RS = Grumbo Angst (Villain + Hero Universe)

Start from the beginning

Mumbo Jumbo, a tyrant and dangerous super villain, had his back to Grian Xelqua. An elite hero who was tasked with ending his life under strict orders.

Neither had spoken for an hour now. The pain on their hearts and the guilt on their shoulders was crushing. But in the end- they always somehow managed to crawl back to each other. 

Mumbo’s red eyes were dry and scratchy. They hurt from the tears he had been shedding and wiping away. His voice was gone and his head hurt. He would’ve left a while ago and returned to Retro-Sunn to continue his tyrannical-like reign over its people but now he couldn’t find any energy to move. Nor could he find the heart to leave Grian here mourn alone either. 

Grian hadn’t moved since they had both turned away from each other. His large wings were wrapped around him like an extra pair of arms. Mumbo could still tell he was crying silently though. 

It was second nature to know when his partner was upset. 


The super villain felt his body tense but he remained unmoving for the most part. He braced himself for the continued yelling that never did come. 

Instead in its place came a defeated sob. 

“What are we going to do?” Grian finally exclaimed. His voice was rough and gravely from all the yelling. "We're horrible parents." 

Mumbo couldn’t find an answer. For a man who usually knew everything. He didn’t have one for the loss of his- their sons. To Grian- he wanted to say everything. 

"No, you're the only good parent in this equation." 

"Don't talk down to yourself like that." 

"No! It's me! I ruined this relationship! You shouldn't even be with a monster like me!" 

“I- I don’t know.” 

Mumbo stared down at his hands in shame. He wanted to turn around and face his partner but he felt too scared to. His pride was all put behind him. He should have done it earlier when he still had time but he was too blind and idiotic to see it until now. 

The two fell back into silence. 

The clock on the wall ticked away towards the eighth hour. They had just been in this same damning room since three pm and now it was almost eleven pm. 

Swallowing hard with the silence threatening to choke him even more, Mumbo finally broke it. Sucking up every inch of his pride that remained and destroying every single wall he usually held ever so high. 

“I’m sorry Gri- Mister Xelqua,” MJ choked. “I’m so sorry, for everything.” 
Mumbo exhaled quietly as more tears flowed down his cheeks a bit more intensely then before. He quickly did them away with his hand. His eyes did not leave the couch arm as he licked his lips. 

Grian didn’t move. 

“If I could do anything to even try to bring them both back. I’d do it.” Mumbo confessed weakly. His usual strong and commanding voice now no louder than a pathetic whimper. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to even to just see them one more time. Give them more time then they had.” 

The darkness felt as if it were consuming Mumbo whole. It didn’t accompany well with the silent treatment Grian was harshly throwing his way. 

Mumbo choked again, his voice breaking and wavering. His head dropped and his hands went over his face as if he were trying to force back all the tears that were spilling out. Mumbo hated it when people saw him cry but this wasn’t just any random person. This was his partner.
The idiot ray of sunshine hero he’d do anything for to see him happy

Even if that meant leaving. 

Mumbo took a shaky breath of air in and did his best to recollect himself. 
“May- May I turn and see you?” Mumbo asked gently yet daringly at the same time. He threatened the temporary peace that he and Grian had at that moment. MJ knew Grian would’ve really wanted to be alone but he just had to ask. He’d never forgive himself if the last sight he saw of Grian was where he was super pissed off at him. 

“No.” Grian finally replied. Killing the silence and seemingly emphasizing the point that their domestic here was finally over. 

They'd go their separate ways and never see each other in person. They wouldn't meet together again or steal quiet moments together when it counted. 

Mumbo dreaded the day when he’d seen Grian again and they’d finally be on the opposite sides of a public war. A war that had brought them together and the same one that ripped them to shreds all at once.  

Rejection was something Mumbo was used to hearing, but this one hurt way more than the others. Mumbo didn’t think it’d hurt that much in the first place yet here he was, turning his head down like a kid who just got in trouble with their parents. 

Parents, something he was awful at and something Grian would never get the chance to be again. Mumbo was to blame for that entirely and it made the guilt build higher still. 

The killing silence returned for a second before a shuffle reached Mumbo’s ears. 

Before MJ could process anything, two arms slithered around his waist and latched onto him up near his chest. The latched arms trapped Mumbo in place. 

A warm body pressed itself against his back and two large wings folded themselves inward and draped down his body, greeting him with warmth. 
Mumbo’s heart almost stopped right then and there. His breathing hitched. 

“No… You may not turn around and see me because I know how much you hate it when people see you cry.” 

Mumbo flinched. His expression softened dramatically and his vision went blurry and disordered from the tears that aggressively made themselves known. One of his hands found its way down to Grian’s lower forearm while the other went up and covered his mouth from shock. 
The villain’s body hunched over and began to shake and tremble and heavy waves of shock rushed over him like a title wave. 

The silent tears were no longer silent as Mumbo broke down. One hand futility trying to muffle the sobs that escaped him. 

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Mumbo asked between gasps of air. 
To that- Grian did not answer. He simply rested his head down on one of Mumbo’s shoulders and shut his eyes. 

Mumbo didn’t know what was worse. Grian rejecting him completely or not giving him an answer as to how he deserved him. 


Am handing out tissues if anyone needs one- 

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