~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 58~

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chapter 58

Nathan's POV
I parked my motorcycle outside Lia's Pizza Paradise just in time for my reservation to check in, which was around twelve in the afternoon.

Sofia was wrapped behind me while Logan was strapped in front of me.

I don't know why but Sofia was still dressed in that sports sweater, even though she told me she was gonna change.

"Wow, never heard of this place before" Sofia said, getting off the bike.

"Seriously? It's been here since I was like...born" I told her, unstrapping Logan.

"Never been around this neighborhood, I guess" Sofia shrugged. "Anyways, what did you bring us to?"

I grabbed Logan's hand and walked towards the rectangular-shaped building with Sofia silently walking next to us. As soon as we stepped through the automated sliding doors, we were greeted to the sound of button pressing, giggling, and tiny brats running around.

Logan's eyes lit up in excitement while Sofia's widened in shock.

"You brought us to an arcade?" Sofia asked.

"Look, it was all I could think of on such short notice" I shoved my hands in my pockets, "but if you don't wanna play, you—"

"Shh!" Sofia put her hand over my mouth, shushing me. "Less talking, more gaming! Come on, Logan!"

"Yay!" Logan cheered.

Sofia pulled her hand off my mouth and instead grabbed my arm, pulling the both of us towards the front desk where we were supposed to get our bucket of tokens.

"What? You don't wanna play?" Sofia asked.

I was left in awe before I smirked down at her. "Who said I wasn't gonna? I was just tryna see whether I could call your bluff, brat."

Sofia scoffed. "In your dreams."

"Well then, show me just how good you think you are at these" I said.

Sofia continued to pull me towards the front desk as Logan bounced up and down in front of us. For the entirety of our stay, we gamed and gamed until every last golden token was drained from us. In total, Sofia and I collected forty five tickets, me getting twenty, Sofia getting twenty, and Logan getting five.

Using those tickets, we bought two voice-changers, a small, brown teddy bear, and fuzzy nose glasses.


When the three of us got back home, it had already been nine o' clock at night so we each took a shower.

"Man, you'd think most of those games would actually be fun" Sofia sighed as she walked into the kitchen, dressed in a black, oversized t-shirt and shorts.

"They were fun." Logan put the glasses on.

"No, they actually weren't" I agreed. "I'm just glad I got the voice-changers."

"Why?" Sofia asked.

"Can you imagine the prank calls?" I said through the voice-changer, making my voice go from deep to raspy.

Sofia shook her head. "Can we eat now? I can't go to sleep on an empty stomach."

"Way ahead of you." I opened the pizza box, taking two slices and putting it on my plate.

I also put a slice on Logan's plate and passed him his green cup filled with orange soda. Sofia also grabbed two slices of pizza and added the whole box of chicken wings to her meal.

"Are you sure you can eat that whole box?" I asked.

Sofia bit off a piece from her pizza. "Sin, it's not hard to eat a box filled with twenty pieces of chicken wings in one go. It's the same as eating twenty pieces of chicken nuggets."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, you ate twenty chicken nuggets in one go?" Logan asked.

"Yup." Sofia took out a chicken wing, sinking her teeth into it. "I have no regrets."

"...I wanna do that, too" Logan mumbled.

"Well, when you're older and have two stomachs like me, maybe then you'll be able to do it" I shrugged, stealing one of Sofia's chicken wings.

"Hey, get your own, pal!" Sofia said, hovering her arm over the box while the other snatched the chicken out my hand.

"What? Your appetite is suddenly more important?" I asked.

"Indeed it is, you one brained insect" Sofia answered. "I may be nice enough to share other foods, but chicken ain't one of 'em."

I huffed. "A one brained insect, that's the first."

"What?" Sofia asked.

"Nothing" I shook my head.

"You have two stomachs?" Logan asked, changing the subject. "Does it feel weird?"

"I don't mean it literally" Sofia giggled. "It's like...when you eat a whole plate of food but you're still hungry so you get more."

"OHHH!" Logan said.

I shook my head, smiling.

For the entirety of the night, the three of us had just done random shit until we tired ourselves out. It had been one of the most eventful things to happen in the house for a long time and honestly, I was here for it.

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