~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 79~

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chapter 79

Third Person POV
"UGH, WHAT THE FUCK!!" Lucas said, throwing himself onto the couch as the four got back home.

"That was the rudest thing to ever disgust my eyes" Zane frowned.

"The hell is wrong with that lady?" Nathan asked. "Yelling at her daughter as if she did anything wrong!"

"I'm assuming from your loud cursing that you're all upset?" Lillian asked, walking out of the kitchen.

"Sorry Miss Lillian, we're just pressed" Jane apologized.

"About what?" Lillian asked, sitting next to Lucas.

"Emma's mom" Lucas answered. "Emma didn't even drink with us and yet she's yelling at her! She didn't even let Emma talk and had the nerve to call her all these things that she's not."

"That lady is deranged and too overprotective" Zane answered. "Some people just don't deserve to have children. Mama Diddlebee, my ass."

Lillian's eyes widened in shock. "What did you call her?"

Jane laid her head on Lillian's legs. "It doesn't matter, anyways. Not like she was gonna give us her real—"

"No no, Mama WHAT?!"

"Diddlebee" Zane answered. "It's Emma's last name. Weird, right?"

Lillian's mouth was next to go agape, her face showing utter horror and shock.

"Mom, are you alright? Your face is kinda—"

"Listen. What did she look like?"

"Erm....she has like this grassy eye color kind of, but it was like a bit darker?" Zane tried to describe. "Oh, and she had small bags under her eyes with brown hair like Emma."

"Don't forget about when she yelled 'Erica' out of nowhere" Lucas added.

"She also had like this visible black mole on her cheek, on the left one I thi—Hey!" Jane tried to describe.

Lillian sprung out of her chair, running towards the bin that had her photo albums in it.


"Miss Lillian, are you okay?" Jane got up, starting to sound worried. "You're starting to scare me."


Lillian pulled out a blue photo album and flipping through the pages.

"Okay, something is really wrong here!" Nathan addressed.

"No, no!" Lillian closed the book, going into the bin for another one. "¡¡MALDITA SEA!!"

"Ooh, are we going through old memories?" Nora came out of nowhere, slipping herself onto the couch.

"Here, HERE!" Lillian held open a grey album, holding it up in front of the teens.

There was only one photo that was shown on the file. It was a picture of two girls that were standing in front of a tree. The girls looked like teenagers, one was smiling holding up her deuces while the other wasn't smiling and had a poker face on.

"¿El?—Does the girl who's not smiling look exactly like the woman you guys saw?!"

"...Yeah, actually" Zane answered. "Without that short hair she had, she'd look exactly like she did to that girl in the picture."

Twisted DeceptionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora