~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 89~

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chapter 89

Nathan's POV
The ambulance arrived at Logan's house in under five minutes just as we got into the building.

Once we got in, Sofia ran up to give Logan a comforting hug while I carried Ariel's limp body out of the building.

As paramedic grabbed Ariel's body, I saw everyone else pull up in Lucas' car. At the same time, Sofia came out of the apartment with Logan's shaking body on her arms.

"Sir, would you and the woman like to travel in the vehicle?"

"Yes" I answered, getting into the ambulance with Sofia behind me.

The ambulance's doors closed and sped off away as the paramedics tried to keep Ariel stable.


We arrived at the hospital in under five minutes.

I watched the nurses wheel Ariel into the ER while I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Logan was already passed out on Sofia's arms while Sofia rested her head against my shoulder.


I turned to my left to see the group running up to us with worried yet confused faces.

"Are you two okay?" Jane asked.

"Yeah" I mumbled. "Why didn't you guys stay at the party?"

"Um, hello?! We were worried about you" Jane answered. "Why would we stay when our best friend in a panic?"

"Sofia, what was that all about?" Isaac asked. "One moment, we were having fun at the party and the next, you just run out?! Matter of fact, who's the kid?!"

Sofia didn't answer, just sucked in a breath.

"Are either of you gonna explain this?" Isaac asked.


"Stop with the questions already!"

We all turned around to see Mom, Dad, and Adonis come through the door.

"Nathan, Sofia, you better have a good reason for all of this commotion!" Mom looked down at Sofia. "And you better start it of by telling me who that child is."

I sighed. "I knew this day would come. Guess there's no point in hiding it now."

Sofia looked down, stroking Logan's hair.

"Guys, this is Logan" I introduced. "He's...the person I always visited. In short, I've been taking care of him for two and a half years now and had Sofia help on the days that I had to work with Vincent."

"Is that why Vincent wouldn't tell us anything when we asked about you?" Das asked.

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Mom asked.

"I wanted to...but I couldn't" I answered. "I made a promise to Logan that I wouldn't tell anyone about this."

"Why?" Adonis asked.

"...He said he didn't want to get Ariel in trouble" I answered. "Look, the only reason I agreed was because he was only five back then. I didn't want him getting hurt, especially in that type of neighborhood, so...I agreed to take care of him in his mom's absence in exchange for keeping it secret. I know it was wrong to do so, so I'm sorry."

"I apologize as well, for being an accomplice in this" Sofia added. "I only wanted to gain Sin and Logan's trust, but I never meant to cause any tension between anyone."

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