't bring myself to. I don't want our first meeting to be sad, darling. I want it to be full of ... -" Mother was cut short when the doctor walks in. " I see some is awake. Here I thought that you might want this" Handing me water. I had forgotten about my dry mouth and throat. " Sir, you just need to sign a few release papers, and you're free to go with your daughter, after her check-up."

Wait a minute free to go, to where?

"Can wait to have you home, baby girl." My supposed " Father " said as if he could read my mind.

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