Chapter 7

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No one's POV

Eva felt as if the whole world came to stop. She couldn't keep her eyes off it.

It was a picture of baby Eva wrapped in a baby pink blanket, Alec was holding her, while the boys had a smile on their faces some of them were even crying, Lily was leaning to Alec to take a glance at the baby. They look so happy in the picture that nothing could take away the happiness that they felt. However, later that night their happiness was taken away from them. Leaving them broken and incomplete.

The Duke Gray brothers didn't know what to do other than stare at their baby sister staring at the picture with unshed tears. Ian took some steps forward and stood next to her. Not knowing what to say or do he side hug her before saying, "I'll never forget that day."

No one broke the silence as Eva's mind and heartfelt a little hope. Maybe this is a new start for me. Eva thought.

The moment of peace was broken by a grumbling stomach. Parker just scratches the back of his neck embarrassed. "Sorry, can we go and eat cause I'm starving." The family laughs before the mother starts, "I'll tell Javier to start cooking. Eva dear, he is the family's cook. If you ever need or want something to eat just tell him and he will make it." Before leaving not waiting for Eva to respond.

Staring at the door as his wife left, wondering what was that. There was no need to be rude or maybe she is really overwhelmed. He would need to talk about that to his wife. Turning to his sons who were looking at him with a "WTF was that" look. He shrugged. "I'm sorry about that, Eva."

"It's alright, no worries." Faking a simile. "I'm going to go make some calls for the designer and make dates for them to come. In the meantime, yall can go swim, play games in the playroom, or watch a movie in the theatre." With that Alec left to his office to prepare for all the calls he was going to make.

Ian felt his phone vibrate he took it to see a call from one of his clients. " Hey guys I have to take this. I'll find yall later." Saying to his younger siblings waving at them, before turning to leave.

The boys turned to their baby sister looking at her for her to decide what to do. Weirdos. Eva thought as they all kept smiling at her. Dallas asks Eva "So, what do you want to do? Wanna watch a movie?" Eva said "Sure". Following her brothers to the theatre, which made her stop right on her tracks once she saw it. Ayton chuckled at her reaction.

Taking their seats they turn to look at her, for her to choose. Her eyes widen when she saw the vampire diaries, Dallas noticing her he pick it. " We don't-" He cut her off " I want to watch it." He meant it if means spending time with her. Parker just shrugged and lean into his seat. Ayton was preparing himself for boredom.

For the past hours, 4 seasons that they were watching. Dallas, Ayton, Parker, and Eva were on the edge of their seats watching Elena's transformation of becoming a vampire. Neither of them had broken the silence but kept eyes on the tv.

" Dinners ready. Come down, guys!" All of a sudden Parker came back to his senses on how hungry he was. Running down to get his plate of food. Dallas laughed at his brother, while Ayton guided Eva to the dining room.

Once they were down they saw that Parker had started eating. Taking their seats, Ayton asks his parents, "Is Ian coming home to eat?" His mother shook her head. "No, son he is stuck at work, later tonight he will come," Alec said.

As soon as Eva's eyes locked with the plate in front of her, her eyes widen. There was so much food. Taking her spoon ignoring the glances she brought it to her mouth. Forcing herself to eat it. She didn't want it to, she just didn't want to be rude for not eating; then receiving punishment for it. Eva ignores the conversations that were going on through the table about what they had done. Only shaking and nodding her head when she would be ask something. Taking the last bite that she could eat she set her spoon down, before saying, "I'm full may I be excused?"

Smiling at his daughter he looks and frowns at the sight of her plate. She had only eaten little food he thought to himself. " Did you like your food?" Eva took a second before responding, " I did. I just don't have a large appetite." Nodding to himself. He then told her, " A maid will come and bring you to a room for you to sleep in for tonight. There are some clothes that you can use. Sleep well, tomorrow will be a big day for us but mostly you."

A maid soon came and took Eva to a room for her to stay in. There were some clothes for her to use. Along with her bag of makeup. Taking the clothes to the bathroom, she locked the door before making herself throw up. She did this for some time till her throat and stomach hurt. Striping her clothes next she took a step at the shower before turning it on.

After having the only best shower that she has ever had she left the bathroom.

Laying on the soft bed she thought of today. It was okay. Tomorrow will be a new adventure, let's see what the Universe has for me, tomorrow. That was the last thought that she had before falling asleep.

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