Chapter 40

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Alec POV

Was I not present in my children's life?

The question is bugging me. I need to know the truth. They must have missed me, I mean if they did, they would have called me to spend time. Right? Or I did spend time with them that is why they never ask to spend time.

I go to the movie room, as I get there Dallas is hugging Parker. Logan is sitting by them. Ugh, couldn't he get a life?

"Dallas come here. I need to talk to you." I order him. I didn't care right now; I need to know.

He comes up to me, he closes the door. He turns to me, and I led us down the hallway. "Do you miss me?" I ask.

"No." That was all he said.

I stop walking, he notices and stops as well. "Did- Was I ever-present in your life? Did I take time to spend with you? and was it enough? Did you ever miss me?" I get the questions of my mind ready for the answers.

Dallas is looking straight at my eye before speaking, "I'm going to be straight with you, I don't think you were present in my life at all. It was always mom, the mafia, or the jobs. Thanks to mom who at least would explain that if you weren't working, we would have this lifestyle and luxurious life." Dallas stops and puts his hand on his shoulders.

He doesn't stop but continues to make my miserable heart grow. "However, I grew up to know that you're a workaholic. Thanks to Ayton, Parker, Ian, and now that Eva is here, I'm never alone. Or feel alone. I- I'm sorry but I never miss you. Ian would and still fills up the job that is supposed to be your number one priority. Being a father." Dallas said everything never breaking eye contact to truly show that he meant everything he has said.

Without saying anything else he leaves back to the movie room.

Ian's POV

"What do you mean we have lost connection with Ayton?" My anger gets the best of me as u scream at the man seating by my side.

He gulps, "Yeah sir, he hasn't texted or messages us in the last two days before the wedding."

I can't believe it, "Why was not inform of this any sooner." His reply made me even angrier, "I hadn't check till now that you're asking about him, sir."

I nod to the guards that are in the corner. "Take him away from my presence. I don't care what you do to him." I say trying to get him away from me as possible.

Calling a friend, I tell him to find Ayton, to do anything that he needs to do.

After three more hours of trying to find a clue on where my siblings are, there's a knock on the door. Parker comes in with a smile. He hands me a plate of food.

"I thought that you might be hungry." He said. I smile at him.

Facing the people that working hard on the table I say to them, "Take a break. Go eat or whatever you want for two hours."

Everyone leaves the office, now it's just me and Parker. "Where is Evangeline and when will Ayton come back fro-"

"Alec Duke Gray!" Jane comes in screaming. Once she sees he is not here she leaves slamming the door with a wave of enthusiastic anger.

"Eva went with Ayton. Soon, they will come." Parker looks at me, "Promise?" A small smile forms on my face and I hug my brother as I whisper, "I promise."

Countless times I have hug my youngest brother. However, this time I don't let go of him afraid that he will also go missing. I have been a terrible brother. "Can me and Dallas sleep on your bed?"

I let go of him, "Sure. Why though?"

Parker thinks for a minute before speaking, "I feel alone. Logan and Carly coming just... I don't know. I just want it to be like back when it was just you, me, Dallas, Ayton, and Evangeline too." I know what he is talking about. "Don't worry, I know. And you are not alone ever."

I take the fork to my mouth eating the food on the plate. When I finish with my food. I stand up. "Come on. Before going to sleep you have to take a shower." I tell him seriously. He runs off. Leaving me with my thoughts.

No one's POV

Seating bored on a hospital bed sits Carly. She was exhausted from all the faking that she had done. Saying that she and Evangeline are friends took a lot of energy from her.

The door of the hospital bed opens revealing a mad Archer. His face is full of blood. He hadn't taken a shower in days. His clothes are ripped and had blood on them. Carly didn't notice him as she is too busy filing her nails.

A tight grip on her throat makes her look up to Archer. "Where is she?"

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So, I know how the story is going to end... However, I still need to write those chapters. Would anyone want an epilogue chapter at the end of this book?

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