~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 82~

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chapter 82

Third Person POV
The next morning was a hectic one.

Trinity and Lillian had been dressed in their formal attire, Trinity in a grey suit with black heels, her hair flipped over to the left side of her face and Lillian in a white collared long sleeve with black pants, a black tie, and black high heels with her hair tied in a bun.

They were in the kitchen, quickly whipping up some pancakes with omelettes sprinkled with parsley, topped with bacon and a small container of syrup as they stored them in seven clear casings.

Even though they were making breakfast quicker than the clock could tick, they still managed to keep their clothes unstained.

"Um, Mom, Aunt Trinity? Why are you packing us breakfast?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, our time is limited" Lillian answered, folding the sixth pancake so it would fit into the box. "As in our meeting time."

"Yeah, which is why I'm helping" Trinity added.


"Phew! Just in the nick of time!" Trinity wiped sweat from her forehead.

"Alright, take your breakfast and go to school!" Lillian ordered, washing her hands.

The teens all looked at each other before going into the kitchen and grabbing one of the five containers.

Lillian walked into the living room, grabbing her black blazer from off the couch and putting it on. She then put her keys into her handbag along with her shades and a black face mask.

"Trinity, come on!"

Trinity swiftly walked out of the kitchen with two of the containers in hand. She handed Lillian a box before putting her black face mask.

"Alright you five, have a good day at school!"

With that, Lillian and Trinity walked out of the house as Adonis' black mustang stayed still outside.

"Um...okay?" Nathan shrugged. "Let's head to school, I guess?"


Zane tapped his lip with his pen as he stared his laptop screen, trying to figure out his story idea in the most realistic way possible.

"Zane, you've been staring at your computer for two minutes and yet it's a blank document" Jane spoke out. "Is something wrong?"

Zane sighed. "No, I'm just trying to figure out the dialogue along with the plot twists."

"Oh, you've decided the type of story you want?" Xena asked.

"Yeah, the story is circled around dukes and duchesses that come from their own kingdoms" Zane explained. "Problem is I don't know what type of plot I want to keep things interesting."

"Do you know what they're like?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah" Zane answered. "The female role is for Anastasia, the duchess of Riverbay. She's rude to other dukes due to the fact that every duke around the world has tried for her hand in marriage. However, she turn softer and becomes more open once she meets the duke of Heisenberg, name still being processed. The duke, well, he's supposed to be a dreamboat but is mistaken for an arrogant player though he has a prince-like character."

"Ugh, sounds annoying" Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like someone we know" Lucas said.

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