Chapter 31

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Third POV

As the alarms on each room woke everyone it indicated a new fresh day for some. While for others a wild ride that they did not expect.

Evangeline had gone to her room to fresh up after last nights events. Once she was out of the the bathroom she got ready for school. After, getting everything from clothes to backpack she set out to the kitchen. She stop after being meant by Jane and Logan.

"Dear, come here. Don't just stand there." Alec told Eva. Making her way to take a sit by her father, she looks at him with confusion.

"Father?" She starts.

Logan kindly smiles before speaking, "We will live here now." Eva just nodded.

One by one of the Duke Gray brothers came from their rooms and had the same expression as their Evangeline, after being told by either Jane or Logan the news.

Plates were being placed by the maid and Javier came in to introduce himself, but Jane interrupted him. "We cannot start eating till Carly comes." Although it came more as a command than a request.

Parker's POV

Can she take any longer? I'm pretty sure everyone at the table can hear my stoma-


More sneezing after, looks like someone has allergies.

"Help!" That made everyone at the table jump and run towards Carly. Yet, the only real danger is me dying from starvation.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Pacco being on top of Carly. Her whole face red and unstoppable sneezing. Logan on the other hand gave me a glare. Unlikely him my brothers had a smirk on their faces.

"Alec, my poor baby is allergic to dogs. Get rid of it." Jane said making my laughter die. "You can't order around this house." I say.

Great now I'm mad and hungry. Not the best combination.

Eva suddenly help Pacco off Carly. "Dad you can't do that." Eva turns to dad as she pets him. Walking over to her I stand by her showing her my support.

We cannot get rid of family. Pacco will always be family and just because they are here doesn't mean anything.

I glance at my brothers trying to get them to do something as Jane and her son are telling dad to get rid of him. Dallas and Ian stand there glancing at dad.

That was till Ayton speaks up, "Dad I know you don't like dogs and I know that Pacco is a very lazy dog that only sits and eats all day. But come on are you going to get rid of him because you of some stupid allergies." Dad looks at Ayton surprise since Ayton is not a fund of Pacco.

Also because he is right about Pacco he is lazy. The only times I have seeing him walk is to use to the bathroom.

"Dad he became family." Me and Evangeline say at the same time adding to Aytons speech.

Dad sighs before saying, "Fine, but he will stay outside or in one of your rooms." He said and left to the kitchen.

Third POV

Carly couldn't believe it. She felt humiliated over the family choosing the dog over her. And it's all because of youngest siblings. She thought.

Logan was amaze at how easily Alec can be manipulated by his children. He obviously is going to use that at his advantage.

Jane on the other hand, she wasn't going to take that she ran after Alec to talk to him.

Soon the kids were call by their private driver to go to school. Poor Parker is going to have to skip breakfast.

Let's just say that the car drive was not pleasant for Carly or Logan as they sat there watching them as they interact without them. Again.

Once at school, Carly spread the news of being a soon to be Duke Gray. Which earn her to be the schools new queen bee. Logan in another case got girls to be simping over him. While his new friends also want to know information about Evangeline.

What they don't realize is that the true king of the school is Ayton. As long as Ayton or Parker have power, Eva cannot be touch.

Evangeline was so excited to meet up with Archer. She looks through the hallways to see her friend and only friend. Her smiles fades as she spots Archer with Elias. Both of them talking to Carly.

Not wanting to bother them she leaves and goes to her first class.

Carly had known that Archer is best friends with Evangeline but not for to long she thought to herself. However she fell at that but at least she meat Elias.

Making his way to class to search for his friend Archer can help but smile widely. "Hey, mama" he says once he reaches Eva. She nod to him as she took her book out.

"Sorry that I didn't meant with you. I was being attacked by a fake bitch. The new kids seem sketchy." Archer said to Eva wanting to hear her angelic voice.

"Their my soon to be my step-siblings." Eva said with a small smile. Archer wish her good luck before thinking of how truly sorry he was.

Skip time to the cafeteria.

Eva got up to use the bathroom but was stop by a girl. "Can't you believe the new girl thinks she is the queen of the school."

Evangeline only chuckle before saying, "Believe she is a handful." Which made the other girl smile.

"You should of seen her this morning. She was trying to get rid of my dog." Eva exclaimed.

"I can only imagine." The other girl said.

They made a small conversation about how controlling Carly is before saying goodbyes.

As she reaches her table Archer asks her what to get so long. As she replies with, "I think I made a new friend."

"You can't get rid of me." Archer states with seriousness in his voice.

And that is how Evangelines day went. Nothing bad had happened at school but she still felt as if something bad is going to happen.

Guess she was right because when she open the door to her house she was meant by her father looking angry and Jane hugging a crying Carly. Leaving a confuse Evangeline.

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