Chapter 37

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Hello... just want to start by saying thanks to everyone that supports me in this amazing journey of writing. I just want to know if I should discontinue the story? I don't know how many of you actually like and read the story. So, if you guys lost interest or don't like it. Please let me know, I can change a couple of things in the book, how the characters are written, or anything that bothers yall. Or if I should still keep going and when it's finish edit the book?
Third POV

Today starts a new era for the Duke Grays. A new chapter for everyone. As rumors will spread, hate will grow, plans will take action, taking sides, and choices that will forever shape the lives for this family.

Evangeline is currently getting ready with her beautiful violet dress that sits well on her body. Her long hair in waves. Looking at the mirror not realizing the tear that is running down her face.

A warm hand reaches for her, slowly wiping away the tear. Eva through the mirror smiles to her oldest brother.

Ian had his hair messy, not caring whether it look good or bad. His black suit, white tie. Perfectly dress for a wedding that is being wanted from everyone. All over the world has been desperate to see it through T.V.

Deep inside he hates this day. He thinks of himself as repulsive. Nevertheless, he is here. For his father.

His father who is being dress by the best designer. Wearing a look that makes the workers not bother him. To finish their work fast.

Ian slowly takes Eva in his arms. Holding her. Soon another pair of arms wrap around them.

Dallas watches his you've started brother with tears in his eyes that have not fallen. Walking behind him he hugs them.

Wanting to take away the bad atmosphere in the room Dallas says, "Guys..." they pull away too look at their brother.

"I manage to graduate early. I'm done with school." He said with a small smile.

Parker jumps into his brother, "Does this mean that you will stay here more time." Dallas shakes his head.

Now Evangeline, Ian, and Parker stare at their brother, "I'm going to be living here. Again. Back to my family." His sibling soon envelopes Dallas into a massive hug.

3 hours later
The music began to play. Everyone stood up as the wife in a beautiful white laced dress came in.

She is not even pure. Far from that. Why does she even bother to wear white?

Those were some of the thoughts from the guys. Evangeline on the other case looks at Archer who had avoided eye contact with her. Not even bother to look in her direction.

Not one of the Duke Gray siblings payed any attention to the wedding. Till everyone had clap. They were all in their own mind.

Logan and Carly cheer knowing that they were closer to their riches. Knowing that in a few hours everything will go down.

As the people that made their way into a dinning room. Elias got up walking to a certain person.

Evangeline was pulled by Elias, "I need to talk to you." Elias voice was is so rush. Desperate.

Going with him to a private room. "Your father and your family is being robbed. Jane and her kids are trying to take you down. I have evidence too." He said taking his phone down.

Evangeline could believe what she is hearing. She felt the need to cry but made her way to him. She broke down looking at the truth evidences. Their were videos, files, hacking, codes and more.

Her mind rush to her family, " I need to inform my father." She said. "Come let's go before they go to their honeymoon."

Elias too her hand and rush. However they were late there was the car going away. Evangeline again was being pulled by Elias as they reach his car.

He started hissing his smirk. Knowing very well he had successfully won. He turn on the opposite way from the car that her father went.

Eva soon realized that, "Turn the other way. What re you doing!?" She was now crying historical.

Elias bother by her loud crying and her yelling for him to drop her off he took a injection and injected on her arm. Soon his angel went to sleep. Making his plan work.

Back on the dinning room.

A guard came up to Ian. "Sir, your sister is not anywhere in sight. The camera don't work. None of them." Dallas and Parker started to freak out hearing this.

Ian on the other hand was going to explode. "What do you mean none of the cameras work."

Before the guard had a chance to reply, Logan put his hand on Dallas and Parker shoulder. "Guys chill, Elias is with them." His voice was calm and happy.

Parker move away from Logan, " What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that he is with Carly, Archer, and Eva." He said using the nickname only her family and close friends use.

"If you don't believe me call Carly." Logan said and left.

Ian made sure to check on his younger brothers. To reacher them. After he got them to calm down.

They move into a secret room. That's were he call Carly.

"Where is Eva?" His voice is dangerous with each word.

"Fine. We just left. I think she had a panic attack. Eli is with her calming her down." She said.

However the call ended before he could ask a questions.

Ian not wanting to put his siblings through a tough situation he told them that it was fine. He trusted Elias. After they left. Ian took his phone and sent a search party from his mafia to look for them.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote!

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