51 | Paralyzed

Começar do início

I hated being the center of attention. I rather just be in the background unnoticed as always. 

I heard the sound of a car blowing the horn outside. It was Amberly and Eddie picking me up.

 "Wait, before you go I need a photo!" my mother exclaimed and dove for her phone on the counter. 

"Mom," she groaned. 

"Smile!" my mother demanded.

The memory me just did a quick grin and rolled her eyes as my mother snapped at least 10 photos at the same time. I'm sure she got the eye roll. 

"Have fun!" my mother shouted as the old me started rushing toward the door in an attempt to get far away from my mother.

I felt myself getting pulled forward, till I was stuck in the living room now. I watched myself anxiously putting on those heels I would lose later that night. My mother followed after her and unlocked the door for me. 

"Here goes nothing," I heard the old me mumble as she finished putting on the last heel. 

My mother slapped her on the shoulder lightly. "Honey, you will have a wonderful time! Prom night is always special, especially for seniors! Maybe you'll find the one tonight!"

I felt myself and the old me flush.

"Mom, what the hell?!" she cried. 

"Hush," my mother grinned and tucked loose hair that was dangling from the bun she did for me. "Go have some fun tonight."

The horn blew again. 

"Gotta go, bye!" the old me yelped and bolted out the door. 

"Love you!" my mother yelled after her. 

I didn't say it back. 

My mother just smiled as Eddie's truck took off down the road. I was outside now and watched the door close behind her. 

"Did that make you feel anything?" I heard the old me sneer behind me. 

I turned, seeing her still in that dress. 

"Excuse me?" I scoffed and finally feeling the ability to walk, I strode over to her. 

"I said, did that make you feel anything?" she reiterated.

"Was it supposed to?" I questioned. "All it did was show me the last time I saw my mother."

"That's a shame," she sighed. "I thought seeing her again would wake up something inside your stubborn brain."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I snarled. "What is all of this shit?"

"I am you," she admitted. "The real you. This thing I am looking at now is not me. I wouldn't harm or kill others. I wouldn't have killed that innocent woman at the hotel."

"She was trying to kill me!" I screamed but the other me just started laughing in disbelief.

"They were trying to bring you home," she refuted. "And look what you did. You killed people."

"I didn't do anything!" I spat.

"Okay, so it wasn't you who killed those men in Nevada or Indiana. Or those men in New York," she laughed. "You also didn't try to kill Laura or kill that woman that was with her. That was someone else right?"

"Stop talking!" I hissed.

"No I will keep talking," she retorted. "Shall I start remembering their faces? Should I bring up Laura's horrified look at you as you were about to kill her? Maybe I should remember finding my dead mother on a bathroom floor."

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora