Jeongchan ~ Arranged

Start from the beginning

"Uh... Chan Hyung?" Jeongin slowly spoke out and sitting down on the edge of the sofa keeping a distance.

Chan turned his head, raising his eyebrows.

"I know we haven't really started off on the right foot but I hope that we can at least be friends maybe more" Jeongin mumbled out not making eye contact with the other. Jeongin only lifted his head when he heard a loud exhausted sigh leave Chan's mouth.

"Why doesn't anyone let me have a normal life. I don't see why having an arranged marriage will help anything" Chan rolled his eyes and turned back to the TV.

"We can forget about the arranged marriage, why... why don't we start off as friends and see what happens. That way our parents will be happy for us and I'll at least not feel awkward.." Jeongin fiddling with his fingers

"Not awkward?! You know what's the most awkward... I have to deal with you trying to make some relationship out of us when nobody should try to get into a relationship with me. You aren't and won't ever be like them ever and I hate you so much for trying" Chan shouted out.

Chan stood up angrily and sped off back to their bedroom. Great Jeongin had screwed up once again. The maknae could feel his eyes filling with tears as he realised this relationship wasn't going to work. There was no point in trying anymore.

Grabbing a blanket nearby the boy rolled up into a ball and softly cried making sure Chan couldn't here.
I young boy decided to go round to his parents house for a day or two. Knowing Chan would most likely be more frustrated with him after trying to make at least a friendship work for them.

It was only around 1pm and so Jeongin decided to just leave with his wallet and phone, he still had clothes round his parents so if he did spend the night he could his spares.

Jeongin thought about leaving a note but decided against it. It wouldn't be a good idea to remind chan he's still going to have to marry him.

Jeongin made his way out the door but instead of going in the direction of his parents he first made a detour. Taking an alley down the road the maknae made his way to a convenience store.

The bell jingled and Jeongin gave a quick smile to the cashier before turning down the instant ramen aisle.  There wasn't anyone else in the store and so the boy took his time looking through all the different flavours. He soon ended up choosing a medium spiced noodle. Jeongin also picked up some soju. Probably not his wisest decision but he was legal and could drink it and right now made trying to forget what chan said would be good.

Jeongin also picked up a few crisps and sweets to snack on.
Placing the food and drink down in the counter the cashier got to work placing everything in a thin plastic bag.
Paying was simple enough and luckily he didn't get looked up and down for looking so young compared to the age on his ID.

Taking his food outside, ramen now bubbling away from the hot water machine,  the boy made his way to the deserted play ground.

Despite it being nearly 2pm it was incredibly quiet. Despite the swings looking very tempting, he sat down by the trunk of a tree. Leaning back and eating his hot ramen.

It was 2am when the boy suddenly woke up in the darkness. He must've dozed off after finishing eating at some point but he had no memory of doing so. Standing up and stretching his limbs Jeongin grabbed his rubbish and slowly made his way back to the house.

It was late so hopefully Chan's was asleep and he could sneak in and just get some sleep on the couch. What he wasn't expecting was to be attacked the second he opened the door in a bone crushing hug.

"Innie thank goodness you are okay" Jeongin noticed the person hugging him was Chan.

Why was chan up?

"I- Hyung I can't breathe"

Chan's pulled way from the hug, "why didn't you say where you were, you had me worried. I rang your parents and they told me you weren't there and then I assumed the worst"

As chan ranted on Jeongin noticed how his eyes were slightly red and puffy, glistening slightly. Chan had been crying.
Pulling his Hyung into a hug Innie recited how sorry he was over and over.
It was a pretty stupid thing to do.

"I should be the one saying sorry Innie, I said some awful stuff, a lot isn't true. I'm just scared okay? You won't ever be like them but I can't help but fall for you" chan let out a shaky breathe.

"I'm falling in love with you" Chan spoke in almost a whisper.

Jeongin's breathe hitched. Impossible.

"I- Hyung? There's no falling for me to do. I already love you"

Chan gasped and looked at his crush. Without another second passing Chan pulled him into a soft kiss. Letting out all the stress and worry.
Maybe getting married wouldn't be so bad.

Hii oh wow sorry for not uploading for ages, I'm drowned in work and also lost half of it so I gotta re-do it.
Hopefully I can start uploading more frequently!

Chan decideds to apologise but can't find jeongin. happy ending though

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