"What's our first course of action, oh high elder?" Cynthia asked Laura, giving her a grin. 

"Well we are going to Zachary's first obviously," Laura remarked. "And don't call me that."

"Well you are," Cynthia rebuffed. "And you should probably do under 100, we don't need a ticket or all of us to die in a fiery crash on the way there."

Despite the severity of the situation, a few chuckles went around the car. 

Laura did slow down, to about 95. 

We made it back 15 minutes faster than predicted by Elle. Laura nearly swerved sideways into Zach's gravel driveway, rocks went flying as she gunned it down the long drive. All of us had our fingers death-gripped to our seats or the handles on the ceiling. 

Zach jumped out before Laura even came to a complete stop and sprinted toward the shed. We all got out and followed him in a hurry. Laura and Cynthia went over to where two men were standing. When we all entered the shed I noticed William was kneeling on the ground with Markus who was propped up against the wall, holding his head. 

"He is coming around son, just give him a minute," William said to Zach who was standing over them, his face etched in pain. 

I walked up to him and touched his shoulder. He flinched, causing me to let it go. 

"Zach?" I questioned. 

"Sorry, I'm just antsy," he muttered and gave me a quick smile. "I need to figure out who did this before I lose it."

"Where is the rest of the pack?" Laura inquired.

"Out searching the property, we are trying to get a scent on who did this," William sighed. "So far we have had no luck. We found Markus like this right before we texted Zach."

"Do you think it was Seana?" I suggested everyone's eyes snapped to me. 

"I thought she was locked up by Orion, was she not?" Cynthia piped in. "Unless the asshole released her."

"I'm going to give Francis a call," Laura mumbled. "Cyn can you take the girls to the house? I'm going to stay here and figure out what to do."

"What? I'm not leaving!" I protested.

"Yeah Mom, we can help," Lily added. 

"Honey, if this is Seana's doing I want the three of you safe at the house, I don't want you in harm's way!" Laura exclaimed.

"I'm literally training to be an enforcer, this is stuff I do," I rebuked. 

"Yes, an enforcer in training. The best place for you is at the house, not here dealing with a psychopathic killer," Laura reiterated. 

"We have dealt with her before you know," I put in. 

"And if it wasn't for others we would have been killed," Zach remarked. "I'm going out to join them, I'll call you if we find anything."

The last part was directed at William and Laura. 

He turned on his heel and headed out the door. I just shook my head and ran after him. I nearly had to sprint to catch up to him. He was headed right for the woods.

"Wait!" I shouted, he stopped and turned to me, his brown eyes unreadable. 

"Cel I have to go, if this was Seana—" he stopped as he looked down at the ground, his eyes turning glassy.

"Let me go with you," I insisted.

"No, I actually want you guys to go check on Scott, him not answering isn't like him," Zach pressed. 

Darkness Descending | Book One ✓Where stories live. Discover now