52 | Beyond the Brink

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I inquired.

Lily just held up about five sharp daggers in her hand, they looked oddly out of place in a car like this. They had to have been Mila's. 

"I guess somebody likes daggers," Lily trailed off and dropped them back into the trunk. 

I started walking further away from the cars and to the lighthouse. I didn't sense anyone around us, except for the two faint voices coming up from the lighthouse. They were becoming more apparent as I took my focus away from anything else. 

Cynthia and Elle were up there. But where the hell was Seana? 

Then a scream came from above. 

"Kenny!" Lily's voice pierced through the air, snapping me back to my surroundings. 

Kenny had darted off towards the lighthouse, Lily hot on his heels. They had already gotten to the broken door and halfway to the stairs before I caught up. The stairs were narrow, all I could do was chase up after them. Trying to grab him would only cause Lily to get knocked down and fall. 

"Kenny stop running!" I shouted, nearly knocking into Lily as the three of us climbed the stairs rapidly, just inches apart. 

Kenny just shook his head in defiance, he was covered in sweat now for how fast we were going up. Lily just about started to hyperventilate. 

"Kenny stop!" Lily shouted again nearly out of breath as we reached the top, only to see Elle being choked by Seana. She just dropped her without care and grinned at the three of us sadistically. 

Lily pulled Kenny behind her instinctively, I felt my body tensing up as Seana and I eyed each other with murderous glares. 

Cynthia was down on the ground, her head covered in blood. 

Elle got back up and backed up slowly till she was standing side by side with me. We both went forward, going for each side of Seana as we shoved her through the last bit of window that wasn't broken. 

Seana didn't take long to recover, she sprang back up to her feet as Elle and I closed in on her. At first, it looked like she was about to go to Elle, but she quickly sped towards me. She grabbed my arm and snapped it, pain shooting straight upward. 

"Too bad you won't be here as I kill the only thing you love," Seana whispered sadistically in my ear, just as she lifted me and threw me like I weighed nothing.

Everyone around me swirled. I was falling fast, the only thing I thought about was that everything was gone. Seana had come back into my life and destroyed it once more. 

Then I felt every bone in my body crack. I was on my back, looking up at the darkening clouds above me. I couldn't even hear anything around me. I was amazed my neck hadn't been snapped from the fall. 

I was utterly useless. How was I dumb enough to go to the ledge? Despite my body slowly healing, it wasn't enough. I hadn't fed in over a week. The fact that I was slowly recovering now was a miracle. 

I wanted to scream out. I tried shifting my limbs, but they were paralyzed. I felt tears falling down the sides of my face. I finally was able to turn my head as I saw Celesta's Camaro pull in along with Eddie's truck. But it was too late. 

I knew Seana. She would kill everyone up there. She always won. 

"Oh my God!" I heard Amberly shout just as I could pick up the sound of people moving quickly on the gravel road. 

I saw Celesta and Zach rushing towards me, Amberly and Eddie trailing not far behind. 

Celesta collapsed down beside me, checking me for any signs of trauma. 

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now