~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24~

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chapter 24

Third Person POV
"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Sofia cursed as the group ran down the dark streets of their neighborhood as the street lamps began to turn on.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"I hate covering for this idiot" Sofia answered. "Every time he fucks up, I have to make an excuse for him so Mrs. Steinlidge doesn't get suspicious. What should I even tell her this time?"

"Just say he fell on his head while doing dumb shit at the party" Zane said.

"But then how am I gonna explain why he smells like throw up?" Sofia asked.

"....Upset stomach?" Jane suggested.

"...He ate something he didn't like and ended up throwing it up so we left the school and he somehow fell on his head and got a headache" Nathan said. "There's your alibi."

Sofia huffed. "Not a bad one, either. Thanks."

"No prob" Nathan said. "Now, where are we going?"

"Well, we can't go to either of our houses because we have parents there" Jane pointed out. "Plus, we have to wait for Isaac to get conscious again so we should probably go to a corner store."

"But are there any ones open here?" Zane asked.

"There's that place." Emma pointed towards a big diner that had two people still inside.

"Ma's, huh?" Xena said.

"Well, it's the closest one here" Zane shrugged.

The group ran towards the diner across the street. Emma pushed it's door open and everyone walked inside.

The diner's interior had been shaped in a simple large square. It's floor had been colored in a black and white checkered pattern while the seats in the room were all red. The tables started with a single black and white checkered table with a red booth right next to it as the pattern repeated throughout the room in a backwards 'L' formation. In front of the entrance, the red and white checkered counter laid in a backwards 'L' as well while a white room sat behind it. To the far left of the room, another room that had a leveled platform on top of it had also been visible in the room.

A short stood behind the red and white counter of the diner. She had blonde hair, turquoise eyes, and looked to be in her early forties. She wore a red, long sleeved shirt and black pants as a black apron had been wrapped around her waist.

A tall, brunette male who had also been wearing the same uniform had been sitting at one of the empty tables to the left of the room.

"Good evening, Ma'am and Sir" Emma greeted. "Are you still open to customers?"

"Of course" The woman behind the desk answered. "Welcome to our diner. May I serve you anything?"

Lucas sat Isaac down in one of the booths that was by the entrance of the door. "Could you get us a glass of water with ice in it?"

"Of course." The woman went into the room that had the platform on it.

The group sat down at the booth where Isaac had laid unconscious.

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