Chanlix~ LifeGuard

Start from the beginning

"It's not that far actually, they brought them in because the waves were getting strong" Changbin explained.

Felix stood up and brushed off the sand on his shorts,he then placed his shirt back on,if he was going into the water he didn't want to get cold."sure that makes it much better for me Binnie"

Jisung pointed back out to the see, "it's not that far, if you don't think you'll get all the way just turn back"

Felix nodded determinedly, "no, like Changbin said it's easy"

Felix strode into the hot sun and walked past some groups of people as he got to the edge of the water,his feet getting washed by the fairly warm waves. The boy looked back to his friends who gave him the thumbs up.
Nervously he started walking deeper into the ocean. The strength of the waves weren't too bad as the boy began to swim.

Pushing forward Felix made it half way in no time, however this is where the problems began. Felix was a fairly good swimmer he had swam a few times during school.
The waves had become stronger and so Felix had to use all his strength to keep himself above the water. His arms and legs began working twice as hard as his face was splashed with salty water.
As he went to breath in, a huge wave came over him and pulled him under the water.
Luckily he managed to pull himself back above and break through the water but as he got up another wave pulled him down.
He was in deep trouble.

Jisung,Changbin and Hyunjin had been watching Felix for a little while and didn't notice him go under at first. They were certain the boy would make it.

"Felix seems to be struggling a bit" Hyunjin mentioned as he saw Felix disappear and reappear moments later.

Jisung turned to Hyunijn, "you think he's okay?"

Changbin was watching Felix as the others discussed if their freckles friend was going to make it. That's when he spotted a problem, where was Felix?

"Guys...." Changbin started to say but Jisung and Hyunjin had now become distracted by a video on one of their phones.

Changbin stood up and grabbed the phone out their hands, "WHERE THE HELL HAS FELIX GONE!" He shouted as he pointed out to the ocean, the boy was no where.

As Changbin shouted, Chan was currently surveying the beach as he just returned a crying kid to his mother. After hearing the shout of distress Chan turned to the voice.

He found himself rushing up to a group of boys probably only a few years younger than himself. They seemed to be looking out sea and worrying.

"Oh thank god, you're a lifeguard right? Ou-our friend, friend he hasn't come back up,he was swimming over there" the boy with faded blue hair pointed shakingly at a part of water with high tide and harsh waves.

"Okay, I'll need one of you to run to the lifeguard station and get back up, the others stay by the edge of water where I enter" Chan gave quick and simple instructions.
Hyunjin took off running to the station without saying anything and Changbin and Jisung rushed to follow Chan as he dove straight into the water.

Chan was a very advanced swimmer and so the waves didn't do much to stop him from pushing further into the ocean. He quickly reached the section where the boys had pointed out.

He dove under and spotted a boy underneath the water and lying on the bottom of the sea bed about 10 metres down. Chan dove in and began to swim down as fast as he could, his muscles were aching but he didn't fault.

As he reach the unconscious boy Chan noticed his shirt was caught under a rock, he quickly tugged on the shirt making it rip. He didn't have much breath left and so with all his energy he hauled the young boy up and above.

He held onto the boy and luckily the lifeguard boat was nearing them already.  His colleague helped to pull the orange hair boy onto the boat, Chan pulled himself up and didn't waste any time with starting CPR.
Chan needed to get the water out the boys lungs as soon as possible. Pumping hard on the boys chest Chan counted steadily, making sure the patients nose was covered he started mouth to mouth in hopes it would held.
It took a few times before the water was expelled from the poor boy and he was coughing.
Chan smiled and caught his breathe. His colleague wrapped a blanket around the boys shoulders and Chan rubbed his back to help sooth the ache he is probably feeling in his lungs and throat.

"What's your name?" Chan smiled gently at the boy who was staring off in space as they reached the beach.

"FELIX!!" Chan heard the group of bigs from early scream out in happiness as the boat reached shore.

Knowing Felix would be too weak to even stand, chan briskly picked him up and then placed him on a stretcher that was waiting with a group of ambulance crew.

Hyunjin rushed to the big and gave him a bottle of water that they had earlier. Felix smiled thankfully and took it in his shaky hand and brought it up to his lips before taking a few gulps.

Jisung and Changbin were hugging each other in delight their faces were stained with tears and their eyes red.

Felix looked to chan and blushed at how good looking he suddenly realised he was, "thank you" he croaked out just before the stretcher was lifted and they began to carry him away.

Chan smiled, he was happy the boy survived, even though it was another day at the job he was still just as pleased that he managed to save a life.

They guys hope you enjoyed! I write this whilst Chan was life :))
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