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Thank u so much guys for ur all lovely birthday wishes. You guys are so kind. Ur beautiful wishes made me so happy. So thank u so much.

As it is 31december, so here is the last update of 2020.

Switching on some light music, shehnaaz laid on her bed. Covering herself with the blanket shehnaaz closed her eyes. It's been an hour she came back from the shoot. Meeting her dadi and father she directly came to her room as she didn't feel like having dinner. All the events of the day started playing in her mind.

After getting back to the set. she avoid talking to anyone. She wasn't herself at that time. She completely ignored Karan except the time of their shots as she did not want to answer any of his questions. She just wanted to leave from there as soon as possible. After completing the shoot she quickly left the place as she needed to be alone for some time.

The way sidharth demanded her to go back to shoot, the way he asked her why did she came with karan all the moments were making her feel so restless. Who was he to ask her anything? Who was he to order her? Why was he behaving like that? And why did she obliged him? Why she did she agreed to his demand? How could she do that. She was getting affected by him. Why? She couldn't. He was no one to her. She couldn't let him behave with her like that. She couldn't forget that he had kidnapped her. Then how could she let him demand her anything. Why was she falling weak Infront of him. Why was she getting affected by him. Why she couldn't control herself Infront of him. What was happening to her?

Tears rolled down her eyes as she felt so helpless at the moment. All the happenings around were filling more restlessness inside her. She was loosing herself. She was not like that. She never got affected by anyone. Then why him? She kept crying holding her teddy tightly unknown to herself. Tired with the all day events and with the inner turmoil she was dealing with she didn't realise when sleep took over her.


The next two days shehnaaz avoid going out. The shooting of her song has been completed so she wanted to have some time for herself. She asked arjun not to pick any project for now. She wanted to avoid sidharth and his thoughts completely so she kept herself busy with her dadi and her father. She enjoyed the two days with them completely completely cutting off herself from the outer world. She kept her mobile off to avoid any intervention from outside. These were the last days of the year which she spent with her family.

However she kept herself busy in the days to  avoid his thoughts but at nights she couldn't escape. How much she tried but couldn't get him off her mind. She couldn't sleep well as his thoughts would keep ringing in her mind. She was somewhere afraid inside as why couldn't he just leave her alone. Why was he around her. Why couldn't he go away.

In these two days she had made her mind that she would completely avoid him. She would not give into his any demand anymore. She didn't know him and she shouldn't know him. That was all she thought to do. She somewhere knew that he was dangerous. She wasn't supposed to take him lightly. So she thought to be away from him in every way possible.


It's been two days sidharth had not seen her. After their last encounter in the cafe he tried hard to make himself understand that he shouldn't go close to her. He should avoid her completely. He was angry for what he did but he couldn't see her with that Karan  That scene burned his inside and he couldn't tolerate that. He lost his mind seeing her with him and then he couldn't control his reaction. He wanted to go away from her now. He tried hard to do the same but couldn't do so. He was loosing control on himself.

Since two days neither he saw her nor he heard her voice. Now he was getting restless to see her. He couldn't sleep since two nights as everytime he closed his eyes her angelic face would come infront of his eyes. He couldn't consentrate on his work. It never happened before. Now it was making him frustrated. Why was he behaving like this? She was affecting him to such an extent that he was loosing his mind. He was loosing his patience. He was loosing himself.

Their was a strong urge raising inside him to see her once. To feel her once close to himself. He knew he had to see her once. Only she could give him peace which he was devoid of since two days. He was realising how her presence was getting important in his life. He was fearing this only but he was not able to control that urge. That urge, that feeling was eating him up from inside and he couldn't tolerate that more.

In last two hours he had smoked a full packet but still he couldn't calm his inside. It was already 10 at night. Puffing the last cigar from the packet he made his way out.


The lights were off in the room. Only a small lamp near the bed was the source of light at the moment. Making his way towards the bed slowly he stopped near the bed. There she was sleeping holding her teddy close to her chest. The lamp light made it easy for him to admire her face. Finding tear strains on her face he felt sudden restlessness engulfing him. Why did she cry? The question came in his mind seeing hee tear stricken face.

Sitting beside her without making any noise he moved his hand towards her face. Clearing the tear strains softly with his thumb he admired her face. She felt his touch even in sleep and moved a little. But tiredness didn't let her come out of her sleep. He felt her movement as he touched her cheek. He couldn't control himself and leaning on her a little he pressed his lips at the corner of her right eye making her hold his shirt in reaction. He got scared for a moment as he felt a tug on his shirt but seeing her closed eyes he realised she was still in sleep. She was sleeping but she could feel his touch.

Moving back a little he held her small fist trying to open it without waking her up. Her holding his shirt always did something to him. He tried to avoid that feeling and slowly tried to open her fist. She was holding his shirt so tightly that her hand got red with the pressure. Removing her hold from his shirt sidharth looked at her red skin. That made him realise how sensitive her skin was. Bending his head he pressed his lips on her hand making her take a relaxing breath in her sleep. Kissing her hand he softly kept her hand on her stomach. He never knew that softness existed inside him. He never knew he could be that soft to anyone.

He kept looking at her for long two hours. She was truly looking like an angel sleeping peacefully. He kept admiring how she was holding the teddy, how she made a pout in sleep may be she was having some dream. He kept noticing her every moment. Her just infront of his eyes made his heart at peace. He was feeling peace inside which he needed so badly. Her presence was becoming important in his life. How much he tried but he couldn't deny that fact.

Around 1 in the morning he got up from the bed as he knew he had to go. Taking a deep breath he looked at her once and moved towards the balcony. He didn't know when he would see her again and the thought made him turn back again. Walking to her again he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and before he could loose his control again he just walked out.

So this is the last update of 2020.

It's gonna be 2021 in few hours. M so excited for the New Year. Hope 2021 brings us happiness, prosperity, success and good health.

Will meet in 2021 guys. Enjoy near year with the people u feel are the most important in your life.

Wishing u all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎇🎇🎆🎆

Each and everyone of us is gonna rock in 2021.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Gave a great day.

Unfortunately m dealing with fever so wrote a really short update. sorry for that. And yes i forgot yaar vote krdena and do tell me how is the chapter and i will try to update the other story too today but not sure.

God bless you All......

Junoon (Sidnaaz)✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें