Minsung - New Lesson

Start from the beginning

Jisung was only relieved when he didn't hear any students react to what he had caught himself saying. Most of them were still eye-balling his boyfriend. It bugged Jisung to no end.
Minho was his. and his only.

Jisung caught Minho's eyes and the older smirked and winked. Jisung took a deep breath. Did he seriously just wink at him in front of the class, Minho was teasing him,of course the girls behind Jisung assumed it was towards them and they all began giggle profoundly.

Minho started up the lesson trying to block out the obvious flirty looks he was getting and the comments that could be heard from his students. He gritted his teeth as he heard more and more comments but he snapped when he heard a girl say fairly loudly that she would want him in her bed anytime.

Minho stopped teaching about the complexities of geometry and turned to the class.

"Before I continue I'd like to make a few statements after hearing some of the comments being spoken around, first I am gay so sorry to all the ladies in the room". Minho smiled at his comment.
The girls in the room groaned in annoyance. "Secondly I also have a boyfriend so could you please refrain from making inappropriate comments"

Minho made eye contact with his boyfriend in the crowd  and Jisung gave a small smile, he was glad Minho had got them to stop.
With that Minho turned around and continued the lesson as if nothing happened.
Jisung wouldn't lie and say that Minho getting annoyed at the comments didn't turn him on. He quickly shook off the thought and tried to concentrate on the lesson, he would be lying if he said he wasn't getting distracted by Minho most of  time.

The two hours past quickly and the class began packing up, "my office is just down the hall so if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to come and ask" Minho added as he dismissed them.

Jisung smiled and began packing up.
"I don't think I've ever actually learnt anything in maths like I have today" Felix spoke up.

"Lix you basically never came to lesson so it makes sense" Changbin rolled his eyes.
The group began to make their way down the stairs towards the exit.
"We have an hour before music do we want to go to the studio?" Chan asked.

The studio was where the group spent most of their time. Not only was it to get away from their fans but they also had a fridge and snacks stored there.

"Umm give me a sec I need to talk to the lecturer,I'll meet you there" Jisung spoke up as he looked that the others.

The group smiled at Jisung. "He's taken ji don't try your luck" chan rolled his eyes.

"I know" Jisung equally rolled his eyes and made his way over to his boyfriend. There was a girl currently asking about one of the questions set for their assignment.

After the girl left Jisung stepped forward, "why didn't you tell me" Jisung whined and crossed his arms.

Minho chuckled as he packed up his stuff. "Well you never asked me where I was going to teach"

Minho turned to his boyfriend who was pouting slightly. Minho smiled and quickly checked his room to make sure it was empty before quickly kissing Jisung.

"You know you being my lecturer is not going to end well, you may have to teach me some of the stuff after the lecture" Jisung started as he approached Minho who had sat down on his desk to organise the papers.

"Oh is that so?" Minho eyed Jisung and he wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him onto his lap.

Jisung nodded, "I wasn't paying attention, I blame you" Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck.

"I guess I'll have to teach you something now huh?" Minho leaned in and whispered into Jisung's ears. A shiver went down the younger's spine.

Minho took jisung's lips into his and started a very heated make out session. Jisung's hands played with the collar and tie wrapped around his neck. He started to untie it and undo his top button.
Minho in turn  had travelled his hands underneath Jisung's shirt as they explored the younger's lightly toned abs.

Minho bit onto the younger's lips and pulled on it gently, Jisung let out a soft moan because of the action and pulled himself closer to the older, his hand had began undoing more of the buttons.

Minho pulled away soon after causing Jisung to whine. "Minnnn"

"As much as I'd like to continue I have another lecture soon and I don't want to get fired on my first day"

Jisung whined again and placed his face in the crook of the older's neck.
"Fine I guess" Jisung groaned in annoyance and stood up as he fixed the olders shirt and his hair.

Minho pecked the younger's lips quickly and Jisung grabbed his bag. Just as he put his bag on his back some students started entering.

"Good thing we stopped" Minho chuckled.

Jisung gave a short smile,
"text me when you get out"

Minho nodded and smiled towards the younger and Jisung turned and left the room.
God Minho in that outfit was driving him crazy.

Hope you enjoyed 🤗 Wattpad is playing up and saying I still have mistakes in despite fixing them 👀

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